The President's Man

Chapter 387 - The Talk (2)

Su Wei chuckled upon hearing Han Ye's "concern".

"Xiyue is fine... She's a strong and capable woman, so no matter what anyone throws at her, she would be able to handle everything just fine. And something like a drug scandal wouldn't drag her down at all, if that's what you're worried about."

"I don't know about this," Han Ye said with a nonchalant shrug. "She seems stressed out..."

As he spoke, he took out his phone, slid it across the table. And when the phone stopped not far from Su Wei, Han Ye said, "Take a good look at it."

Su Wei narrowed his eyes as he looked at Han Ye suspiciously. Slowly, his left hand reached out to pick up the phone, whose screen was of the photo gallery. He then looked at the photos that Han Ye wanted to show him. They were all photos of his wife, going from meetings to meetings, talking to the reporters, quietly standing as she faced with angry accusations, and a particular one that caused Su Wei's eyebrows to twitch slightly.

It was a photo where she was leaning against the wall, looking extremely tired while massaging her glabella.

Glaring at Han Ye, Su Wei said coldly, "I didn't know Mr. Han has a habit of spying on someone else's wife... That's very unbecoming of you, don't you think so?"

"Maybe, except that I don't really like looking at other women. I only like to look at mine..." Han Ye said calmly. He then crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. "However, when someone threatens my wife, I find it only appropriate to return the favor."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Han..." Su Wei said as he tried to keep his emotions under control. He glanced down at the phone and looked at the photo of his wife leaning against the wall, and he felt a pang of sadness welling in his heart. Yet he knew that he had to do what he had to do in order to protect his wife and her family from going through more things.

Xiao Lei and her son's identities must be kept secret forever. Exposing it would only do more harm than good, and the younger generation, meaning their son, would be the one most affected by it.

Su Wei knew that his wife had the same thoughts, and that was why she had never mentioned it to anyone within her family.

If it weren't because he stumbled upon it when she was going through the DNA reports, he had a feeling that she wouldn't even tell him about it as well.

Su Wei slid the phone back to Han Ye and said, "There might be some misunderstanding here..."

"I think we both know what I was talking about and that we are both clear about everything," Han Ye said as he put the phone back in his left pant pocket. Standing up, he adjusted his suit and walked toward Su Wei, who had also stood up by now. As they faced each other, Han Ye warned in a low voice, "Don't think that you are indestructible. In the eyes of the Du Corporation, you guys are nothing."

"I don't think I'm indestructible," Su Wei replied with a sharp tone, "but I know that you won't harm Fan Entertainment, and that's all--"


Su Wei fell down onto the floor following the sneak attack by Han Ye.

"Urgh..." he groaned slightly as he rubbed the back of his right hand against his sore right cheek. He then glanced at the back of his hand, where there was a faint trace of blood, and he knew then that the right corner of his bottom lip was bleeding.

"Didn't expect that?" Han Ye sneered as he looked down at Su Wei while rubbing his knuckles. "And you're right..." Han Ye said calmly as he placed his left foot on Su Wei's chest to keep him down. "I won't harm Fan Entertainment, since the company belongs to Wushuang. But I won't be so sure about you or those devils in human skin..."

Su Wei struggled to push Han Ye away but to no avail. Han Ye had his foot firmly stamped on his chest.

Han Ye and Su Wei glared at each other for a few seconds; after which, the former continued, "Just because I'm a gentleman doesn't mean that I have no temper at all, Su Wei. I'm now warning you, and this should be my last warning. After this, I won't be coming after you alone."

He removed his foot from Su Wei's chest and warned, "Leave my woman and her son alone. They are not someone you or anyone from the Fan Family can mess around with. Otherwise, I can't guarantee the safety of your woman and that son of yours."

Han Ye then took out a photo from his shirt pocket and threw it down at Su Wei. The photo slowly floated down and landed on the ground next to Su Wei. When Su Wei saw the photo, his eyes opened wide in fear.

It was a picture of his precious son at school, and standing near his son was a man---Han Ye--- who was staring at the person taking the photo with a calm expression.

The message was clear. The next target would be Su Qi. Upon realizing that, Su Wei grabbed the photo and crumpled it in his fist as he stood up. He was at least half a head taller than Han Ye, but at this moment, he could not do anything against the man.

"I'm doing it for her sake as well, Mr. Han," Su Wei said as he dusted the dirt off his chest. "You will regret it if you continue to pursue the truth, and so will she."

Han Ye felt that Su Wei was hiding something, so he asked, "And why's that?"

"All I can say is that her identity is not as it seems," Su Wei said calmly. He then added, "I think this meeting is over... I shall take my leave now, Mr. Han."

He then nodded at Han Ye before walking out of the meeting room.

Instead of leaving straight away, Han Ye sat back at his seat and calmly picked up his glass of wine. He then slowly finished his drink, and the moment he placed his empty glass back on the table, he called out, "Come in."

A second later, the door was opened and a man dressed in suit walked in. "Mr. Han."

"He left?" Han Ye asked.

"Yes, sir."

Han Ye stood up and adjusted his clothes as he said, "Send someone to monitor him 24/7. I want everyone from the Fan Family to be monitored 24/7 until I say otherwise."

"Yes, sir."

Han Ye knew that his action was despicable, but he had to do this for the safety of those he cared for. He did not want to lose anyone important to him anymore. And for someone like Su Wei, who obviously loved his son--his only son--this was the easiest way to deter him from plotting anything against Xiao Lei and Xiao Zhihao.

"Are you leaving now, sir?" the man asked when he saw Han Ye walking to the door.

"I have things to do at home. You may leave now after everything is done," Han Ye said and left the room without waiting for any other response.