The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 166: On the highest state of bluffing!

"I'll rub, okay! The Russians are not easy!" After the first round of auctions ended, after spending a long time in the study, Prince Ruprecht finally figured out what the Russians thought! Who says Russians are bears? This little clever is much better than a bear! Almost bluffed myself.

The Russians would never buy the ships back, and although the two warships were good, the Spaniards would not increase their prices without limit, and the Russians knew very well that the Spaniards were not very resistant to Japan's acquisition of these two warships. Yes, although there is a threat from the United States, Spain has a way to circumvent it. The Spaniard's small actions began very early.

Just four days before the auction started, another Spanish delegation found Prince Ruprecht. They said that if the Spanish auction failed, they hoped to buy 2 armored cruisers of the same model from the prince. And the two parties agreed to start work before December 1896.

Spaniards are not simple, they have already made plans. Or the decision to reduce risk. Why are these two warships worth? But because before 1898, there were no better warships in the world. It takes time to build battleships. It took less than 2 years to 1898. Who can guarantee the completion of a 10,000-ton armored cruiser! No one can guarantee! Moreover, it is a possible event for the Americans to take action within 2 years, not an inevitable event. After understanding this, the Spanish decided to change their strategy.

So the Spaniards considered it. If the price is too high, then give up, avoid this round of panic buying, and then quickly order new warships, according to the construction speed of His Royal Highness's shipyard, and have a chance to serve in early 1899. If at this time there is a conflict between the United States and the West, the West Indies will not think about it. The existing fleet is concentrated in the Philippines, and then wait until the other two warships are in service, then Spain still has a chance to defend the Philippines. This is the lesser of the two! Before the final bid, the Spaniard secretly pulled himself a fuse!

However, what the Spaniard did was eventually let others know. As for how it was leaked, no one knew. It may be the Spaniard’s own problem, or someone deliberately leaked it. Of course, for the latter one, Prince Ruprecht would never admit it! Anyway, the Russians know it! The Russians knew that Spain could not resist until death. The Russians decisively changed their strategy.

"Since it can't be stopped, let the Japanese spend a little more money." Yes, the Russian delegation is already a bit resigned, and there is only one thing left to pursue! And since I want to let Japan more bloodletting, I have to pretend to think more! When everyone thought that the Russians were nothing more than soy sauce, the Russians acted decisively. Although it was fake, it looked like real...

The Russians’ offer is very level. The 1.2 million pounds is almost within the upper limit of the Spanish and Japanese’s acceptance range. This strength is unstoppable! It's all gone so hard. Still so shivering? So when the Russians proposed this price, everyone said they followed up!

And then, as expected by the Russians, for some ulterior purpose, the Japanese government really followed up and proposed a way to prevent malicious price increases. In the expectation of the Russian representative, Robanov and others realized that this bidding would not have a result, and they could only disrupt the situation in this bidding, otherwise, the rock might hit their feet in the end. On it. After all, as the British and Japanese had expected, even if they did not look at the face of the French. Have to think about Lang's face too?

You Russians can disrupt the situation, and the French government can cooperate with you, but if you want to buy back those two warships, the French government will really turn your face against you! So if the Russians said nothing, they meant mixing up again. Push the price directly to 1.28 million pounds! When the other two countries expressed their willingness to follow up, the Russians finally decided to retire. If you don’t play anymore, you will be playing with fire! In the next round, you two come slowly!

Some people may say that Robanov is not authentic, but can you blame the Russians? The friendship between people is unreliable, and the basic trust between people has fed the dog. The two empires can’t fight their heads, how much trust do they want to have when they meet? Are you dreaming? Besides, it was the Spaniards who withered first. You can't blame Russia for this. You have done small moves. I can't overdo some other things, right?

The Russian delegation is ready to clean up and return to China, leaving behind the Japanese and Spanish. This pair of difficult brothers are still entangled in the end. To be honest, the price is already a little too high. 1.28 million pounds, how much was the most expensive first-class battleship of the same period? If the British shipyard dared to quote the price with the British Admiralty, it would definitely be a one-minute target! If you change to Japan, it is estimated that you will get three cuts and six holes!

The Spaniard hesitated and decided to start a preliminary plan when necessary. Savera has been ventilated with China, and the highest price given by the latter is 1.3 million pounds! No matter how high it is, just give up. Start the preliminary plan. The Japanese are also very entangled here! It's all at this price! Lost! Need to follow up?

Mtsumitsu Mutsu used more than 4,000 words to describe the auction situation in a telegram to Hirobumi Ito. And said that now Russia and Germany are at odds The naval arms sales ban on Japan was no longer useful, and the Russians will not order new warships from Germany in the short term. Shouldn't Japan just order another ship directly? Why bother to stare at two warships? 1.28 million pounds! This is not a decimal, no matter how high it is, it will kill people! Mutsuzongguang might be "Tenchu" going back!

And Hirobumi Ito’s reply was very simple. He said two things. One thing is to determine whether the two warships can be completed before 1898, and the other thing is to tell Mutsu if they can be completed in October 1897. Zong Guang, £1.35 million was directly photographed! Don't persuade! After receiving the telegram, Mutsuzong almost freaked out and had nightmares for three consecutive nights! Physical health continues to decline....

In the last time, Mutsu Sumitsu sent three more telegrams to Hirobumi Ito. Each of these telegrams was tougher than the other, and it was almost at the nose of the other person to curse. What did you think? Is your head crazy? Do you dare to ask for this price? Mutsu Somitsu even suspected Ito Hirobumi was unhappy, so he decided to get rid of himself... It shouldn't, everyone's relationship is still good.

And under Ito Hirobumi’s repeated confirmation. Mutsu Zongguang finally decided to grit his teeth, and I could endure the cheating price of £1.35 million! Spaniards, you have the ability to keep coming! The whole of Japan is willing to go crazy with Lao Tzu. What else is I afraid of?

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