86 Chapter 86: You Are Underestimating Me

You are underestimating me.

Nathalia waved her hand casually and said, "Everyone, would you like to hear how I feel about it?"

Everyone went quiet, including those that were hired by Anne Carter. They listened curiously.

Frank and Anne exchanged a look. Confusion. Doubt. Uncertainty. Worry. Disdain.

Nathalia smiled. She was determined not to be laughed at by anyone.

"Well. How should I start? I shall say I feel relieved."

It came like a sudden huge wave and hit everyone unexpectedly. "What?!"


"Are you serious?"

"You don't have to pretend. Everyone can understand how you feel."

No one believed what she said, especially the female listeners. Spencer Davidson was the dream of every girl. They would die for him.

The confident smile remained on Nathalia's face. She took her time and looked at people around before she explained.

"You know why? Now I don't need to worry if he cheats on me or if he falls for another woman. I don't need to live a worrying life anymore. It's great. I feel free."

It was indeed how she felt, and of course, no one could understand, nor would they believe her.

She didn't care if they did or not.

A few female reporters voiced their doubts. "Do you really love Spencer Davidson?"

"If you do, how can you not feel upset?"

"I don't believe you. This is not what love is like."

Nathalia couldn't help laughing out, hearing the comments. She retorted, "Does it matter if I love or not anymore? What matters is how it ends."

Instead of caring about a deemed to be a broken relationship, why not focus on my revenge journey? I only have less than two years left, not much time.

Her words had actually touched many, and there was respect and envy on the face of one of the female reporters, "Hmm. You are an odd girl."

Carefree. Brave. Confident. Real. Will Spencer Davidson regret having to lose a girl like her?

Nathalia lifted her eyebrows and smiled cheerfully, "Well, you can tell the public that I'm too upset, and I have lost my mind."

It brought laughter in the crowd—kind and respectful laughter.

Anne listened to and stared at Nathalia in shock. She's changed the whole scene with just a few words?!

Nathalia had truly gained respect from the reporters. They saw the fearless fighter in her.

Someone asked sincerely, "Do you know what you are going to do now? Any plans for the future?"

Nathalia took a look at the questioner and said, "As usual. I will go to school, study, apply for a good university. I'm quite confident that it won't be too difficult for someone like me. Don't you think?" She asked with a bit of cheekiness.

Then someone asked tentatively, "Will you go back to the Carters'?" The temporal cheerfulness vanished instantly, and people waited for the answer and to see how Nathalia and the Carter couple would react.

Nathalia shook her head without a slight bit of hesitation, "No.," she said plainly.

Anne frowned and poked her finger at her husband's arm. Frank was flaming with anger, but he somehow managed to remain calm and forced a smile on his face while he said, "Don't be ridiculous, Nathalia. I've come here to take you home. Come home with us." His words seemed warm and caring, but the anger and hate in between words were apparent to Nathalia.

Nathalia despised his hypocrisy. What's the point? Why are you still pretending?

She replied with a rhetorical question. "Home? Do I have a home? I'm sorry, dad, but I don't want to live like a refugee anymore, living life worrying, and not being able to sleep."

She then realized something and knitted her brows. Where do I go next?

I've given you a chance again, and you rejected, again! Who do you think you are! Frank thought furiously.

He couldn't pretend anymore and bellowed angrily, "What do you want to do then? Spencer Davidson has abandoned you. You are a joke now. Are you still going to live in his place? Don't you feel ashamed? If you don't go home with us, are you going to sleep in the street? Why don't you understand? Why don't you listen?"

Nathalia looked lost for a few seconds. True. I can't live in Spencer's place anymore, but I don't want to go back to them, the cold prison. All of a sudden, she realized there wasn't a place for her anymore.

She had never had a home. Ever since she was born, the concept of home had been missing. The sense of being forsaken, forlorn, and forgotten seized her.

Then a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Nathalia, why are you still here? Come, I will take you home." It was Matt.

Everyone was astounded by this sudden intruder.

"Huh?" Nathalia turned around, shocked.

Matt took her hand and was taking her away from the crowd as if this was expected and natural.

People recognized him. The most renowned and respected officer in town. They said that he came from a background that one would not like to challenge.

"You are Officer Matt Miller, right? But... er... where are you taking Miss Nathalia Carter to?"

As usual, Matt didn't say much. "My home." He replied icily.

Another sudden huge wave hit the crowd—another shock.


"What's going on here?"

Is there something going on between the two of them? Perhaps the engagement was canceled for some unexpected reason.

Unlike Spencer, who had a reputation with the ladies, Matt had kept a clean image amongst the public. He had never been seen with girls, and most of his time was spent on work.

Now the crowd was truly curious.

Nathalia stared at Matt. What is he trying to do?

Of course, the reporters had to take this chance. "You must be joking, right?"

Matt reacted the same way he usually did. "I have nothing to say to you."

Holding Nathalia's hand, he walked through the crowd without looking back. People wanted to ask questions but dared not anger the officer or take the risk of getting themselves in jail.

Frank bellowed, "Stop! Nathalia. What's between you and this man? You have to explain it! You are behaving ridiculously. Sleeping with different men? Aren't you ashamed..."

The crowd had not expected such insulting words from a father to his daughter. And, it wasn't the first time he had done this.

Matt suddenly stopped, turned around, and glared at Frank. "Mr. Carter, watch your mouth. I can sue you for defamation." His tone was assertive, even aggressive.