The Prime Minister's Wife Is The Richest Woman

CH 45.3

Ji Yunxi lowered her head slightly and swayed the herbal tea in her cup: “I know.”

Wu Wei’an retracted his gaze, and his eyes fell on her: “The easiest solution for this matter is to leave it alone. You can always find a better manager than Fang Yuan.”

As long as you leave it alone, the people behind will not be able to frame the Ji family. At most, they only sacrificed one Fang Yuan.

No matter how capable that Fang Yuan is, she is just an ordinary person. In this world, there is always no shortage of people, and there is also no shortage of capable people.

If one just spends more time looking for it, one will be able to find a suitable manager, perhaps even better than Fang Yuan.

It’s just that——

Wu Wei’an slightly hooked his lips and looked at his seemingly indifferent wife before saying: “Can you leave it alone?”

Ji Yunxi raised her head, those bright and firm eyes looked at him quietly. Her red lips parted slightly, and she threw the question back lightly: “If it is you, will you take care of it?”

Wu Wei’an put down the cup, which made a soft sound, then give the final words: “I will.”

Ji Yunxi raised her beautiful eyebrows, and her bright face showed a bit of surprise: “This is quite unexpected.”

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Wu Wei’an is not a gentleman who is benign and open hearted. Although from his face, he looks like a good person, the word ‘kindness’ has never been related to him.

Those people who are in his hands, perhaps they are just a piece of chess.

This chess piece, Fang Yuan, is not one with heavy value. She thought he would say no.

Wu Wei’an bent his eyes, making his face calm and kind. His voice was soft and tender when he said: “Saving one person is to reassure the others’ hearts. They will be willing to sacrifice their lives for you. So why not?”

Ji Yunxi understood what he meant: “I don’t know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate to be your subordinate.”

Wu Wei’an shrugged, he never thought about this kind of problem. He looked at her and casually reminded her: “I am afraid that the prison in the Ministry of Punishment has already set an inescapable trap there, just waiting for your Ji Family to throw themselves into the net. You can take care of the matter, but you need to find other ways. Otherwise, instead of saving Fang Yuan, you will compensate it with yourself.”

As for asking him to find a way to help? Fang Yuan is not his subordinate.

Don’t think he didn’t know that Fang Yuan secretly diverted some of the business from his four gambling houses to Ji Yunxi’s four gambling houses.

Ji Yunxi looked at him, raised her eyebrows, and said in a somewhat inconceivable tone: “Do you think I’m stupid?”

Wu Wei’an cannot help laughing: “I am just reminding you. Now that you and I are married, don’t drag my Wu family into the water.”

Ji Yunxi couldn’t help but roll her eyes slightly.

She pondered for a moment and discussed with him: “I want to borrow your people.”

Wu Wei’an hummed: “What are you going to do?”

Ji Yunxi said: “Fang Yuan, a woman, left her hometown disguised as a man and came to the capital city. She is also proficient at gambling. I guess her father was addicted to gambling and gave her to the gambling house, so she may have stayed in the gambling house for some time when she was young. Later, for some reason, she should have been bought by someone. A woman who was bought won’t end well. She should have killed someone by accident. After killing, she took the identity of that man and fled to the capital city.”

Wu Wei’an nodded: “Fang Yuan was the last one in the exam.”

Ji Yunxi: “It’s been almost three months since Fang Yuan became the manager of my gambling houses. The time is just enough for people to go to Fang Yuan’s hometown and then come back to the capital city again. The people of the Fifth Prince must have brought the real Fang Yuan’s parents. I want your people to help me find Fang Yuan’s parents.”

Wu Wei’an glanced at her with some appreciation in his eyes.

There was a smile in his eyes: “Alright, I happen to be looking for a horse. But as a husband and wife, shouldn’t we also settle the account clearly?”