Chapter 867 - 192: How Did She Know Those Things?

Angelo stayed there and stared at McCoy.

McCoy wasn't polite to her anymore. He stared at her as if to see her through.ā€‹ā€‹

Angelo then backed herself. She looked around and got in McCoy's car. "Let's talk about it later," she said.

They were on the street now; people might hear them. Angelo didn't want others to know her identity.

McCoy got in the car then. They remained silent the whole way. Finally, the car stopped in front of the Watts house.

Angelo got out of the car, glanced over the villa, and said in confusion, "Is the house redecorated?"

"Of course, Stella died here, I have to redecorate it, or it would be ominous," replied McCoy.

Angelo's face darkened at once.

In the living room, Angelo sat opposite McCoy.

"How do you know I am Angelo?" She didn't cover herself anymore. McCoy asked her like that, showing that he had known her secret.

"I did some research since the first time you came to me. Besides, Parker investigated you. So, I knew it," said McCoy calmly. But Angelo felt creepy.

"So, you know I'm Angeline. You just pretended to know nothing, did you?" The look in Angelo's eyes changed. Since she came back to life, more and more things were beyond her imagination.

She knew McCoy from a very young age. But now, he was completely different from the one she used to know.

She didn't even know how to face McCoy because he hid further than she thought.

"It's not the point," McCoy changed the subject, "The point is whether you are a guy or a girl." His eyes glanced over Angelo and finally paused at her throat.

She didn't wear her Adam's apple!

Before she could think of an excuse, McCoy said, "You are a girl."

Angelo almost lost her breath. She couldn't leak her secret of being a girl.


"As I remember, you used to have Adam's apple. What's wrong with it?" McCoy continued to ask, didn't give her a chance to argue.

Angelo took a deep breath. It happened so sudden that her mind had been in a daze. In her usual way of doing things, she would be calmer at a critical moment.

"Who are you? Why are you questioning me?" said Angelo in a calm voice, raising her chin a bit. Finally, she got some momentum back.

McCoy paused and was about to say something when Angelo's phone rang.

It was Drake.

Angelo changed her face. Since Drake broke off the engagement, she blacklisted his number. So, Drake called Angelo.

She looked at McCoy, got up, walked out, and answered the phone.

"What's wrong, Drake?" Angelo tried to sound calm. Then she heard Drake say, "Where are you?"

"I'm outside. It's so boring to be home all day. I just walk around."

"When do you come back?" asked Drake.

"Now. I'm going to go back," lied Angelo. Anyway, she didn't have much to talk with McCoy. The more she said, the more mistakes she would make.

"Send me the address," said Drake. Angelo was startled. She looked around and tried to change the subject.

"What's wrong, brother? Is there anything important?"

"No. You said you are about to come. I can pick you up," said Drake calmly. Angelo could hear the noise of the car driving, so he should be on the way.

"No. I can go back myself. It must be a long day for you. Just go home to take a rest."

With that, she walked back to the living room. Somehow, she guessed that Drake would insist on coming.

After all, he had been a commander, and others could hardly change his decision.

"The address."

"I'm in the Watts house now. You can just come."

"The Watts house?" Drake repeated the words confusedly. McCoy raised his eyebrows as if he was surprised that she would say that.

"Yeah. McCoy said he wanted to talk with me about something. I came here, but he talked nonsense. So I don't bother to talk with him," said Angelo in front of McCoy.

"Wait for me," said Drake. Then he hung up.

"Get me a suit of clothes. Drake will come to pick me up." Angelo looked at McCoy and said confidently.

Under the mask, McCoy smiled. He got up, walked to Angelo, and looked at her, "My clothes may not be right for you."

"Find me a piece of your old clothes. I know you still keep them," replied Angelo without hesitation.

Since McCoy grew up, he was much taller than before, a head taller than her. Angelo knew McCoy well. He used to be thrifty and kept his old clothes. He cared about them so much that every piece was like a new one.

McCoy stayed there with a complicated look in his eyes. Now Angelo started to gain the upper hand.

"You know my secret. Coincidentally, I know yours, too. A lot! So do you want to keep our secrets, or shall we expose each other?"

There was confidence in Angelo's eyes. She was so shocked that McCoy knew her identity that she almost forgot that she was a person coming back to life.

In her previous life, she knew McCoy best.

McCoy looked at Angelo for a while and then turned upstairs. When he came back, there was a suit in his hands.

Angelo took it over and went to the bathroom to change. There, she removed her makeup.

While she was inside, McCoy had been staring at the bathroom.

Angelo seemed to know the house better than him.

According to what he found, Angelo had been in the Thorne house and never entered the Watts house before adding her name to the pedigree. So, how did she know those things?

When Angelo got out of the bathroom, she received a call from Drake. He had arrived here.

Angelo threw all her female clothes and other things into the dustbin. Then she waved goodbye to McCoy and got out of the house.

Near the gate, Drake was waiting for her. When she walked to Drake, she found him staring at her back.

"Hey, bro!" He greeted Drake as if he was close to him.