The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 196: Trading plan pass!

"From an economic point of view, I cannot refuse your country’s conditions, but we must not only consider economic issues, but also the diplomatic and political issues that arise. We have a lot of business dealings with the British, Even if there is no military conflict between the two sides, the British can still take many measures to deal with us. And this gain cannot offset our loss." Nicholas II shook his head and said.

"What I'm talking about is only the funding for the purchase of ships. The material and economic losses the British brought to your country will naturally be compensated by other means! What about the 80 million rubles national debt? After your country agrees to our terms, three Within this month, the United States of America will subscribe for 40 million rubles of national debt, and when the fleet is handed over to us, we will subscribe for the remaining 40 million national debt in no more than two months!" Day said.

"Hehe, it's a pity that you can't represent your country, otherwise I will trust you more." Nicholas II smiled slightly, and there was no attitude in the language.

"Whether what I say is trustworthy can be proved by time. If your majesty agrees to this transaction, then we will subscribe for at least 15 million rubles of foreign debt in the next month. During this time period, you have no loss. It can even be said that you had no loss before the delivery. Didn't you?" Day said with a smile.

Although Day is not an official representative of the U.S. government, it is undeniable that he is backed by the president, the Navy, and a considerable number of members of Congress, as well as the big entrepreneurs and financiers behind them. National debt does not mean giving away for nothing. After subscribing, you can still benefit if you operate properly. Therefore, the cost of persuading the American business community to subscribe for a batch of national debt is not high. The most important thing is that if the Spanish-American War breaks out, the fleet expansion is inevitable. At this time, Russia’s willingness to sell the fleet is naturally what the Americans can’t ask for, whether it’s buying ships. It is not a question of funding or subscribing to the remaining national debt.

"This proposal is very interesting." Nicholas II had to admit that he was defeated by the wealthy American emperor with money. To be honest, the current Nicholas II is very dissatisfied with his funder, France. Not only because of this ship purchase incident, he discovered that the French had gradually controlled Russia's politics and military through money! Do you want to build the Far East Railway? Do you want a better weapon? Need money? I can give it to you! But you must listen to me! I let you buy whoever you buy! You have no choice!

The intervention of the Americans not only gave the Russians a chance to make a fortune, but also allowed the Tsar to see the hope of getting rid of French economic control and ensuring a diversified source of funds! If there are two or more countries providing financial support to Russia, then Russia’s financial environment and autonomy will definitely be much better than it is now. Therefore, even if the funds provided by the Americans are not much compared to France, but It was also an excellent start, in this case Nicholas II could hardly think of a reason for rejection!

"I agree with this matter in principle. I have to discuss the details with my ministers, but I think Brigadier General Shelly next to you can already talk about handover matters with General Makanov." King La II agreed to this matter in principle. This made Dai Yi breathe a sigh of relief, everyone can talk about the details slowly, anyway, there is still time!

In the eyes of ordinary people, since the big guys agree, can we just talk about the handover? It's actually not so easy! the reason is simple! Now the main force of the Russian fleet is stationed in Vladivostok! At this time, Russia has not yet passed the signing with the Qing country! What is Vladivostok? If Americans want to ship in February, it is almost impossible! If you want to go out in March, you also need an icebreaker to clear the way. How to handover, when to handover, and logistics supplies, etc. need to be talked slowly.

Fortunately, the Americans already have a plan! "Your country can let some warships go to the south of Qing Dynasty to avoid freezing at the end of 1897. For example, the French concession in Shanghai is a very good place. Then you can also carry out training in the Far East, and supply and maintenance can be carried out in the French concession area. , If you need to hang the bottom of the boat, you can go to the German base in the Pacific." Shelly made his own proposal.

"This is no problem. But I am more interested in some of the reasons. I always feel that your country is hiding something, for example, why do you buy cruisers? If it is only a guarantee that the island of Hawaii will be included in the territory of the United States of America It doesn’t seem to be that strenuous.” Makanov didn’t have much interest in communicating the details of ship delivery. This is not his main task. The specific matters are handled by the commander of the Far East Fleet, and his task is through the other party. The naval deployment understands what the Americans think.

"Our battleships have low freeboards and are not suitable for ocean deployment. Moreover, our fleets in the Far East are cruisers, so we naturally want to buy cruisers to strengthen our fleet. The speed of the fleet is an important tactical indicator. You should be very clear. This." Shelley said.

"In fact, if you are just strengthening the cruiser force, your country’s several cruisers on the mainland are a good choice. The Brooklyn and New York, plus several other warships in service, can completely replace Rurik and other warships. What is the reason that you would rather spend a lot of money to buy warships instead of calling the remaining warships of your country? I would like to know why Makanov is very dissatisfied with Shelly's explanation.

"I feel that this is not a question we should discuss. As generals, what we need is to implement the will of the country. Why do we buy and why your country sells that is a big deal, and all we need to do is complete the delivery of the battleship, you Is it true? And your curiosity is a bit too great. What we signed was originally a secret agreement. If we let outsiders know something that shouldn’t be known, it won’t end well for you and me, don’t you think?” Xie Li smiled Said.

"It makes sense, but I hope that in the near future, these warships can return to Russia safely. I always feel that something big is happening." Makanov said pointedly.

"Actually, the transaction between the two countries is a major event. You are right." Shelly also slapped haha. It is the end of this matter.

On December 8, 1897, Russia and the United States finally reached an agreement on the issue of fleet transfer, and when all the dust settled, the Admiralty, dominated by Roosevelt and Simpson, finally began to make the finals for the forthcoming Spanish-American War. Plan! At this time, the Spaniards adjusted their fleet deployment for the last time.

Thanks to book friends haifeng90, Fang Zhan 2004, book friends 160524210113703, crazy_wolf of the gale for their rewards~~~, and book friends youbo, Yi Yinyun, Huang Qian, Yuan Xuanshuo, a soldier who loves to use Thomson The monthly pass supports ~~~. Please subscribe for a reward~~~! !