The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 164: All parties are moving!

The French are also very depressed recently. In the past few months, they were still happy that Russia finally chose France instead of Germany. After a few days of not being proud, the Russians showed signs of repentance... God knows how the Germans work, and God knows what the German prince said to the Russians. This time, the attitude of the Russians was very firm. Either the ship was bought by Spain, or Russia bought it back by itself. Anyway, it must not fall into the hands of the Japanese!

The French are in control of the Russian money bags. This is true, but it does not mean that the Russians cannot raise money from other channels, and the control is mutual. The Russians need French francs to ensure a strong Russia A threat to Germany is also necessary. The French clearly realize that the Russian bayonet is vital to the safety of France. As long as Russia is there, even if Russia-Germany relations are good, France is safe. After all, Russia cannot sit back and watch Germany enter Paris again.

And the point is that the first wave of loans has been delivered to the Russians... Even if the Russians repent, can the French ask for the francs that they eat into the Russian belly? What do you want!

The former French ambassador to Russia, Jean Sanchez, successfully disrupted Ruprecht’s business. He was awarded domestic awards afterwards and returned to China to become the Deputy Minister of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As a result, this buddy hadn't been sitting in the Paris office for a few days and hadn't had anything to do with the passionate female secretary, so he was forced to come to Germany to contact the Russians. I saw it in Sanchez, even if something unexpected happened, the relationship between himself and Robanov should be pretty good, after all, he gave him a benefit of 500,000 francs.

As a result, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs did not give Sanchez a good face at all, as if it was not Sanchez who gave him a benefit, but took 500,000 francs from him! Well, now is not the time to entangle these things, it is important to do the right thing first.

"It is unacceptable for your country to repurchase these two warships. This violates the agreement we have reached with each other. However, in order to ensure your country’s interests in the Far East, we can do our best to support the Spanish in buying these two warships. We can provide special loans to the Spaniards, and the interest rate is very low. Now the Spaniards are suppressing the uprisings in the West Indies and the Philippines. And the United States and the United Kingdom are not friendly to them, they will not refuse assistance from us." Sanchez proposed. The French plan.

The French used such a high price to squeeze Germany out of the Russian navy market. How can you give up when you encounter a little setback? The Russians did not really need German warships very urgently. After all, as long as these two warships did not fall into the hands of the Japanese, then the situation in the Far East was still within an acceptable range, so the end result was that everyone stepped back. France provides loans to Spain, and Russia continues to buy French warships!

"We will fully support your country's purchase of these two warships. We can provide your country with a low-interest loan. We are in agreement with your country on preventing Japan from acquiring these two warships. Russia and France will Become a friend of your country.” On the second day of the meeting between the representatives of Russia and France, Robanov found Severa and released him his goodwill. The French government even directly established contact with the Spanish government, promising Provide financial support for it.

At the same time, intelligence about the American activities behind the scenes has also reached the ears of the Spanish, and an atmosphere of rain and rain is overwhelming in Spain. As a declining empire, the Philippines and the West Indies are the few colonies left by the Spanish. On the one hand, they are the last fig leaf of the empire, and on the other hand, they can also bring some benefits to Spain. Whether it is politically or economically, Spain cannot easily give up. And when Russia and France expressed their support for Spain, the emboldened Spain decided to buy both warships in response to possible military actions by the United States!

The Spaniard was accidentally hit on the head by this gift package. The Russian announced its withdrawal from the bid, and Russia and France would provide financial support. Servila immediately felt confident. In order to completely overwhelm his opponents, the Spaniards raised the price of these two warships to 900,000 pounds!

Although £900,000 is already 200,000 higher than the £700,000 proposed by Prince Ruprecht! If converted into silver, it is about 1.3 million taels! But this price is still very cheap for this class of warship. And after learning that the Americans have intervened in this matter, the Spanish team's vigilance in the United States has greatly increased! If the two sides were only hostile before, it is now in the hearts of the Spaniards. The United States and the West can already be regarded as enemies! I don't know when to fight!

In history, Fuji and Yashima, what a **** thing, the 12-inch L40 terrace artillery used non-hardened armor. The defense indicator is garbage, and the defense area is the garbage in the garbage. The amount of firepower projection is almost the same level as the Munich-class armored cruiser. Such a commodity costs more than £1 million. The Spaniards used 900,000 pounds to buy two warships far surpassing Fujiba Island. What else can they complain about?

"We have reported this incident to the President. It will take some time for the official documents to be delivered. The main points you mentioned will be described in detail in the documents." Roosevelt looked at the young and somewhat outrageous opponent and said.

"Very good. After you sign on it, then the fate of these two warships has been determined. UU reading" Ruprecht said with a smile.

"Do you just confirm that the Japanese can pay high prices?" Wilson has a natural hostility towards the prince who has always been confident. The other party was too arrogant, and his arrogance, arrogance and methods made the university professor very dissatisfied.

"The relationship between Britain and Japan is beyond your imagination. If you exclude my personal factors, the Japanese would eventually win without your country." The prince said.

"You seem to have a natural hatred of Japan and Britain." Hay said.

"My hatred of Japan stems from my understanding of Japan as a nation. My dissatisfaction with the British is because of their conflicts of interest and what they did. Before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, I actually didn't hate the British. Now The United Kingdom is to give the king of the old age, the whole world is under British control, which makes the emerging countries very dissatisfied." The prince said.

"You are a prejudice, a prejudice based on hegemony." Hay said with some dissatisfaction.

"Whatever you say! Believe me, in 3 years, you will definitely hate Britain more than I do! Believe it or not! I bet 10,000 pounds, and I will give you 10,000 pounds if you win. I win, you give I can do it for one dollar. How about it, dare you bet?" the prince said with an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

"As you wish." Hay said with a calm face.

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