101 Chapter 101: Is He Flirting Me?

Nathalia stared at Joanna for a few seconds before she replied, "When you swear, it probably means nothing, but when I do, I mean what I say." Her tone was genuine and humble.

Joanna felt awkward, embarrassed and enraged, her face reddened, but when she was about to say something, Spencer interrupted, "What's going on here? Nathalia, it's been a stressful morning for you. Why not go home and get some rest?" He walked straight to Nathalia, and his eyes fixed on her. They spoke adoration.

"It's Spencer Davidson." The crowd exclaimed.

"How come? When did he get here?"

Surprised and excited, Joanna muttered, "Spencer, you are here." She gazed at him, eyes wide open.

Spencer extended his hand and embraced Nathalia into his arms while looking at the crowd as if to announce that Nathalia was under his protection. "If my Nathalia has done anything inappropriate and displeased you, I apologize for her. But I suggest you leave her alone as I won't be happy to see her harassed."

It was definitely more of a warning than an apology.

Nathalia felt awkward, being in his arms and struggled to free herself. How can he do this to me? What does he mean by 'my Nathalia'? We have nothing to do with each other. Irritating.

Despite her struggle, Spencer kept his arms around her. The reporters got the message, apologized, and assured that they would not cause trouble for Nathalia. "Mr. Spencer Davidson, we know that Miss Nathalia Carter is a very nice girl. It's impossible that she would do such a terrible thing to her own father."

"They are just rumors. Unreliable rumors."

"Yeah, everyone knows what Miss Nathalia Carter's like. She's a good person."

"Don't you worry, Mr. Spencer Davidson. We will find out the truth."

As soon as Spencer made his statement, everyone made the conclusion that it was better to leave Nathalia alone.

Joanna had been gazing at Spencer, tears in her eyes. She bit her lower lip and said, "Spencer. I haven't seen you for a long time. I...I miss you very much." Tears ran down her cheeks.

The crowd went quiet instantly, and everyone had their eyes on the trio. This is great, more exciting! Two girls were fighting for one guy, and it's Spencer Davidson. What's better than that?!

Nathalia frowned and stomped at Spencer's left foot. Let me go! She exclaimed silently. Nathalia was not interested in participating in any show at all. However, Spencer seemed oblivious to Nathalia's protest.

Is he made of stones? Doesn't he feel any pain at all? Nathalia thought, frustrated.

It shocked and stung Joanna. She was in tears. The crowd stared and stayed silent.

"You are cruel. We used to be so close..." She had never forgotten him and had been searching for any news possible about him. How can you forget me?! How?! Why?!

"Close?" Spencer lifted his eyebrows in a scornful look. "How close? Did I call you my girlfriend? Did we get engaged?" His tone was cold like ice, and his attitude indifferent. How dare you question my Nathalia? You asked for it.

Everyone was astonished by how protective Spencer was of Nathalia. Joanna broke down, and tears streamed down her face.

Nathalia gazed at Spencer, amazed. He's so cold and cool.

Spencer winked at Nathalia cheekily, stroked her face, and said in a most gentle tone, "Don't you find me charming?"

Is he flirting with me? How am I supposed to understand him? We have broken up. No. this isn't normal. So confusing.

Nathalia was having an inner monologue with herself and suffering from confusion. How can he act like nothing has happened and be so close to me?

Spencer let out a brief sigh of relief and was about to lead Nathalia away, but an elderly reporter interrupted them. "Mr. Spencer Davidson, what's your opinion on this incident?" Spencer gave him a displeased look and replied solemnly, "Nathalia is well-educated, smart, and about to inherit millions of dollars. Why would she do anything like that? And if she ever needs help, people would queue up to help her. Why does she need to hire a little thug to attack her father? I'm sure it was a setup. Someone wants to harm her."

Nathalia was astounded and suddenly realized that it was a possibility. She had been too naïve.

It also dawned on the crowd that it could be true. Some were half-convinced, half doubtful, and some looked worried. The elderly reporter went closer to Spencer, and enthusiastically he asked his next question, "If anything happens to Miss Nathalia Carter, will you stand up for her?"

Nathalia felt a sudden awkwardness, and she wanted to move away from Spencer, but Spencer just embraced her tighter in his arms. He smiled and said, "I don't think anyone needs to ask that question. Of course, I will."

"Aha." "Wow." The crowd exclaimed. So there's still something between them. Whatever their relationship is, Spencer Davidson is protecting Nathalia Carter, so if we displease Nathalia Carter, we displease Spencer Davidson.

The elderly reporter grew more excited, and impatiently he ventured on with another question. "And how do you see the relationship between Miss Nathalia Carter and her father, Frank Carter? Is it true that they don't get along well at all?"

Spencer glared at him and said, "Does it matter?"

It was apparent that Spencer wasn't happy about it, so the reporter changed the topic and said, "By the way, are you two still in a relationship?"

The crowd went quiet, waited, including Joanna, who had been crying, and listened attentively. Nathalia felt frustratingly angry and said, "No." straightaway. Sharp and determined.

A quick and sudden feeling of sadness grabbed Spencer's heart, but no one noticed.