The Pirate Family

700 Chapter 687 Joining the Navy

The navy is so domineering.The cold sweat couldn\'t stop streaming from Old Bath\'s forehead.

Especially when he saw the little boy Roma hiding behind the female navy, he knew that this time he was going to be fooled.

But Old Ba En was an old fried dough stick that had been mixed in this sea after all. He quickly packed his mood and continued.

"Oh oh oh, I probably know what letter you said."

Old Barn patted his head abruptly, suddenly realizing.

"You mean the letter I sent to them through children before."

"What is written on it? Who are the people who lived in the small manor before?"

The female captain said sharply.

"The letter just wrote about what happened on this sea. You know I am an intelligence merchant. What I do best is to collect the fragmented information, then organize it together and sell it to those in need." Old Barn Said so.

"I don\'t even know who bought my information."

"You mean, you want to hide their identity?"

The female captain squinted her eyes and said coldly.

"I dare not dare, but I really don\'t know."

Old Barn dragged his fat body and knelt directly in front of the female navy.But as he bowed his head, he couldn\'t help cursing the Gaosuo group at the same time.

If this group of unruly bastards are caught by him, they must know what it means to break the rules of Qingfeng City.

In the early years, Old Barn had also been a pirate, but as he got older and did not do things as ruthlessly before, he gradually retreated from his original position, but this does not mean that his strength is not good. At least he is confident to keep all the navy here,

The reason for not doing so is because if an entire naval force disappears in Qingfeng City, then the navy will definitely send more powerful people to investigate. At that time, the pirate’s paradise will be completely swept away by the navy.

"Take him to the naval base and interrogate him slowly." The female captain said to the soldiers.

Then the navy soldier ignored Old Barn\'s resistance, and pulled him out.

After all this was done, the female captain turned her head and looked at Princess Sissi.

"Why, do you want to arrest me together?" Princess Sissi said calmly.

"No, I just want to ask, why did you save this little boy." The female captain asked.According to the little boy Roma\'s confession, if a maid hadn\'t stopped him, then Roma might have collided with the arsonist pirate and was killed.

Pirates are cruel, this kind of thing, for them, is very simple.

"Because, he gave me milk for a few years, I don\'t want him to die like this."

"Living is a precious thing, even if you live with the idea of ​​revenge, it is more precious than death after a hundred."

Princess Sissi said so, with a trace of sentimentality on her face, and the two maids behind her seemed to be thinking of something and couldn\'t help sobbing.

At this time, the female captain remembered what the young girl had experienced before her. It was with this resentment that she lived until now.

And the little boy Roma next to him, as if he hadn\'t heard their conversation clearly, his eyes were dull and bloodshot, and his mouth kept repeating the words of Princess Sissi.

"Vengeance, revenge."

"Is that so?" The female captain looked around at Princess Sissi, but did not find the slightest flaw in her, and finally gave up.

"My question is over, you can leave now."

"Also," the female captain gritted her teeth after hesitating for a moment.

"We are very sorry about your country. If you need it, you can just tell me."

The Nicky Kingdom was once a member of the world government, but now it has been wiped out by the pirates. No matter what the reason, the navy must take responsibility for it.

"It\'s okay, it\'s gone." Princess Sissi\'s face was as usual

"But now, I do have one thing to trouble you."

"what\'s up?"

The female captain had already planned to leave here, but after hearing the words of Princess Sissi, she stopped her steps and asked.

"I want to join the navy."

"What?" The female captain thought she had heard her ears, and said in surprise.

"I said, I want to join the navy." Princess Sissi repeated her words calmly. She walked to the female captain, paused, and continued.

"I want to use my power to revenge. I want to change the world."

"This is what our family has always expected."

She clenched her fist tightly and watched the female captain say nothing.

The female captain also looked at her. The two women faced each other for a long time. After all, the female captain sighed and said slowly.

"I can serve as your referral to join the Navy, and then arrange you to enter the Navy training camp."

"But you have to be clear. The naval training camp is very different from the environment you used to pamper yourself. There will not be the slightest relaxation for you because of your noble status. After all, slack in you is all about yourself and justice. , And being irresponsible to those who believe in the Navy."

"Wait later, the pirate won\'t keep your hands on you because of your noble status."

"Being a navy is not as glamorous as you think, but a road full of blood and sweat. Everything we do is to protect justice."

"Do you really have this consciousness?"

"I have." Cici said, her eyes gleaming, and then she said slowly.

"From the time I knew that I was just a drag oil bottle to the family, I already had this consciousness."

She looked firm, and even the female captain couldn\'t help but be moved by such a firm will.

"That\'s great. Give you some time to deal with some of your things," the female captain said slowly."Then, you leave Qingfeng Island with me."

"Thank you."

Princess Sissi lowered her head and said.

"Don\'t thank me. It\'s your firmness that touched me." The female captain said gratifiedly. If every navy\'s will is as firm as the girl in front of him, then it is a simple thing to clean up the pirates of the new world. thing.

But she did not notice that when the girl lowered her head, a trace of apology suddenly appeared on the girl\'s face.

The kind of person who seldom cheats others, apologize for cheating others for the first time.

"Thank you." Cici repeated her words again, this time, her voice was very small, and no one could hear her clearly.

Just as the female captain was about to leave, Little Roma rushed to her again, and said firmly.

"Sister Navy. Can I join the Navy as well!"

"I want to avenge my mother!"

Little Roma\'s little face flushed, but he stood straight, with a flame in his eyes.

A flame called hatred.