The President's Man

Chapter 386 - The Talk (1)


Meanwhile, somewhere in Imperial City, a black BMW X6 stopped outside the lobby of a luxurious hotel.

"Sir, we have arrived at the Imperial Hotel," the driver of the BMW said as he glanced at his boss through the rearview mirror.

His boss, Su Wei, was taking a nap at the backseat, and he opened his eyes upon hearing the driver. Su Wei yawned slightly as he glanced down at his watch. "Still got 15 minutes till the meeting... Find a place to park and wake me up in 10 minutes..."

"Yes, sir," the driver said before starting the car again. He parked at one of the valet parking areas, and when the valet came over, he told the valet to come again later.

Meanwhile, Su Wei, who had his eyes closed, wondered if this was all a retaliation from Han Ye. He was not worried about this. If Han Ye knew who Xiao Lei was, and Su Wei had no doubt that he knew, he would not harm Fan Entertainment that badly. This was most likely a warning from him.

After a while, Su Wei heard his driver say, "Sir, it has been 10 minutes."

He then opened his eyes, adjusted his clothes, and got out of the car. As he walked into the hotel, there were multiple pairs of eyes on him, and he could hear some women talking about him, but he paid them no heed and continued to walk straight into the meeting room, which he had booked for the meeting tonight.

He was supposed to meet with the largest investor of the film that the drug-using actor was in. Apparently, the investor was furious upon finding out about the scandal because his youngest child passed away as a result of drug abuse. Hence, when he invested in the film, he made it clear that he would not want anyone who abused drugs or had a history of using any in the crew.

When he reached the outside of the room, he asked the hotel attendant who was about to enter the room with a cart full of food. "Is Mr. Patrick inside?"

The attendant nodded before entering the room with the cart. Su Wei took a deep breath before following the attendant.

When he walked in, he saw a man's broad back facing him, and he immediately greeted with a smile, "Mr. Patrick, I didn't know you would be here early, or I would have come sooner..."

"There's no need," said the man, still with the back facing Su Wei.

When Su Wei heard the reply, he frowned. He had heard Mr. Patrick's voice before as they actually met briefly during a party, but the calm voice of the man in front of him was nothing like Mr. Patrick's rough and not at all pleasant voice.

"Erm... Mr. Patrick?" Su Wei called out again with a smile as he slowly walked to the side to get a good look at the man in the room.

The man turned around and stood up to meet him. With his hands in his pocket, the man smirked as he said, "I would have expected you to expect me here... After all, Imperial Hotel is under Du Corporation."

Su Wei frowned. "Mr. Han..."

"Su Wei," Han Ye said, dropping the formality. He waved a hand to signal the hotel attendant to leave before saying to Su Wei, "Sit."

Su Wei thought for a second before nodding. As he took his seat, he said with a smile, "Now, what's the meaning of this impromptu meeting, Mr. Han?"

"Just a friendly talk between two men," Han Ye said as he picked up his glass of red wine. "I've come to know that you have orchestrated the incident that happened to my woman."

He then slowly sipped from his glass of wine as he kept his eyes on Su Wei. The last few days, he had been furious as he planned out that little small attack on Fan Entertainment. If Su Wei dared to make a move to hurt his woman, then he would dare to hurt his woman back.

Han Ye specifically chose one of the artists under Fan Xiyue, and for the best effect, he targeted all of her top-earning artists. Even if he could not bribe the artists themselves, it wasn't hard to bribe those around him. And as expected, he managed to get something on one of them.

Han Ye knew that Fan Xiyue was having trouble at the company because of her gender, and if something like this was to happen, she would definitely be in a lot of trouble. He might not be acting ethically, but all his ethics were thrown out the moment they attacked his woman.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Su Wei said as he poured himself a glass of red wine. He doubted Han Ye would do anything to his drink since there were people who knew that he was coming here. However, he had to be careful with his words as he did not trust that the man would talk without setting up any recording devices.

Once he had poured himself a glass of red wine, he leaned back in his chair and asked, "Your woman... She's the new actress that has been causing a lot of commotion lately, Xiao Xiao Lei, right? Did something happen to her? I didn't hear anything about it until you told me."

Han Ye smiled. He had expected the man to deny it. Su Wei wasn't only an heir to a rich family, but he was actually a capable leader as well. That was why Fan Chuan pushed his daughter to Su Wei when Fan Entertainment was having some crisis a few years back.

"Someone kidnapped her a few days back... We managed to save her shortly after, and she's mostly fine now..."

"Oh, really?" Su Wei raised a brow and said calmly, "I hope Ms. Xiao is fine... Imperial City has been getting dangerous lately, what with all the internal migration going on."

Han Ye smiled as he placed his glass of wine down on the table. He then said, "Yeah... And how's your wife, Su Wei? I'm sure the scandal regarding her artist must have taken its toll on her. After all, she has been heavily promoting that artist."