84 Chapter 84: Do I Deserve Happiness?

Nathalia took another look at Spencer. So deep, so close, so much said. It was as if this would be the very last time. "Take care." She said and turned around to leave.

She walked out of the room slowly, gracefully, just as how she walked in out of his world, out of this beautiful dream, out of this temporary happiness.

From now on, love did not exist, and weakness did not exist. In her world, there would be only hate, toughness, revenge.

To revenge for herself, for her mother, would be the only goal.

Live, live better than any of them. Defeat all those that hurt me, every one of them. She told herself. She assured herself.

Steve heaved a sigh. She's a strong girl. She dares to love and hate. It will be a regret for Spencer, losing her.

"Nathalia," Spencer said her name again quietly as if he could keep her to himself still by doing so. He was in tears.

Again and again, pain struck. He even found it difficult to breathe.

Anna had been watching Nathalia in amazement. She slowly came around from the shock and held Spencer's hand. "Spencer, don't be upset. I will always be with you. I will make you happy." She said cheerfully.

Will I ever be happy anymore? Do I deserve happiness? Spencer sneered at himself.

"Spencer." Mrs. Davidson was very surprised to see how upset Spencer was. She quickly held his hand and called his name, but she didn't know what to say. Anna was in tears too, thinking, Is Spencer really in love with her? He can't. He can't fall in love with anyone else.

Spencer looked at his mother and comforted her, "Don't cry, Mum. I'm ok. Really. Don't worry."

Deep down, he was heart-broken. Why does it hurt so much?

At the car park, Nathalia walked steadily towards her car. She looked emotionless. Sophie was following behind, her eyes red from crying, her cheeks angrily pink. She grumbled, "Assholes, heartless people, all of them, cruel, merciless people, including Spencer Davidson. Nathalia, you've made the right decision to leave him..."

However, whatever she said and, however she complained, did not affect Nathalia at all. The blank look remained on her face.

It saddened Sophie even more. She was sobbing again. "Nathalia, if you want to cry, cry. Let it out." Why is God so unfair to her? She doesn't have a family. She doesn't have a home. And now this happened. Why? She's not a tough superwoman. She must be really hurt now. How much pain is she suffering from?

Nathalia felt like both her heart and mind were empty, her body tired. And the tiredness grew. She said aloofly, "What are you crying for? I'm not crying." This is nothing compared to what I had to experience in my previous life.

Sophie cried harder. She would rather see Nathalia cry and let it all out. "You don't cry, and then I cry for you. How could this happen to you?"

Then a voice said icily, "Nathalia Carter, this is what happens when you go against your parents. Without us, you are nothing. You should have learned your lesson now, and from now on, don't go against me anymore."

It was from Frank Carter. He had followed them to the car park. Seeing the cold look on his face, Sophie thought hopelessly, and one would rather be fatherless than have a father like him.

Nathalia felt no anger. She accepted it effortlessly, "My most caring father, how come you love torturing me so much? And in public. Should you not at least try to hide it a little bit?"

The moment when she was sinking into the ocean, when love, family, and all the beliefs she had abandoned her came alive in her head. She would never dream of receiving love from anyone anymore. When there was no expectation, there was no disappointment.

At the end of the day, one has to live their life on their own. The journey is to be taken by myself. I need to be strong. This one of the tests life is giving me.

Frank didn't expect that Nathalia could be so calm. "You..." He was speechless. She's too similar to her grandfather, that hateful old man.

Anne Carter stepped forward and let out a lamentable sigh. "You have brought such a shame to us, to the family. All these terrible things you have done to your sister, your brother, and others are coming back to you. It's karma."

Sophie was outraged to hear that. How shameless they are! "How could you say that to Nathalia?! You..." she retorted.

Nathalia frowned, surprised. Confusion, sadness, and pain were written on her face. "What do you mean, mother? How can you be so cruel? You've plotted this, chosen this day to set me up. You have really worked hard on it, haven't you? You really want me to suffer.���

Everyone was shocked to hear what Nathalia said, especially Anne. There was so much anger on her face. You devilish girl!

Nathalia changed her tone as she noticed something around her. She sighed and looked very tired. "Well, I guess it's not difficult to understand. I'm not your biological daughter, and how can I expect you to treat me like your own child. Mrs. Carter, you used to pretend to be a good mother only because you want to control me, get the money, use me..."

Her tone was filled with helplessness, sorrow, despair, and a hint of desperate anger.

Anne Carter bellowed angrily, "Nonsense. You are lying. You are making things up. However, I can see you are still in shock and probably have lost your mind after what happened earlier, so I will forgive you this time." She pretended to be forgiving, but the anger and hatred in her eyes were apparent.

"I've lost my mind? You two came here today with the sole purpose of driving me mad! Even if I did lose my mind, you would never get the money from grandpa." Nathalia said emotionally.

The Carter couple's secret thought was unveiled, and they snapped angrily, "Nathalia!"

Nathalia wiped off the tears at the corner of her eyes and smiled sadly, "Dad, why are you so mad? Is it because I've said what was on your mind?"

Fury rushed into Frank's head, and he lifted his arm up, about to slap Nathalia. "No, Frank," Anne shouted immediately, trying to stop him.

However, it was too late. A group of reporters hurried in with their cameras and caught the exact moment of the violent slap.