85 Chapter 85: This Little Devil Isn’t Normal

"How can you treat your daughter like this? You are the worst father."

"You don't even care how she feels, don't even comfort her. Instead, you said such terrible things and beat her."

The reporters remarked angrily.

"Miss. Nathalia Carter, I feel so sorry..." some of them showed sympathy for Nathalia and sighed.

Frank's hand froze in the air, he glanced around, shocked. Where do they come from?

Then he glared at Nathalia. It's you again!

Nathalia covered her face with her hands helplessly, and she sneered slightly. You make me sick. Disgusting.

Slowly she put her hands down, looked at the couple, and smiled a bitter smile, "Aren't you tired of all these traps? Mr. and Mrs. Carter? What more do you want from me?"

Fortunately, Nathalia was aware and didn't fall into Anne's trap. Frank looked at his wife, confused, then he saw her frustration and understood what was going on. Why didn't you discuss it with me first? He thought.

"Everyone, this is a family issue. We will take care of it ourselves, and we appreciate it if you don't interfere."

Anne was disappointed with herself. She thought it would be a good plan as Nathalia should be at her most vulnerable at this time. She would only need to say something to trigger her. But she had not expected Nathalia to behave so calmly. This little devil isn't normal. She's behaving too calm.

The reporters were busy taking photos with their cameras, hoping not to miss any moments. This would be quite a piece of news as the Carters had been keeping the public interested for a while.

"Mr. Carter, although you have money and power, people are watching. How you treat your daughter is unacceptable." One reporter commented fearlessly.

"To plot to kill your own daughter! That's the worst crime." Another one said righteously.

These two reporters were known as the true voices. They said what they thought, and that was the reason why Anne Carter had informed them to come here. However, she had not expected that she had shot herself in the foot.

Frank was extremely outraged, and he shouted at the reporters, "Bullshit! I've never hurt her, and I've not plotted to kill her! You are talking nonsense."

A reporter sneered and said plainly, "People can see through lies."

The power of the media was something not to be underestimated. It mattered not if you were the president of the country or a millionaire.

Frank was so furious that he was about to yell again, but Anne held his hand and shook her head. It's not a wise thing to do to annoy the media.

They had left a nasty impression, and the only thing they should do now was to rebuild a good reputation instead of making it worse.

The reporter waved his hand, holding a recorder, and said triumphantly, "Just to let you know, I've recorded everything, so If anything bad happens to Miss Nathalia Carter, we know whom we should ask questions."

Both Frank and Anne cursed silently. These rats! Bastards!

Then a new voice suddenly shouted, "I heard that the engagement had been canceled. Is that true? Why?"

It instantly triggered excitement among the crowd, and questions about the cancellation of the engagement and wedding darted at Nathalia.

"Miss Nathalia Carter, is it true that Spencer Davidson changed his mind and canceled the engagement?"

"What happened?"

Now the crowd remembered the initial reason they came here for.

Spencer Davidson had always been the focus in the media field, especially news concerning his marriage, who the Mrs. Davidson would be.

Frank sneered. Now let's see how you are going to deal with this. Even I feel ashamed for you.

Ann was extremely pleased. There it goes. Soon it will be the death of you!

Nathalia glanced around, saw the various looks on people's faces, some challenging, some indifferent, some excited, some sympathetic... then she sighed a little sigh, lifted her chest up and answered with great confidence, "You are very quick. Well done. Yes, it's true. The engagement has been canceled."

Though there was a hint of sadness on her face, she kept her confidence, calmness, and bravery. People gazed in amazement, surprised by her nonchalance as if she was talking about someone else. Silence prevailed.

Nathalia Carter, the oldest daughter of the renowned Carters, was first bullied by her step-brother, set up by her step-sister, then abandoned by her family and now forsaken by her fiance. What a hard life she was having! Tragic.

However, she chose to face it with bravery. She was a fighter, not a coward. She had impressed the world.

She was born into a rich family, into a protected world without worries, and she was not supposed to experience what she had experienced.

However painful, difficult it had been, she was not defeated and would not be. All this pain was to help her grow, to grow to be stronger. One day, she would be the light, the light that would never go out, for herself, and those that she loved.

Suddenly, a female voice exclaimed excitedly, "Awwww, that means Spencer Davidson is now single again!" Obviously, she was a loyal fan, an admirer of Spencer Davidson.

Anne Carter looked around, spotted her targets in the crowd, and winked at them. The reporters got the hint, and one by one, they raised their questions.

"You must hate him now. Spencer Davidson is not someone that settles so easily. Everyone knows that. I'm sure you expected it was coming as well."

"You are too stubborn. What a shame!"

"How do you feel now? Upset? Painful? But expected, right?"

Sophie couldn't stand seeing and hearing them attacking Nathalia with their stupid and merciless questions. She interrupted, "You are heartless people. What are you trying to get? Poking at someone's wound with a knife."

However, instead of quieting the reporters, it provoked them. "We are simply saying what it is."

"Exactly. It's obvious that Nathalia Carter and Spencer Davidson are from two different worlds. It makes no sense that they can be together."

"Who would believe that Spencer Davidson is genuinely in love with her. He was just doing it for fun. It's not difficult to understand that he canceled the engagement."

"Nathalia Carter, you are not good enough for Spencer Davidson. If I were you, I would not even think about it."

These brutal comments had gained some hostile looks from the crowd, but the few reporters paid no attention. They were paid to say what they said.

Nathalia looked at them indifferently while Sophie was so furious that she was in tears. "You are talking nonsense. How can you be so cruel?!"

The Carter couple were pleased. Nathalia took a look at them and understood.