The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 174: Bull Legion One

"You Boers have so many horses and large livestock, why don't you bring more firing guns?" After walking around the Boer Republic, Caliput was suddenly messed up. The wealth of the Boers exceeded his expectations, and the large number of horses exceeded previous guesses. Calypte began to think that the Boers didn't like heavy equipment. In addition to the guerrilla style, the other thing was the lack of large livestock, but now it looks completely different! One word is lazy!

Do the Boers lack livestock? There may be a lack of regular cavalry to use horses, but there is absolutely no shortage of livestock such as ordinary horses or cattle. After all, most of the more than 200,000 people are highly agricultural, and a considerable number of people have farms, and black helpers are still employed on the farms. When the Boer War hit the end of 1901, the Boers were exhausted, but even so, they could still collect 5,000 cavalry, and they rushed for thousands of miles to kill directly near Cape Town!

People with a little bit of common sense in later generations are fine. Measure the distance from the Eastern Cape to Cape Town on the Baidu map and know that this distance is definitely not close! 5000 cavalry! Doesn't it mean there are only 5,000 horses! In order to support this cavalry, quite a lot of logistics is needed, not to mention, every horse needs 5KG of concentrate for the daily feed! The transportation capacity required for this logistics must be a large number, and at this time the Boers can still gather such a large mobile corps. Think about the wealth of this family!

If the limited railway transportation capacity is excluded, the Boer army can still guarantee higher mobility compared to the British even if equipped with a large amount of heavy equipment. British horses need to be transported from other places. As the largest organized farmer in the area, the Boers pull their horses from their own farms! Can the difficulty be the same?

"All the old-style medium-caliber artillery and small-caliber artillery should be swept into the historical garbage dump. In order to ensure the convenience of logistical supplies, in order for your country's army to have sufficient attack capabilities, what your country needs are these things!" Cary Putt pointed to a short, very stocky-looking heavy artillery in the distance.

"The SFH95 150MM heavy howitzer that Bavaria grandly withdrew has a barrel length of 15L. The effective range is 7200 meters. The projectile weight is 42KG, and the muzzle velocity is 450 meters per second. The launch gun weighs 2500KG." Listening to Calypte Introduced, Kruger felt that his eyelids had been jumping. He never understood. Why do I have to equip a gun that is 1 ton heavier than a 75MM rapid-fire gun and has a slightly shorter range?

"What? You asked me why I recommend this artillery? The reason is simple! The firepower is fierce!" Calypte pointed to a forest not far away. Then motioned to the German gunner next to him. A German artillery squad immediately aimed and reloaded according to the calculated distance. With a loud noise, the huge artillery barrel suddenly shrank back. A huge fireball flew to a distant target. After a violent explosion, bushes and trees within 30 meters in diameter were all broken into pieces by powerful grenades!

"This is a good reason, isn't it?" Calypte said to the stunned Kruger with a smile. There is only one reason why Caliput requires the Boers to be equipped with such heavy firepower, and that is power! At least for now, there should be no fortifications or bunkers that can withstand the power of this artillery in the entire South Africa. The 75MM cannon weighs more than 7KG. This 42KG shell is almost 6 times the former! Although artillery like Miss 75 may have an advantage in range, considering the tactics used by ordinary people at this time, these artillery are more used for direct aiming and shooting, and for direct aiming, the actual combat distances of both sides are similar. As a result, one side is 150MM heavy artillery and the other is 75MM artillery. It is really clear who wins and who loses in a fight!

Of course, there should be such heavy artillery, and better. Historically, the British had a record of dismantling 4.7-inch or even 6-inch naval guns and placing a gun mount as a land artillery. When faced with this kind of hard stubble, this army howitzer would kneel down in terms of range and power. Yes, but at least before the arrival of the British heavy artillery, the Boer regular army equipped with a certain number of 150MM artillery has a quality advantage. Of course, the mobility of the force will definitely decrease.

According to Caliput’s idea, he planned to provide a special siege mortar unit for the Boers, equipped with the 210MM heavy mortar that had just been eliminated from the Bavarian army. Ready to contribute to Bavaria's military and military changes, but think about this muzzle velocity is only more than 100 meters per second. The artillery, which weighs more than 2 tons and has a range of less than 2,000 meters, is said to be too specialized in its role, and it is too bad to say that it has too much influence on its reputation. At the same time, 80% of the Boers who were considering would not accept the account, so they gave up.

In order to ensure the frontal and deadly firepower, Kaliput concentrated on strengthening the firepower configuration of Transvaal’s army. All barrel artillery uses two calibers, one is a 75MM rapid-fire gun, and the other is a 150MM heavy howitzer. . From the perspective of strength. Transvaal can concentrate about 43,000 troops. Although considering the composition of the soldiers, there is a big, but it is not a big problem to get an elite division.

According to the organization of the German division in the future, a division will have 72 artillery guns of various barrels, a total of 12 companies with 6 guns, most of which are 105MM light howitzers, and the rest are a small number of 75MM guns and 18 150MM heavy howitzers. . The Boer’s troops are discounted. This elite division has about 20,000 troops, making it the most powerful field force in the Transvaal Republic. The number of artillery owned remains 72! However, in addition to 12 150MM heavy howitzers, the remaining 60 artillery are all 75MM rapid-fire guns.

In addition to regular howitzers and rapid-fire guns, the Boer’s favorite mortars are naturally indispensable. You can get 82MM mortars after starting from the first level of the company. Even under normal circumstances, there are company-level 60MM guns. At the regiment level, there are 120MM mortars. With machine guns, the Boers had as much firepower as the Germans of the same period in the regiment-scale battle.

This firepower may be far inferior to that of the German regular army division during the First World War, but it is very NB compared to the divisional units of other powers of this era. The elite troops supported by Transway's annual financial income of nearly 4 million pounds are really different.

Thanks to the book friends Hollow Carnation, Eternal Romance, Anzhe Lake, the stars soaring in the universe, bighill1982 for their rewards~~~, and the monthly support of the book friends, the old students, Harvard Street, and Yi Yinyun~~~ There is a watch, please subscribe~~~, ask for a reward~~~!