The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 155: Gold stir **** stick!

"One million pounds!" The final bid was held in Neuschwanstein Castle, which belongs to the Bavarian royal family. Headed by representatives of Spain and Japan, the powerful onlookers of the United States, Britain, France and Russia officially began. When the Spaniards thought that their cards were enough NB, the Japanese offer was shocked!

Japan is tired of bidding 10,000 and 20,000 pounds. They want to quickly end this dispute that consumes a lot of energy. And they have already learned about the Spaniard's quotation through some hidden channels, so they simply don't do anything and add the price to 1 million! Hope to take this order in one fell swoop.

"1.02 million pounds!" Severa added 20,000 without hesitation! It is worth buying a 12,000-ton super cruiser for 1.02 million pounds.

"1.05 million pounds!" The Japanese government is bound to win. After obtaining the acquiescence of Mutsumitsu, Shuzo Aoki raised the price again.

"1.08 million pounds!" Severa gritted his teeth and signaled for another increase in prices.

"£1.1 million!" When the price on the number plate became £1.1 million, Mutsuzongguang silently closed his eyes. This price is already close to the original price of the warship. You know, Brazil bought it from Germany. The battleship of the same model, because of the use of British weapons, cost only 1 million pounds, and after counting the weapons, it was only 1.15 million pounds.

"1.15 million pounds!" Severa weighed it for a long time, as if he was fierce. Eventually the price was raised by £50,000. When this price came out, the whole venue was calm.

"£1.18 million!" When Shuzo Aoki's voice sounded again, Mitsumitsu Mutsu felt that his heart couldn't stand it! This price has exceeded his expectation. He originally planned to buy a cheap ship, but he didn't expect it to be higher in the end. What a TM!

"£1.18 million! We will use German weapons!" After a while, the Spanish representative put forward his own quotation. Both parties did not increase the price any more, but chose to provide convenience in terms of payment and other aspects.

"£1.18 million! After the transaction, half of the payment was delivered within 3 days. The other 20% was delivered in April 1897. The final payment was delivered when it was completed." The Japanese gave a sigh of relief. The price did not rise again, which also made the Japanese feel that The pressure has become much smaller.

"1.2 million pounds!" Just when everyone thought the auction was coming to an end, the Russian representative Robanov gave a price that surprised everyone! The Russian who thought it was just a soy sauce came out at the last minute! The price of 1.2 million suddenly became the highest price! What is surprising is that. The representative of the French government did not say anything!

"What's this TM?!" Both the Spanish and the Japanese were startled by the sudden appearance of the spoiler. Sevilla even couldn't believe her ears. Not to say that the two warships returned to Spain. ? What does Russia mean by jumping out at this time?

"1.22 million pounds!" Mutsuzong looked at the Russian representative Robanov with a vision that could almost kill. While making an offer to overwhelm the other side, the Japanese Foreign Minister also put forward another unexpected suggestion!

"In this auction. Some countries did not want to buy this warship. They used malicious price increases to affect the fairness of this auction, which is harmful to both buyers and sellers, so I hope The Bavarian royal family has changed the rules of the auction. Both parties pay half of the deposit. If the auction fails due to a malicious offer from one aspect, the deposit will be confiscated!"

The Japanese had a reason to buy these two warships, but they agreed to fear the malicious price increase by the Russians. So Mutsu Somitsu decided to increase the margin ratio to prevent false auctions. After all, this is an arms trade, which is different from a general auction. What rule is not a matter of a word from the prince sitting opposite? Don't participate if you don't want to participate, love to play. No fun! No one begs you.

"We agree!" What was unexpected to the Japanese was that before Prince Ruprecht could speak, the Russian representative first expressed support for this proposal! In one short sentence, a bunch of people's jaws fell to the ground! At the beginning, everyone thought that the Russians were a spoiler. Who could have imagined that the Russians would be so decisive when they moved the truth! Give it back to others!

"The rules have changed, so we need a time to raise funds. I suggest adjourning the meeting to provide time for all parties to raise funds." Lord Hamilton made a proposal on behalf of the British government.

"Don't have to worry about it, start at 1.25 million pounds! Pay a deposit of 650,000 pounds as the bottom line. You can leave if you don't want to play!" Prince Ruprecht said with a smile. The British suggestion is obviously to favor the Japanese and prevent maliciousness The bidding was temporarily suspended. Naturally, the prince could not let the British proposal pass too easily. So I just mentioned some, 1.25 million pounds! Who will play?

"The 1.25 million pounds is too low! It is 1.28 million pounds! The Russian-class armored cruisers are worthy of this price!" Robanov offered a price that surprised everyone as if he had taken gunpowder! 1.28 million pounds! It is enough to buy a brand new warship plus insurance and return fare! Are the Russians crazy? However, when the French government expressed its willingness to guarantee the Russian offer, the starting price of the next auction was set at 1.28 million pounds, and the Russian government's remittance will be sent to the Bavarian royal family's account within 2 days!

"What the **** is this TM?" The Spanish and the Japanese are both silly facial Especially the Spanish, they are now a little confused about what the Russians think! Look at this quote. There is also a very easy deposit to pay. This is obviously the Russians themselves want. What about the initial agreement? What about the initial guarantee? What about the most basic trust between people, countries and nations? This world is terrible, I'll go back to the Ibilisi Peninsula in the countryside...

But before returning home, I still couldn’t admit counsel. The Spanish agreed, and the Japanese naturally had reasons not to quit, so they simply said to follow up! The first bid was capped at a price of 1.28 million pounds and served as the reserve price for the next auction. Deposit half of the deposit to the account specified by the Kingdom of Bavaria within 3 days, and then resume shooting after 5 days! Who counsels who is the grandson!

"Fuck it, what's the situation?" Not only the Spanish and the Japanese, but even the United States and the United Kingdom felt a little confused. The Russians supposedly wouldn't buy these two warships back at such a high price. , This is almost everyone's consensus, but how did such a thing pop up in the end? Does Russia really need not consider the attitude of France? Even if you don't think about France, you have to think about francs!

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