The Prime Minister's Wife Is The Richest Woman

CH 45.2

After all, Wu Wei’an seems to like his new carriage very much.

And these days, according to Baofu, he often goes to the carriage workshop to stare at the guys at work.

The guys were all scared after being stared at by him.

Ji Yunxi can also understand that, after all, ancient carriages are probably equivalent to modern carriages.

Many men in modern times have different feelings for cars. Many business celebrities she knew in those days also loved cars.

Ji Yunxi asked the coachman: “Where is Master?”

The coachman replied: “Replying to Third Miss, it seems that Master’s carriage has been lost, and Master has gone after it.”

Ji Yunxi: “?”

Ji Yunxi rubbed her eyebrows and said: “Let’s go back first then.”

As a result, the carriage stopped shortly after it had moved only a short distance away.

Ji Yunxi was wondering why it stopped when the carriage curtain was lifted, and Wu Wei’an, who was panting, climbed up.

Wu Wei’an was sweating when he ran around the street in this June’s weather.

Ji Yunxi poured him a cup of herbal tea and handed it to him before she asked: “You didn’t find it?”

“Yeah.” Wu Wei’an took the teacup, raised his head and drank it. His mood didn’t seem too high, and was very depressed instead.

What the hell! His horse, which has always been slow, even its butt couldn’t be seen at all although he had chased all the way.

He also asked a lot of pedestrians, but none of them said they had seen it.

He happened to see Ji Yunxi’s carriage passing by, so he stopped it.

If he missed the best time to chase the horse, it may be difficult to find the carriage again. He also can’t use the light footsteps skills so he can only run on his legs.

The weather is too hot these days, and although he could bear it before, now that he has enjoyed the coolness of ice cubes at home, Wu Wei’an doesn’t want to let himself suffer too much anymore.

Now it seems that he can only go back and mobilize Xuezhu, the round-faced housekeeper, and the others, to form a long-term plan, and then look for it in the entire capital.

Ji Yunxi also poured herself a cup of herbal tea, but she didn’t drink it and just kept it in her palm to play with.

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Seeing his sighing appearance, Ji Yunxi thought for a moment: “If you can’t find it back, I will let the carriage workshop make another one for you.”

“No.” Wu Wei’an spit out a word with cold eyes, “It will definitely be found back.”

He doesn’t believe that! He won’t find his carriage back!

In recent days, he has drawn many blueprints, gone to the carriage workshop many times, and discussed with those stupid guys for so many times and spent so much energy to finally produce such a carriage that is very, very, very much to his liking.

This is not something that can be solved by ordering another carriage!

Ji Yunxi shook her head: “But, how can the carriage run away?”

Wu Wei’an glanced at her, pursed his lips, and did not reply for a while.

He didn’t know what happened to him either.

Anyway, at that time, he just didn’t tie the reins. It is an incredible thing for him that he did not tie the reins.

Wu Wei’an sighed lightly: “I don’t know either. I had obviously tied it. Maybe it’s the child on the side of the road that is playful and thought about helping me loosen it.”

Ji Yunxi nodded, bypassed the topic and asked him: “What do you think about Fang Yuan’s matter?”

On hearing this, Wu Wei’an took the look of remorse, annoyance and anger off his face.

He looked at her several times, then at the empty teacup in his hand.

He also wondered just now, how could she kindly pour tea for him, and even offered to send him another carriage too.

It turns out that the goal is this.

Wu Wei’an lowered his head, refilled himself a cup of herbal tea, held it in the palm of his hand, and leaned back.

The wind blows up the curtain of the carriage, bringing a trace of dryness and heat outside into the carriage that is cool.

Wu Wei’an looked out of the window at all kinds of pedestrians from the cracks in the curtain that had been blown up. He took a sip of herbal tea and said slowly: “The target of Fang Yuan’s matter is your Ji family.”