Chapter 866 - 191: Who's This Gentleman?

When the policemen left, Drake put on a serious face, "Do you know what you were doing?"

"What?" Angelo looked quite confused with confusion full of her eyes.

"McCoy," Drake uttered the name coldly.

Angelo smiled, "What? He didn't take Stella's heart. It's Ivy."

"But he knew what Ivy would do to Stella, and he didn't stop it. He is an accomplice," said Drake seriously.

Angelo didn't know how to refute him.

"What do you have to do with him?" asked Drake. Angelo shook her head and looked away. She didn't want to answer him.

"Don't you care how Stella died?" Drake continued. Drake paused and then looked at him with confusion, "She died because of losing her heart. Is there any question about that?"

"There is. You know it."

Ivy took Stella's heart in the Watts house without being found by anyone. McCoy, the only one who knew it, happened to go abroad two days ago. There must be something.

The Watts family had lost its prosperity. With Ivy's condition right now, how dare she do that?

"No way! McCoy's got a bone to pick with the Ivy family. He had no grudge against Stella. He couldn't help Ivy," said Angelo without confidence.

Drake sneered and then put a file in front of Angelo, "See it yourself."

When McCoy took over the Watts family, the first thing he did was to divorce Stella. He even asked the lawyer to take the divorce agreement to the Hill family.

But Stella refused to sign it. She didn't intend to divorce even after she confirmed the authenticity of the ring.

Now Stella died in the Watts house, and McCoy happened to be abroad. It couldn't be a coincidence! Angelo knew that from the start. She just couldn't believe it.

McCoy's character changed. Did his moral quality and bottom line also change?

The new movie was about to start. But Angelo couldn't cheer up because of Stella's death.

Nathan came to question her after hearing the whole thing, but he was kept out of the gate.

Angelo gave the seal back to him, but he threw it away, shouting and cursing. Even when the Thorne drove him away, Angelo felt that she could still hear the cursing.

"Hello, Angeline. This is Clarence. Please come to the company to try the makeup tomorrow morning. And, have you read the script? The writer agreed to make some modifications according to your suggestions. You can…"

"I'll be there on time. Sorry, I'm busy here. Goodbye!" Angelo ended the call before Clarence could finish his words.

One colleague mentioned it, saying that the maximum suspects, Rachel and Ivy, disappeared.

"What does that have to do with Angeline?" Clarence couldn't understand it. Although Angeline was one member of the Watts clan, she had nothing to do with them. Besides, the Watts group was nothing but a cell. Everyone tried to get away from the Watts family.

"Angeline's brother seemed to be involved in the case. She may worry about him."

Clarence thought that that made sense. No wonder Angeline sounded weak just now; she might not take a good rest because of it.


The next day, Daisy waited for Angelo at the back door of the Thorne house. Then they headed to Glamor.

"I heard you don't eat much recently. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," replied Angelo.

A few days ago, Daisy went to meet Darren's parents. Everything went well. They even planned to negotiate the engagement at the next meeting.

No one knew the entanglement between Angelo and the Watts family better than Daisy.

The master of the Watts clan had just changed, and now the incident happened. The Watts family was ruined, so was its fame.

The Watts family might not get its prosperity back.

"Ivy's family ruined the Watts clan!" sighed Daisy. Soon, she realized that she had just said her inner voice, and Angelo was with her.

But Angelo didn't care about it. She had been thinking about Stella's death. Ivy finally had a healthy heart now. Even if she had to live secretly, she got a healthy body.


The makeup process was complicated. The employee kept adjusting the clothes and makeup according to Angelo's appearance.

Luckily, Angelo didn't need to do anything but stay there.

One day soon passed, they finally decided on the preliminary makeup and clothes and made an appointment to take makeup photos in a few days.

"Hey, Angeline!" Daisy winked at her secretly. Angelo got it. She walked up and said, "Who's this gentleman?"

She was Angeline now. Angeline didn't know McCoy.

"This is the master of the Watts family. Your brother is familiar with him," Daisy introduced him.

Angelo showed a look of understanding, "Oh, it's you. My brother mentioned you before."

With that, she reached out and shook hands with McCoy.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Angeline. Here's the thing, you know, many things happened to our family, your brother doesn't want to see me, so I'm here. Are you available, miss?" McCoy looked quite serious.

Angelo looked away and said, "It's my brother who has been handling things of the Watts family. I don't know anything. So, I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Yes, you can, or I won't come to you," he said infirm.

Angelo stayed, feeling that his tone was kind of odd. Before she could think about it, he continued, "You are a member of the leading Watts family. I believe you don't want the Watts to ruin. So, I will come to you for it."

His words got Angelo's mind back. She came back not only to revenge but also to repay this body for giving her a chance to live again.

The Watts couldn't fall!

She had been depressed because of Stella's death and almost forgot that Angelo had a great connection to the Watts family. So, she couldn't just think about herself.

"All right. Shall we talk somewhere?" Angelo looked at McCoy.

Seeing that, Daisy asked to leave first.

When Daisy's car went away, McCoy suddenly asked, "Are you a man or a girl, Angelo?"