The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 173: It's a man who has to be straight ahead!

Maybe someone said. Wouldn't it be death to let the 50,000 Boer front-line troops resist more than 200,000 British troops? Nonsense, at this time, it's just a matter of death and different methods of death. The key is to seize the early stage! You know, the Boers have an advantage in the beginning.

The British still underestimated the enemy. They underestimated the Boers’ financial and mobilization capabilities. The reason why the British dared to fight the Boer War was what the Boers thought about? The total is only more than 200,000, and the two Boer republics are both plateaus, very flat and have railways. What they need to deal with is the outdated 2,000 to 3,000 Boer militia. How many people are there in the British Empire in South Africa? More than 20,000! Whether it is equipment, number of people, or supplies, it is a proper crushing advantage, what are you afraid of? Just go straight!

As a result, when the war started, the British were dumbfounded. The first wave of Bourges concentrated 35,000 troops, which is almost twice the strength of the entire British troops stationed in southern Africa! So the Boers had an advantage at the beginning, but unfortunately, this advantage did not play out. Or it can't be beaten.

Krueger has a good strategy. After the start of the war, the Boer army launched a centripetal attack on the Eastern Cape. The center of the attack was Durban Port. At the same time, one of the other two troops cut off the connection between the Cape and Rhodesia, and the other one went south. , Cut off the ties between the Eastern Cape and Western Cape. Generally speaking, the mobilization of troops at that time mainly relied on ships and railways. Without these two, if they climbed slowly by themselves, the speed was not as fast as the Napoleonic army... After all, there are more people and more equipment.

It is of strategic significance for the Boers to attack the Eastern Cape. First of all, there are a large number of Boers in the Eastern Cape. Everyone must take care of each other. The other key is to occupy Durban. Power, occupied Durban. The British can also easily blockade the surrounding waters, but after losing their foothold on land, it is not so easy to counterattack. The three forces cut the entire Eastern Cape like three knives.

The idea is very good. But it wasn't like that at all. Not only did Durban fail, but Rhodes didn't get it.... On the one hand, we must ensure the siege of the city, and on the other hand, we must resist the British troops coming from Cape Town. The most tragic Boers must leave nearly half of their troops to defend against the blacks! So you can imagine how many troops can be used for frontal combat against the British!

Boers started with only 35,000. There were 4,000 troops besieging Rhodes alone, and with the addition of troops from other areas, the Boers would not have more than 20,000 British troops against the direction of Cape Town! But it is this fact that the troops still performed well in the field. The 30,000 British troops under the command of the British commander Buhler had nothing to do in the face of the Boer's line of defense. On the contrary, he was beaten to lose the soldiers.

However, the good days of the Boers soon turned over. From the start of the war to the present, the Boers have succeeded in gaining an advantage by relying on their savvy troops, but five months have passed, and this period of time has been enough for the British Empire to concentrate its forces on the mountain Call here! At this time, the Boer army did not take down the place that should be taken, and the troops were distracted. In the face of hundreds of thousands of British troops, the so-called main force of the Boers obviously has no room for jumping. The real front-line mobile force is much lower than the total force, then the result is very obvious, and someone has arrived at home!

Before Calypte came, Ruprecht, who was Ruprecht, had analyzed the situation of the Boer War to Calypte based on his own memory. Although in general, His Royal Highness was still not optimistic about the Boers, But in line with the principle of making the British bleed, let him bleed as much as possible, Prince Ruprecht still formulated a more practical tactic!

In fact, from a purely tactical point of view. This tactic is no different from Kruger's idea. After the war, the concentrated force quickly took the Port of Durban, and before the British could react, they obtained a batch of supplies from the sea. Then they concentrated their forces to bring the entire Natal area under their control. And ensure the strategic depth, and then focus the main force of the Boer army to meet the British army from the direction of Cape Town.

The key lies in strategy. First of all, in order to realize this plan, the Boers must concentrate a sufficiently strong field force, and have a strong attack capability and a complete logistics system. The guerrilla style of fighting wherever you go must be abandoned. The Boers have a large army of 88,000 people. According to the establishment, there are also 2 armies. The troops are not much less than the Bavarian army. On the other hand, you must shake hands with the surrounding African chiefs to make peace, so you have to pay a lot of money and even part of the land must first stabilize these people!

44% of the Boer army is used to defend the black buddies on the northern line! If these tens of thousands of fresh troops join the offensive in the early stages of the war, many troubles will be solved. In the middle and late stages of the war, the Boers were fighting British guerrillas, while Africans were fighting Boer guerrillas... What a tragic thing this is, so the British can win the Boer War and they should also give a medal to the black buddies in Africa!

As for how long the Boers can last, it is difficult to say. After all, where is the British national strength, but the Boers also have advantages. After all, they are fighting locally, and South Africa is the richest British colony in Africa~ But labor and industry are still very limited, and the railway lines are not dense. If the Boers can destroy part of the railway lines and destroy important transportation hubs, then the British will have a strong force but it will be very mobilized. Bored. After all, 220,000 people seem to be a lot, and it’s not a big deal to spread across South Africa.

The army is still playing logistics. The 4 million blacks in South Africa are very unhappy with the Boers, but even more unhappy with the British. It is risky to recruit local labor. South Africa still has many chiefs and local forces. The British are naturally not afraid in peacetime, but it is different during the Boer War. You know, there is another ethnic group called Zulu in Gada, South Africa. They had a fight with the British more than ten years ago. Although they lost to the grandma's house, the hatred was buried. In short, if you use it well and can get the understanding of the Zulu people and at least a neutral attitude from other peoples, then this quagmire may be very deep!

Of course, Kruger and others have to do diplomacy. What Caliput has to do is to build the Boers into a regular army that can attack tough and obey orders. Calypte swears that even if he uses his rifle against the Boers' foreheads, he will also let them carry those heavy artillery!

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