The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 175: Boer Legion II

Increasing the number of artillery, while increasing the firepower, also means an increase in logistical pressure. Germany now has an army of about 46,000 people and needs about 14,000 horses. Excluding the transport units that belong to the army, a division needs at least 5500 to 6000 horses. There are more than 1,200 large vehicles that need to be transported. Therefore, in order to ensure the horses and vehicles needed for logistics, Caliput suggested that the Boers re-select and replace the horse breeds, and ensure that the specifications of the carts are consistent.

It’s true that the Boers have a lot of horses. But Maduo does not mean that there is a horse governance! For the same 1,000 horses, the horses of the warlords of the Beiyang era are obviously different from those of the European powers! The former is just to make up the number, while the latter is obtained through scientific Ma Zheng. The people of Boer also have this problem. Although the base number is large, the number of horses that are really useful is limited. Most of the horses are drawn from various farms. What do you want?

Generally speaking, it takes more than ten years for Ma Zheng to see the effect, and he can slowly cultivate and optimize. It was clear that the Boers did not have this time. Therefore, the plan proposed by Calipute is to introduce and select from local fine varieties together. The introduction, naturally, is to buy from Bavaria, a good friend of the Boers. As for local selection, naturally it is first to choose the best from various horses, and then as a reserve horse. As for the cart? This is much easier to make than horses, just don’t you just pay a portion of the money and unify the specifications?

Boers used cavalry in guerrilla warfare and harassment warfare in history, and the effect was very good. Ruprecht knew this very well, so before Calypte came to Africa, His Royal Highness gave Calypte specifically about his understanding of cavalry. Generally speaking, it's nothing. To put it bluntly, everyone should cut down the cold weapons and use them as high-mobility infantry on horseback. And this is still light infantry, don't even think about artillery over 75mm.

"In future battles, it is unrealistic to use cavalry to attack the infantry with relatively complete firepower. The cavalry's wall and saber can't stop the firepower of artillery and machine gun. Therefore, the future cavalry will mainly serve as a reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance force. And harassing forces behind enemy lines."

"As a reconnaissance force. On the one hand, cavalry can use their mobility to search for opponents. At the same time, they can form a cavalry screen to block the opponent's reconnaissance. When necessary, with the cooperation of other arms, they can assault the opponent's command or artillery positions. unit."

"Your idea of ​​using a large number of cavalry for guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines can still be used in South Africa. After all, South Africa has a large area, but if you draw out thousands of cavalry, it will be a little bit stressful for your country. A Boolean country is in charge. Your cavalry should work with the main force in regiments."

"A cavalry regiment should consist of 600 to 700 cavalry. They should be equipped with 4 machine guns and 6 mortars. The main combat division should have 2 or so cavalry regiments, one of which is responsible for reconnaissance and the other as a mobile force. . And the total number of cavalry regiments your country has should be about five, of which two are accompanied by the main division, and the other two are responsible for other tasks. The last cavalry regiment acts as a reserve." This is what the Cavalry Plan says.

"The 5 cavalry regiments and 1 main combat division already have about 23,000 troops, and the total force we can mobilize is only about 40,000. How do you plan to arrange the remaining 17,000?" Kruger once asked this after the formation of the main division and the cavalry regiment.

In fact, his other meaning is that the 23,000 hardcover soldiers have almost squeezed out all the elite of Transvaal. If they continue to do so, the reserve force will definitely be insufficient. After all, the Boers recruited from the age of 16. 60-year-old male member. There must be a lot of sand behind the seemingly high recruitment ratio!

"From this, another 6000 people will be transferred to form 6 independent militia reserve and garrison units. The remaining personnel can be used as engineers and logistics transport units. However, in general, I still think that the military strength of the Boer Republic is really limited, if possible. If that is the case, we can enlist the blacks as a transportation and auxiliary force.” Calipt finally gave a vague answer.

The elite troops are all young adults. The garrison can be middle-aged and young. The remaining unsuitable personnel will be used as logistic units, but even so, the Boer army is limited by the population base. In fact, the strength of the army is still tense. Once a large gap appears in the front line after the war, some heavy equipment must be discarded in order to maintain mobility. In modern times, the sign of the loss of combat effectiveness of many troops is not by the loss of personnel but by the equipment. Loss rate,

So Calypte is not only worried about the loss of combatants, but also more worried about the lack of logistics and labor. So after realizing that the Boers lack human resources. Calypte strongly urges to build a good relationship with blacks. This is a national war and requires all forces to be concentrated. Even if part of the territory was given up, it would not hesitate to give it to the blacks. Can be retaken after the war... Once lost to the British, then there is no chance at all!

"In fact, it doesn’t matter if you give part of your old equipment to the Zulus in exchange for the other’s The old weapons in your hands lack parts and ammunition, and they are very old. They are useless except for hunting. , They will not pose a threat to the Boer army armed with German weapons. If we can exchange guns and money for black support and labor, then our manpower shortage will ease a lot.” Calypte once This proposal was made to Kruger more than once.

"We have been improving the relationship between black people. Although the effect is not very good, many black tribes have taken a neutral attitude. Although the Zulu people have hatred with us, they have more conflicts with the British, especially Zulu. This is especially true for chiefs and nobles. I will consider your suggestions." Kruger said after much consideration.

The wheel of history is rolling forward. Just when Caliput is doing his best to advise the Boers, Prince Ruprecht, who has just finished his work a while ago, has not had time to take a rest again. Train to Berlin. This invitation issued in the name of the Prussian Central Government and the Admiralty made Ruprecht aware of a very important thing, that is, the real construction of the German Navy is about to begin!

Sorry, today the author was dizzy and he accidentally passed the message. However, all subscribed readers will not be affected. I'm so sorry.

The next chapter will begin to build the navy~~~, please subscribe~~~~! Ask for a reward~~~~!