100 Chapter 100: Not Very Clever

Someone shouted from the crowd, "What you said just now sounded nice, but don't forget in the board of directors meeting, and you threatened your father to hand over the shares. You threatened him. You must have wanted revenge and take over Carter's company."

Nathalia followed the voice and spotted the man speaking. He looked familiar and seemed to show up every time the reporters gathered to support the Carter's and accuse Nathalia.

Could he be working for Ann Carter? He's a bit too obvious, isn't he? Not very clever.

Nathalia lifted her eyebrows, glanced at him, and interrupted casually, "Do the reporters just jump to conclusions and accuse people now? It's a shame that you are not very good at making up stories, though. Do you think I'm trying to take over the Carter's? But I'm one of the Carters. What's more, what do you mean by I threatened him to hand over the shares? I'm sure everyone in the last press conference has heard that my father will return 10% of the shares to me. He's just borrowing it from me. He wants to give it back to me, and I accept it. That's it. Simple as that. Why do you have to twist the facts? You are the one that wants to drive a wedge between my father and me, aren't you? You would love to see the two of us fight and hurt each other, wouldn't you?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean..." the reporter was shocked by Nathalia's words. Sweats dripped down his forehead. He had learned that Nathalia was not an easy one to handle, but he had to do it for money.

Nathalia went on and questioned harshly, "What do you mean then?"

The reporter muttered something, searching for defense, then he remembered something and shouted, "But why did the police take you here to interrogate you? It must mean that you are a suspect."

Am I a suspect? Huh. Nathalia wore a serious face and said sternly, "Don't you worry, everyone in the Carter's family will be interrogated, including Mrs. Ann Carter, who is more of a suspect than me as you know if anything happens to my father, she will get the biggest benefit."

It got the crowd thinking and talking. "It's true. If Frank Carter dies, his wife is the chief beneficiary. She will get most of his money."

"Right. She's the one with the strongest motive to murder her husband."

"Shit. That makes sense. So Ann Carter is the most suspicious."

"It's very likely."

"She's somebody, isn't she. Scary. Who knows what she's capable of doing."

Nathalia had switched the situation within just a few minutes. The reporter looked around, listened to the murmuring from the other reporters, and panicked. "Nonsense. It's impossible. Mrs. Ann Carter will never..."

"When have you become the spokesman for Mrs. Ann Carter?" Nathalia interrupted. "Does she tell you everything that she does? What's between you two?"

It was meant to use the media to have Nathalia carry the title of a murderer, to demolish her, but somehow the situation switched completely. The reporter was at a loss.

Nathalia squinted her eyes, waiting for an answer curiously, while the other reporters grew impatient. "Is it true? Say something."

"I was thinking about how come you knew that Nathalia Carter is here."

"It's you that told everyone to come here, isn't it?"

"Come on. Tell us. What's between you and Mrs. Carter?"

The reporter panicked and muttered something, but couldn't find a convincing explanation. In the end, he escaped from the crowd embarrassingly, which showed that Nathalia's suspicion was likely true. It excited the reporters, and they decided to find out the truth soon.

Nathalia's lips tilted to a victorious smile. In the morning sunlight, she looked gentle and glorious. Spencer watched her quietly. Proud. Smart. Playful. The same girl I know. His heart was pounding as he gazed at her.

A female voice broke the silence. "Miss Nathalia Carter, even if what you said is true, it doesn't mean that you are innocent." Nathalia took a good look at the female reporter and recognized her.

Her name was Joanna Lytton, a young, beautiful, and talented woman, who became famous for the rumors of her relationship with Spencer Davidson. It was said that they were once lovers.

"Doesn't it prove me innocent now that I'm standing here answering your questions? Why did the police let me go then?" She shrugged her shoulders and smiled a playful smile. Innocent, carefree, like a child.

Nathalia exchanged a look with Sean, and Sean stood forward and exclaimed, "I'm Miss Nathalia Carter's lawyer. Anyone who accuses Nathalia Carter shall receive a letter from me soon."

Silence prevailed.

Nathalia had gained the favor of most of the reporters, but Joanna Lytton wasn't to give up so easily. "Frank Carter is seriously hurt in hospital, but you have not even paid him a visit. Why? You hate him, don't you? You wish him dead, don't you?"

Confusion appeared on Nathalia's face. "Believe me or not, I pray that he lives, and he lives a long, long life."

So he would live to see himself slowly lose everything that he owned, to regret, to suffer, and that was what Nathalia wished for.

"Ha. Who will believe you at all?" Joanna sneered. The crowd watched the battle between the two girls, and all understood that one of them was taking the chance to stir up trouble.

Nathalia looked at her and sighed helplessly. Hmm. Another one. Alright, then. "I swear to everyone that it's only the truth that I've spoken and am speaking."