The Pirate Family

701 Chapter 688: Justice and Evil

"There is still half a month away from Tezolo\'s invitation. Are you ready?"

At an altitude of 10,000 meters from the sea, on the streets of SKY, a woman in a white dress is walking with a woman in a red dress.

"The one that should come will always come and can\'t hide it."

The woman in the red dress sighed, then said slowly.

"Since they want to see the reality of the family, I will let them take a look."

"You want to kill someone?"

The woman in the white skirt paused and said in surprise.But after thinking about it for a while, she nodded.

Their essence is, after all, pirates, and for pirates, the easiest way to solve trouble is to kill.

"Indeed, killing is indeed a good way to establish prestige. Those people just want to see if the family has been hit hard as rumored. As long as you show unrivaled strength, then those who have bad intentions , You will retreat in the face of difficulties.

"I thought you would persuade me to bear it, Agatha."

The woman in the red skirt also stopped, teasing a little.

She is exactly Veenhill Garrett, who is known as the Queen of Blood, but because of her strong name, many people have overlooked one thing, that is, she is just a little girl of sixteen or seventeen. .

"Didn\'t you say that, there are some things that can\'t be avoided."

Agatha said, "However, when you make a move, you must think about the identity of these people. The family has already made enemies on all sides and can no longer offend more opponents."

"At least, before Lorne wakes up, he must be cautious."

After the Battle of Sdio, everyone recognized the strength of the young woman in front of them, as one of the top demon fruit abilities. At this time, Garrett’s combat power will not be inferior to that of Maria Gioria. There was too much Lorne.

And this strength is enough to rule the roost in this sea.

Now Agatha’s only worry is whether Garrett’s body has recovered or not. The little girl alone put all the burdens on herself. Soon after the Battle of Sdio ended, she walked out of the ward. , Suppressed a group of pirates wandering near the sea area of ​​Si Dio with strong means, and announced his return to the world.

"My ability is blood. Only with enough blood, my recovery ability can even match those of the awakened animal fruit, so don\'t worry."

Garrett said with a smile.

"That\'s good." Agatha nodded, "In order to be sure, when you go to Guran Tezolo, you should take Ainilu with you. With him by your side, we will be relieved a lot. ."

As the family\'s first top combat power to wake up, after the Battle of Bislan, no one in this sea questioned the strength of the man who controlled the Thunder.

"Forget it, because I agreed to Xiao Anqian\'s undercover naval mission, he is now stunned with me." Garrett said with a smile."I\'m probably in the castle now, waiting for my answer."

"Moreover, there must be a person in the family. I don\'t worry about those experimental subjects. So Anilu is the best candidate."

"Really." Agatha said helplessly. Although Garrett was docile, the blood flowing in her bones was as stubborn as Ron. The decision she made could not be changed.

"But at this time, before the dust settles on your Tezolo, who would dare to attack the family? These pirates in the sea are figuring out whether the family is a sleeping lion or a dying giant elephant. , Will not make fun of his life."

"I\'m not worried about the pirates," Garrett caught a small white dove on the wall of the city in the sky. Above 10,000 meters, the air is quite thin, so flying birds are extremely rare. The pigeon is the pet of the whole city, and is cared by the whole city, so it is not afraid of people.

Garrett grabbed the white dove, rubbed his slender fingers on its white feathers, and stroked its neck from time to time. The white dove stretched its neck and felt the queen\'s caress comfortably.

"It\'s it!"

Garrett suddenly squeezed the white dove\'s body.Countless blood has emerged from its body, flowing continuously in the air. The white dove is constantly struggling in Garrett\'s hands, but it can\'t get rid of her shackles at all. With the loss of too much blood, it struggles more The weaker and weaker, finally, he stiffened and lay on Garrett\'s hands.

"You mean... the Navy?" Agatha\'s pupils shrank, and she immediately understood what Garrett was worried about.

The white dove has always been a symbol of peace, and it is the navy that most likes to put words like peace and justice on the lips.

She directly ignored Garrett\'s actions to strangle the pigeon.No matter how many beautiful affixes are added, no matter how they are modified, their essence is after all a pirate.

And is it not justified that pirates are murderous?

"It stands to reason that the Navy will not give up this opportunity. Now that the family is so weak, the Navy should chase the family by victory and defeat the family in one fell swoop. But now there is no news that the Navy is going to act on the family.

"Even with White Beard\'s warning, but now Sdio\'s crisis has passed, White Beard\'s warning should be outdated. Why has the Navy been so slow?"

Garrett controlled the blood flowing out of the white dove, flying in the air constantly, as if a child had encountered a favorite toy.

"You mean, the navy has another plot?" Agatha said solemnly. After all, for the family now, after the deterioration of relations with the world government, the navy is a more difficult opponent than the pirates.

"Yes, the navy does not move, perhaps because what they want is not just our family, they have bigger plans."

"Or maybe it\'s because they were dragged down by something we didn\'t know, and they couldn\'t separate the staff, so they had to give up this great opportunity to wipe out our family."

Garrett paused and continued.

"However, no matter what it is, we can\'t take it lightly. Therefore, Ainilu must stay in Sidiou to sit down and I can rest assured."

She snapped a finger lightly, and the blood that was spinning in the air suddenly shattered and turned into blood on the ground, staining the city wall bright red.

Agatha remained unmoved. After they left, soldiers would clean the place.

"I understand." Agatha nodded, then her body turned into countless mists, and slowly disappeared.

"Poor pigeon." Garrett looked at the white pigeon that was dying due to excessive blood loss, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

"The symbol of peace is not so good. Let\'s accompany us to become a sin in this world."

A touch of blood flowed from her fingertips and poured into the white dove\'s body. Then the dying white dove seemed to have gained the vitality of life and stood up again.

"Leave, cutie."

Garrett let go of his hands, and the white dove flapped its wings and flew towards the distance.

However, no one noticed that this pigeon, a symbol of peace and justice, had a trace of blood in its pupils.