102 Chapter 102: I Can’t Stop Loving You

Friends? Who says so? I'm not your friend. Nathalia knitted her brows, confused and frustrated.

The reporters watched the young couple leave and quickly made their way back to their office, ready to write down the excitement of the morning. A glorious morning. A new start.

As soon as they were out of sight of the crowd, Nathalia stomped at Spencer's feet and threw a punch at his chest. "Let go of me. What do you want?!" She yelled angrily.

It actually hurt, but Spencer didn't want to let go; instead, it somehow made him feel more alive and less empty, seeing Nathalia getting frustrated, having her so close to him. "Nathalia, I can't. I can't let you go." He said in a pleading tone.

It was true. He had tried, more than once, his best, but all in vain. He couldn't forget her. He couldn't just let go.

Tears filled Nathalia's eyes. Her heart ached as if a sharp claw was squeezing it. She turned her head away to hide her pain from him. "That's none of my business. It's your problem if you can't let go." She sounded so cold and indifferent.

A stabbing pain knocked at Spencer's heart. He replied in the same cold tone, "True. It's my own problem. It has nothing to do with you; however, I deal with it or whatever I do."

Nathalia felt so frustrated and exhausted. What does he want?

"I've got enough trouble to deal with. Don't make it more difficult for me. You are the charming rich Mr. Spencer Davidson, aren't you? Just find yourself some girls, and you will forget me soon." She managed to hide the pain and say the harshest words she could.

She did believe that there were no difficulties that you could not overcome if you set up your mind to do it. You just needed to be strong.

Spencer gazed at her, shocked, not being able to digest her words or believe that she had actually said what she said. He felt sudden frustrating anger, and all the words and feelings that had been suppressed exploded. "Tell me how I can find girls then? Every girl I meet, whether they are pretty, or plain, or tall, or short, or blonde, or dark, or slim, I just see you in them! What can I do? I can't get you out of my head. I can't stop having feelings for you. Tell me! What can I do?"

He had been searching for her in others; despite the effort, he made himself stop from thinking of her.

Nathalia listened in silence, and her heart ached, every word stabbed her like a knife. Tears in her eyes, she said icily, "Go abroad, travel, leave..."

Don't trust him. Don't expect. Don't believe in love. Don't hope. It does not belong to me, not in this life. She tried to convince herself, but the voice inside her sounded so weak and uncertain.

Spencer embraced her. The familiar touch. The familiar fragrance. The familiar feeling of warmth and closeness overwhelmed him. He had missed it so much.

His voice and breathing right next to her ears, his heart pounding under her hand, Nathalia couldn't hide it anymore. Tears flowed down her cheeks and splashed onto the floor. "Spencer, please. Don't."

He wiped the tears off her face gently. He felt pain, and he felt love. "I can't stop loving you."


A few bodyguards stood outside the operating theatre at the City Central Hospital. Tension filled the air.

Ann jumped up from her seat as she saw Nathalia come in, pointed her finger at her nose, and bellowed, "You are not welcome here. What have you done to your father? Why did you do it?! You are evil. How could you do that to your father?!"

Evette was there too. Her eyes were red from crying. "Nathalia, you are such a devil! I can��t believe you did that to dad!" She said with a resentful face.

"You will get your karma soon." Zack contributed. Nathalia was surprised to see both Evette and Zack back. How rare it was that the whole family was there!

Zack seemed to have grown more mature. He had not raised his hand up at Nathalia yet, though the hatred in his eyes was apparent. Not like the usual Zack, I remember. Surprising. He seems to have changed a bit. Nathalia thought.

Nathalia glanced around thoughtfully, then said, "Mrs. Carter, it's said that you are the biggest suspect and had the most convincing motive to murder your husband..."

Ann Carter's face turned red, and she was trembling with anger. "Nathalia Carter, how dare you accuse me! What are you plotting this time? It's my husband, my husband, that's in the operating room now! He's my children's father! He means everything to me! I would rather die than see him hurt."

Nathalia didn't care to listen to or look at her. She waited till she finished and said calmly, "How touching. But your words are just words. It doesn't mean you are not a suspect. By the way, you two are the same." She turned to Evette and Zack.

Zack had been doing very well holding back his anger, but this time he couldn't take it anymore. "Bitch..." He glared at Nathalia, but Evette quickly covered his mouth with her hand and gave him a warning glance as she looked at a corner as if to remind him of something "Zack, don't fall into her trap. She's trying to anger you." Zack listened and held his hands clenched, breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down.

It was not difficult to see that the little 'loving' family had planned something, but they thought Nathalia too stupid to notice.

Seeing Zack won't get violent, Evette turned around and stared at Nathalia angrily, "Nathalia, if anything happens to dad, I will never forgive you." Evette was playing the role of a worried and caring daughter the best she could.

Nathalia accepted the challenge, looked at Evette, and replied self-assuredly, "Same to you, Evette."

Sean had been standing by the door watching. What a family. He sighed.

The family finally noticed him. Zack frowned, then sneered, "Who's that? You are scared to come alone because you know what you have done? What's your bodyguard doing here? Huh?"

Sean let out an awkward laugh. Do I look like a bodyguard?

"I'm Sean Rushton, Miss Nathalia Carter's lawyer. I suggest you show some respect for yourself as well as others."

Zack was a bit startled. He's not a bodyguard. Huh. Lawyers are worse. They are too good at talking, talking too much—possibly the most annoying people.

Evette had heard of Sean Rushton, and she felt a sudden fear. "Sean Rushton, how come you are helping someone as evil as her? How much has she paid for you? I will pay you to double. I will hire you."

Since Sean accepted Nathalia's request, he had done thorough research on every member of the Carter. Evette Carter was possibly the one he disdained the most.

You set your sister up, alright. For the sake of winning your father's love, no problem, but at least do it well. Too stupid to even know your own stupidity.

"I don't just work for anyone, especially someone who doesn't have a brain," Sean said plainly.