Chapter 865 - 190: A Smell Of Blood

Stella kept the ring. Angelo had to find her before getting the ring back.

"I don't know. Mr. Nathan has sent people to look for her for a whole night but hasn't got a clue yet," replied a maid. Then the maid looked around and whispered, "I told you that because Miss Stella loves you. Please don't tell others. You know, I may lose my job."

Angelo nodded and smiled, "Thank you. Don't worry."

The maid, a girl in her early 20s, grew up with Stella. When she saw the bright smile on Angelo's face, her heart couldn't help racing up, so she hurried to turn away.

"Mr. Angelo is so handsome! No wonder Miss Stella loves him," the maid thought.

When Angelo got back to the car, she told Drake what she knew about Stella. Since Stella wasn't home, they could only come next time.

"She's missing?" Drake grasped the point at once.

Angelo nodded, "Yeah. Stella used to hang out often. She's probably out for the night."

"The finance of the Hill company can't afford her luxury life," said Drake calmly.

Angelo stayed and looked at him in surprise, "You mean…" Some guesses appeared in her mind before she could finish her words.

"Nathan hasn't found her after a whole night looking. So, she couldn't be hanging out but missing," concluded Drake. Then he asked the driver the start the car and left the Hill house.

Angelo took a while to recover herself. The more she thought about it, the more worried she was.

She had a grudge against Stella, but she didn't want to see anything happen to her. Even if Stella suffered, it should be her who did that.

"Brother…" Angelo suddenly uttered but didn't say more. Then she called McCoy to ask him about Stella.

Somehow, she had a sense of foreboding.

"Stella?" McCoy sounded lazy and sleepy. But later, his words stunned Angelo, "Ivy should take her for the heart transplant. They left last night."

Angelo clenched her fists hard, but she couldn't sense the pain in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Drake sensed the change of her.

Suddenly, Angelo shouted to the driver, "Go to the Watts house! Now!"

"What's wrong, Angelo?" Drake grabbed her so she wouldn't interfere with the driver.

"Stella… Ivy… she's…." Angelo stammered. Even she didn't know what she was murmuring.

Now she finally understood why she was worried. She didn't want anyone to suffer what she had suffered before, even if it was Stella.

Her look startled the driver, who received the wink from Aiken and then turned the car to the Watts house's direction.

On the way, Angelo finally explained it clearly.

Drake frowned. He wasn't happy to see Angelo being so anxious and worried. Did "he" care about Stella so much?

No one stopped her, and the door was opening as if welcoming her.

Following her previous memory, she came to a room. Before she approached it, a smell of blood came. She slowed her steps, grabbed the handle of the door, and bent it down.

When the door opened, a strong smell of blood gushed out. Angelo took a few steps back and stopped when she leaned against Drake's c.h.e.s.t.

It was dark in the room, but they still saw someone lying there.

Angelo felt sick. Her stomach seemed to be churning, and her eyes were red.

Drake held her and turned her back to the scene. He saw everything. The person lying there was Stella with blood all over.

"Call the ambulance! Call the police!" he ordered. Aiken had never seen that before and was stunned, but soon, he recovered and made calls.

Servants of the Watts family were looking towards here, wondering what had happened.

Soon, an ambulance came. But the doctors confirmed that Stella had died. They lifted her body to the ambulance to confirm her identity.

Stella's heart was gone.

The blood on Stella was flowing from her c.h.e.s.t, where there was a hole now.

McCoy didn't appear till now. Rachel and Ivy were nowhere. Only the servants of the Watts family were hiding there and trembling. They were shocked that a man died here.

Aiken explained something to the doctors. Then the ambulance left.

Angelo stood there with some blood on her hand. She got it from the sheet, which had long been wet by Stella's blood.

She looked so depressed that Drake could only take her home.

In the afternoon, the police got in touch with McCoy. He went abroad two days ago. When he learned about the incident, he agreed to come back soon and cooperate with the investigation.

The police then questioned Angelo. People in the Watts house didn't know someone died there, but she found it first. According to the servants, she went directly to the room as if she had known it.

How could Angelo tell them that she had been there?

"What did McCoy say?" Angelo didn't answer the police but asked.

"He's abroad now and knows nothing about it. But he'll come back tomorrow," the policeman answered patiently. Then he asked, "How do you know the victim is in the Watts house?"

"I…" Angelo's face was pale. It was McCoy who told her the whereabouts of Stella, but he claimed to know nothing.

Angelo didn't look very well. Drake asked a maid to take her to her room, saying that he would cooperate with the investigation.

When Angelo walked to the stairs, she suddenly turned back and said, "The Hills told me. They have known that Ivy wants Stella's heart."

Drake paused and looked at Angelo with a complicated look.

Did she want to cover it for McCoy?

Later, Drake had remained silent. Angelo told everything about Nathan came to her, but she didn't even mention McCoy.