The Pirate Family

702 Chapter 689 No Towering Tree Is Growing In A Greenhouse

"I still don\'t understand why you agreed to let Xiao Anqian perform that task! Do you know how dangerous it is?"

When Garrett returned to the castle of SKY, Ainilu had been waiting here for a long time.After seeing Garrett, Ainilu immediately walked to Garrett and said indignantly.

"At that time, you obviously could refuse!"

When he was in Sidiou, he saw Xiao Anqian taking out the mission of the undercover navy. Of course, Anilu firmly opposed it. Only after fighting with the navy did he know how dangerous the mission was.

The Navy will never be merciful to traitors.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if the navy sees through, then the best result for Xiao Anqian is to die in battle, otherwise waiting for her will be imprisoned in the new advance city, endless torture.

And as long as Garrett also shook his head and resolutely objected, no matter how persistent Xiao Anqian was, he couldn\'t resist their opinions.

But at that time, Garrett looked at Xiao Anqian and said with a smile.

"You are already an adult, and you have to make your own judgment about what you do."

"This task is very important, but also very dangerous. Have you really decided?"

And at this question, Xiao Anqian cheered and nodded his head. When Ainilu was relieved, Xiao Anqian had already boarded the merchant ship to the paradise.

"Pirates, the most important thing is freedom. No one has the right to deprive other pirates from yearning for freedom." Garrett looked at Ainilu and said calmly.

This sentence was what Lorne had told her before, and she deeply believed it.

"And in the greenhouse, towering trees will never grow. You doted on Xiao Anqian so much, it hurt her."

"But letting her perform such a dangerous task now is to kill her! If something happens to her, I will directly ask Sanchuanqi to open the mark left on Xiao Anqian and open the door of the void to bring her back. !"

Anilu said dancing and dancing. At this time, he didn\'t look like the Thunder God who was shaking all over the world. Instead, he looked like an older brother worried about his sister.

"Can you protect her forever?"

Garrett asked back, she also has a doting brother, so she knows how much they worry about their sister.But what she knows more clearly is how eager to prove themselves these younger siblings who are protected by their elder brothers.

"Chance among us will grow old. If nothing happens, we will die in front of Xiao Anqian." Garrett said calmly. This kind of remark does not seem like a young girl, but like a half-length body buried in the soil. Old man.

"At that time, do you want Xiao Anqian, who has never experienced the ordeal, to face this dangerous sea alone?"

"At least I don\'t want to." Garrett said. "When Lorne\'s child and I are born, I will let him know how dangerous this sea is and how dangerous the things we have experienced."

Although Xiao Anqian is nominally her younger sister, and there is no difference in age by a few years, Garrett always treats Xiao Anqian as her junior.

Anilu is speechless, he has to admit one thing, that is, what Garrett said is correct.

In the greenhouse, towering trees can never be cultivated.

"Besides, Xiao Anqian is also my sister, and I care about her no less than you."

Garrett saw Ainilu\'s mood stabilize before continuing.

"If she has an accident, I will personally lead someone to take her back."

"I understand. I\'m just a little worried about her." Anilu said discouragedly. He suddenly felt that being a brother was so difficult. It was ten thousand times more difficult than fighting with a red dog.He sat depressed in his chair.

"I was impulsive, just do as you said."

"Besides, you don\'t know how awesome Xiao Anqian has done." Garrett took out a document and handed it to Ainilu.

"Not only did she gain the trust of the Navy, she was also accepted as a disciple by a brigadier general. She is now training in the Navy\'s training camp. She is said to have participated in the capture of a group of small pirates."

Ainilu took Garrett\'s file and looked through it, finally revealing a hint of news on his face.

"I underestimated her."

"After she comes out, I will plan several pirate attacks and serve her as a military service. With these pirates\' names, her identity will be much safer."

Garrett smiled and said, at this moment, she was like a parent worried about the future of her children, racking her brains to plan for it.

"Isn\'t this not so good?" Ainilu touched his head, can it still happen?

When the pirate was too long, he didn\'t react for a while.

Now, he had already figured it out, and put down Garrett\'s grievances about agreeing to Xiao Anqian to perform that task.

"What\'s up with him?"

Violet, in a lady\'s suit, walked in from outside, and met Ainilu with a smile on his face. The whole person couldn\'t help being stunned, then looked at Garrett and asked in a low voice.

"Is he worried about Xiao Anqian, his sanity is a little abnormal?"

"He just wanted to understand what happened to Xiao Anqian. Excessive indulgence is not a good thing."

Garrett said with a smile.

"That\'s it. I understand." Violet did not continue to struggle with this issue, but took out a document and said softly.

"As for the invitation to Mr. Tezolo, I have already prepared. According to your instructions, I only brought two experimental subjects and a few guards. The cadres of other families stayed there and stayed at Sdio."

"The departure time is early in the morning two days later, so it\'s easy, you can almost reach him before the start of the World Gambling Conference in Tezolo."

The Guran Tezolo is the world’s largest amusement city and also the world’s largest mobile island. The entire city is built on the back of a giant sea turtle that is as huge as a sea king. Parade on the sea.

And this time, the location of the World Gambling Conference is in the middle and second half of the New World, the place called the Sea of ​​Seven Kingdoms, and this sea is just not far from Kaido\'s nest, and the country of Hezhi.

"I know."

Jia Lei nodded, then closed the document in her hand and said to Violet.

"Come with me to the lab and have a look."

"What are you going to do there? The remains of the strong men obtained from the previous battle of Sdio, Mr. Kage and the others have not completed the transformation, and cannot be put into use, and the strongest S-1 Adam is because of damage. Many, still under repair."

Violet said suspiciously.

"No, it\'s not because of the test subject." Garrett shook his head.

"I want to see Lorne."