The President's Man

Chapter 385 - Scandal


Less than three days later, Fan Entertainment was hit with a huge scandal.

One of the A-list artists from Fan Entertainment was caught red-handed with heroin in his possession. Normally, with time, whatever bad publicity this might bring to the company could be easily solved. All they had to do was to redirect the attention of the public to something better, like toward another artist who had just done some good deeds or to talk about the newborn babies of some of the other popular artists.

Unfortunately, this drug-using artist was involved in a high-profile movie that was about to be released in all cinemas countrywide next week.

And there were a few other A-list artists from other companies who were involved in this movie as well. Because of the drug-using artist, everyone else was also targeted in forums, and their already highly scrutinized lives were made worse.

Fan Xiyue was criticized badly because of this news, mainly because she was the manager of the said artist. In order to protect the movie and to prevent it from being banned by the government, Fan Xiyue knew that she had to calm the public down first.

To do so, she attended a press conference and publicly apologized for her failure in taking care of her artist, as well as the trouble and inconvenience that her artist had caused to so many parties involved.

Since her artist was caught redhanded, there was no way she could dismiss this as a misunderstanding. Hence, the best way was to admit to everything and to give the public a proper explanation.

"Unfortunately, the artist was going through some family crisis, and due to all the acc.u.mulated stress, he had chosen the wrong way to release his stress. Fan Entertainment would take all responsibility and make sure that the artist receives all the help that he needs," Fan Xiyue said to the reporters before bowing respectfully at them.

She then made the artist bow as well. To show goodwill and to portray Fan Entertainment as a humane company, she had to bail him out, and she threatened him with enough words so that he knew not to screw up anymore.

There would be a trial soon, and she doubted that the artist would be able to escape from jail time. So, Fan Xiyue promised him that she would help him after his jail time, provided that he helped Fan Entertainment get out of this mess now.

After dealing with a few more questions, Fan Xiyue and her group departed from the hotel where the press conference was held. She sent a bodyguard to escort the artist home, and she told the bodyguard to keep an eye on the artist at all times.

By the time she arrived back in the headquarters of Fan Entertainment, she was so exhausted that she just lay down on the couch in her office after telling her assistant to deal with any incoming calls.

"Yes, Manager Fan," said her assistant respectfully as she placed Fan Xiyue's bag on the desk. "Please don't forget about the Board of Directors Meeting at 6 pm today, Manager Fan."

Fan Xiyue opened her eyes and glanced at her watch. It was almost 5 pm, so she said, "I'm going to take a short nap. Wake me up at 5.30 pm."

Her assistant nodded before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. After she left, Fan Xiyue sighed loudly as she tried to think of a way to get out of this. Drug usage was a huge taboo in the entertainment world. With so many young people looking up to them, artists were supposed to put on a good front and be as respectable as possible.

Fan Xiyue was strict with the artists under her management as well. Usually, she would cut them off the moment she found out that they had been abusing drugs, but this one managed to slip past her scan.

None of the people she sent to spy on that artist mentioned anything about drugs, and it was only recently that she pulled the spies off, in order to give the artist a little breathing space since he had just finished production and probably wanted some privacy to do whatever he wanted with his secret girlfriend.

This meant that this guy had only been using recently, and unfortunately, he got caught before he could even get addicted to it.

"Fan Xiyue, ah, Fan Xiyue... There's bound to be a bad seed," she mumbled to herself before sighing deeply. She couldn't allow this to bring her down. She worked so hard to get to where she was. It would be a waste if the Board of Directors deemed her too weak to take on any leadership role in the company.

Right now, she knew that everyone was only giving her respect because she was Fan Chuan's daughter and Su Wei's wife. It was as if no one could see the effort she made over the last decade, and how much she had sacrificed for the company.

When her father caught wind of the news this morning, he immediately called her. Instead of talking nicely to her and asking her about her plans to settle this, he had berated her for her inability to control her artists, and he made it clear that he was extremely disappointed at her.

"It's a good thing that I didn't make you the CEO, or Fan Entertainment would have been destroyed by your carelessness!" Fan Chuan had yelled at her before hanging up on her.

Fan Xiyue could only take it sitting down. There was nothing she could say to her father. That man had always been like that toward her, mostly because she was a woman. Thus, she merely forced herself to calm down before going to the press conferences.

Now that she had some time to herself, she could not help but drop a tear out of frustration. Because of this scandal, Su Wei had to cancel his work trip overseas. He had his assistant set up a meeting with the investors, as well as the artists and the other entertainment companies that were involved in the movie, of the high-profile movie.

Even though he told her not to blame herself, Fan Xiyue could not help but wonder if she was really suited for this job. It felt as if everything had been going wrong lately, and there was a nagging feeling in her heart, as if something was warning her that the worse was about to come.