The Prime Minister's Wife Is The Richest Woman

CH 45.1

The incident happened so suddenly, and after Fang Yuan was taken away, the situation in Dechang Casino turned chaotic.

There are people who are curious, people who are surprised, and people who are afraid.

“God, did you hear that? This Manager Fang killed someone??”

“The people who can be the steward of the gambling house are indeed different. They even dare to murder!”

“Not only that, with only a glance I could tell that this Manager Fang is not a good man at all! How many workers in this gambling house have been driven away by him anyway? And how many gamblers have been thrown out by this Manager Fang recently? It’s too terrible. Really too terrible.”

“Let’s go, let’s go. Who dares to come to such a gambling house again? Those who come, perhaps they do not want their life anymore.”

“But Brother, to put it plainly, aren’t all the gambling houses in the capital belong to one family only? If you don’t gamble here, isn’t it the same too if you gamble in other gambling houses?”

“… That’s right too.”

There was a lot of noise and doubts around one after another. Ji Yunxi called out the second most capable person, after Fang Yuan, in the gambling house and handed over Dechang Gambling House to the other party for the time being, and explained some things carefully.

Wu Wei’an thought of his own carriage and ran out quickly after the arresters left.

As a result, the place where a new carriage and a thin horse should have been parked outside was empty.

His horse, pulling his new carriage, which he had only ridden once, and ran away.

Run away…

Run away!

And next to the place where Wu Wei’an stopped his carriage, Ji Yunxi’s exquisite and spacious carriage was still there.

The sturdy Ferghana Horse with smooth fur shook its head handsomely and waited patiently for its rich mistress.

Wu Wei’an looked at it carefully again, and found that Ji Yunxi didn’t tie the reins to her horse.

So why didn’t her horse run away? But his horse just ran away?

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Just as he was thinking about it, Ji Yunxi’s coachman came out from the side alley.

Seeing Wu Wei’an, the driver bowed.

Wu Wei’an asked him: “Have you seen my carriage?”

The coachman was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: “This little one didn’t see it.”

Wu Wei’an asked him: “You’re not here guarding the carriage, where have you been then?” If the other party was here, his carriage wouldn’t have run away!

The coachman felt a little aggrieved and somewhat embarrassed: “This little one went to the toilet.”

Wu Wei’an was speechless.

He can’t keep people from going to the toilet, can’t he?

On the side of the place where he placed his carriage before, stood a little boy.

The child was about five or six years old, holding a string of candied haws, looking up with his dirty little face, licking the candied haws, and looking at him.

Wu Wei’an stared at the child, and the two of them were looking at each other for a while.

He remembered that the child stood here just before he entered the door!

Wu Wei’an went over, squatted down in front of the child, and asked softly: “Boy, have you seen Brother’s carriage? The one with a thin horse.”

The child nodded.

Wu Wei’an’s eyes lit up: “Then, did you see where the horse ran to?”

The child hesitated, then looked to the left and right of the street, and then pointed to the left of the street.

Wu Wei’an thanked him and ran to the left of the street.

His thin horse can’t run fast, maybe he can still catch up with it now!

The child looked at Wu Wei’an’s running back, wiped his fingers, touched his head, looked to the right again, and bit the candied haws dazedly.


After Ji Yunxi finished dealing with the matters in Dechang Gmabling House, she walked out of the building.

She is no longer in the mood to visit the gambling houses now. She has to go back and think about how to solve Fang Yuan’s matter.

Ji Yunxi stood beside the carriage and looked around, but she didn’t see Wu Wei’an.

Strange. At that time when the arresters left, he was obviously still there. Although she didn’t see him inside just now, Ji Yunxi thought he was just waiting outside in a carriage.