The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 194: It's a bit late, boy!

The United States has always been a very efficient country, especially when preparing to compete with others. Both diplomatic and military preparations were very quick. Roosevelt’s proposal soon received support from the US government and some members of the parliament. Various preliminary contacts have also begun. U.S. ambassador to Germany military attache Major Benson was sent to Munich to contact Ruprecht.

"I know the purpose of your coming here, and I also know what you want to say. But unfortunately, it's a bit late now. The two battleships Nissin and Izumo have been handed over to the Japanese, and they will soon bring them. The two warships returned home. I can do nothing."

"As for the other two warships ordered by Brazil, Brazil did not arrange enough manpower to accept these two warships in a short period of time, so they hired the British to drive the two warships to Britain first, and then wait for the Brazilians to go. Accept. Therefore, the control of these two warships will be directly transferred to the British." The prince said while looking at Benson who was just sitting down and preparing to speak.

"The British helped the Brazilians pick up the ship? That is to say, before the Brazilians arrived, the control of the two ships was in the hands of the British?" Benson said in surprise.

"Now the control is still in our hands, but we must hand it over to the British when the work is completed." His Royal Highness added.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'm coming to Munich to make a deal with His Royal Highness." Benson said and took a check out of his purse. "This check can be accepted by any multinational bank and accepted by the U.S. government, and you can write a number that you think is okay. And we have only one condition, and that is to transfer this warship to America! We will pay for shipbuilding separately."

"The maximum acceptance limit for this check is 200,000 pounds. The US government intends to use 200,000 pounds to buy a right that can be delivered upon expiration. What does your government consider this matter? Is it an option transaction? This The two warships already have buyers, unless the Brazilian government is willing to give up, otherwise, if we refuse to deliver or postpone delivery, we will bear huge compensation! This amount of money is not enough to compensate! Not to mention if you do not buy it due If you do, these two battleships will fall into our hands. Tell me, if you were me, would you make this deal?" His Royal Highness said angrily.

"Our government is already trying to convince the Brazilian government. Through various channels." Benson wiped a cold sweat and said. In fact, he also knows that he has very few chips now. Because this matter is not operating by the US government, but by some people in the US government, many things are not on the stage!

"You are lying, your government has not come forward at all! Of course, there may be some people communicating through private channels or other unofficial channels, but I definitely can't trust the 2.4 million pounds business on some private channels, right? ?"

"Moreover, what I can tell you clearly is that the British government requires the Brazilian government to receive these two warships and cannot transfer them to others. I have accurate information. Well, on the one hand, some people in your country and the other On the one hand, the British government, tell me, who should I believe?" His Royal Highness's sharp rhetorical question left Benson speechless. In fact, the fundamental reason for choosing him to come to Bavaria instead of the US ambassador to Germany was that Benson was Roosevelt." People in the circle". The ambassador to Germany is not, so this contact is also unofficial!

"If you can help us this time, then you will reap our friendship. Funding will certainly not go wrong, and the continuous financial support from the United States will greatly promote the development of Bavaria. You know Mr. Roosevelt, he He is a very capable and well-connected person. There are quite a lot of people behind him. It is possible to become the president of the United States in the future. You will reap the friendship of a country at that time." Benson almost begged Said the tone.

"I used to pay for this friendship, but no matter what Mr. Roosevelt or other people gave me warnings ignored. I sincerely wanted to be friends with them. But all I gained was contempt and threats! They thought they had behind them. A powerful country can point fingers at me. I countered their arrogant actions with practical actions, and when my prophecy was fulfilled, they came to me in a panic. Unfortunately, everything was too late. !"

"People must be responsible for what they do. You have to pay the price if you do something wrong! There is only one opportunity for many things in the world. Missed or wrong choices will lead to irreversible situations! I have no reason to help you now, There is no reason to offend the most powerful country in the world for a possible friendship. Not only I can’t, even Germany won’t do it!”

"Anything needs to pay a price, I can do something I can do. These things are clearly marked. The behavior of some of your people prevents me from seeing the basis of friendship, so everything we do will be It's business. That's good, Mr. Benson, tell me what you want me to do, and then give me a suitable price!" The prince finished speaking and leaned on the chair behind him, staring at the person in front of him.

"We need German ports in the to provide supplies to the US Far East Fleet. But the Prime Minister of your country is a very cautious person, or a little pro-British. In Germany, he has the ability to influence Prime Minister Bismarck. There are not many people, you count as one of them. I hope you can convince the prime minister. If this thing is successful, the check will still be valid, and you will still get our friendship.” Benson said.

"This matter can be considered." The prince thought for a while and said, only by fighting between Japan and the United States can they bury a nail that is difficult to remove between the United States and Britain! And the harder the fight, the better. Therefore, in order for the Americans to make up their minds to fight against Japan, His Royal Highness must provide the Americans with some help within his capacity. For example, this base issue is a good entry point, although His Royal Highness is not optimistic about the Americans' cross-ocean war. But it is precisely because they are not optimistic that the Americans must play this game!

In addition, for some diplomatic matters, His Royal Highness also needs to confuse Prime Minister Bismarck and William II. The outbreak of the Spanish-American War is one aspect, but how can Germany benefit from this change? It is another important aspect!

"I will go to Berlin in person, and hope that what you have said can be fulfilled." His Royal Highness finished saying that Benson could leave.

Thanks to book friends Leng Hao Hue, Fang Zhan 2004, hyh6319079, Shu Shu, Ye Tong 2015 for their rewards~~~, and book friends flydragon, n for monthly ticket support~~~, please subscribe for rewards~~~!