The Pirate Family

699 Chapter 686 Interrogation

When the female captain led the men and horses to the small manor where Roma sent the letter before, Gao Suo had already slipped away with his men.

"They handled it very cleanly and left no valuable clues."

After inspecting the environment around the small manor, a navy walked to the female captain\'s side and said condensedly.

The female captain was disappointed and shook her head. This navy has received professional tracking training. If he can\'t find any useful clues, then the trail of these people will really be missing.

"A bunch of damn rats!" The female captain clenched her fists and said viciously.

"Can\'t you find them?" The little boy Roma said in a frustrated manner, his eyes were bloodshot and he blamed himself.

If, if not for the curious peek of their letters, my mother might not have to die miserably.

"Believe in the navy. In the face of absolute justice, all evil in this world will disappear." The female captain knelt down and gently stroked the little boy\'s head, calming.

What happened to the little boy was not accidental. In fact, there are many people in this world whose families are destroyed because of pirates. Some of these orphans have grown up in hatred and then embarked on a path of violence. , Became a new pirate.

They are doing evil, creating things they have encountered in various places in the sea.

And more, it is embarking on a road of revenge, using his own power to avenge those enemies.

There are many such examples in the navy.

"Now tell my sister, why did these people attack your home? What happened between you?" The female captain looked at the little boy and asked gently.

The little boy hesitated, and finally decided to speak.

"I peeked at their letters."

"What\'s in the letter?" The female captain felt that she had caught the thread of the matter.Pirates rarely do meaningless things. The stronger the pirate, the more so, because unless it is absolutely powerful, it is easy to provoke public anger, and then offend a lot of enemies for a ridiculous reason.

To put it bluntly, even for money, these pirates would choose the nobles in Qingfeng City instead of a farmer who lives outside the city.

Therefore, this matter is not as simple as money.

"The letter says something called the Wienhill family."

The little boy hesitated for a moment before continuing.

When he said the name of the family, all the navy became serious, and even the female captain suppressed the smile on his face, becoming a little solemn.

Seeing the adults who suddenly changed color, Little Roma felt that perhaps this family named Veenhill was not just a simple story.

From this moment, the vast world opened the curtain for him.


Once involved in the evil family of Wien Hill, especially not long ago, this family also had a war with the navy, and the navy had to stand up.The female captain hurriedly dispatched troops to pass orders to everyone involved in this matter.

She must investigate this matter.

A luxurious carriage slowly came to the door of the Admiral\'s Mansion, which was formerly the residence of the general of Qingfeng City, but after the new emperor cut all the city guards, the place was also free.It is temporarily requisitioned by the Navy.

A young girl in a white gothic princess dress walked out of the carriage. She wore a bright crown on her head, with an elegant look that drew the attention of passing pedestrians.Two maids, one on the left and the other, walked behind her, guarding her.

A bald old man had just stepped into the admiral\'s mansion and saw the princess behind him. He turned his head and gave a slight sign, and the princess nodded in return.

"Everyone who participated in this pirate attack came here." The female navy captain said in a deep voice after seeing the two men arrived.

"Are you the old Barn of Qingfeng Island?" She asked the bald old man once.

"Yes." Old Barn said respectfully.

"So you are?" The female captain turned her head, looked at the princess in the white dress, and asked.

There was a trace of doubt in her eyes. Because of the naval base stationed on Qingfeng Island, she still knew the personnel on Qingfeng Island. Such a beautiful girl would definitely have memories if she had met before, but she There was no impression of this little girl.

Without a trace, she made a gesture to the soldier behind her, and the soldier immediately understood what she meant, stepped back and walked out of the hall.

"My name is Cici, you can also call my full name, Chrissy Cici."

Cici lifted the corner of her skirt slightly, bowed and said.

She was like a real princess, and she couldn\'t fault her from a etiquette point of view.

"Princess Sissi?" The female captain was a little confused. Of course she had heard her name. When she had just joined the navy, she happened to encounter the world sensational escape from the city, and then followed her boss. It is the Brigadier General\'s Zhuanyuan to suppress the pirates who are in trouble everywhere.

It happened to be heard that there was an incident in which a country was attacked by pirates in the world and died. The princess of the royal family fled there under the cover of her servant and wandered around.

"Then your country?"

"The Kris clan of the Nick Kingdom, but now the Nick Kingdom is gone." Princess Sissi said sadly, as if she didn\'t want to get too entangled in this issue.

"Is that so?" At this time, her soldier also walked in from outside and gave her a positive look.The female captain nodded and continued.

"I asked you to come here, just to ask about the previous arson incident outside the city. Both of you are involved. I want to investigate clearly and not let people die for nothing."

"Let\'s start with you." The female captain glanced at the bald old man named Barn.

"Why do you send letters to the people in the small manor outside the city? As far as I know, you send them a letter every day. What is written in the letter?"

A sharp look flashed in the female captain\'s eyes, and she said aggressively.

Old Barn murmured secretly. He had been careful in his work and managed to maintain the order of Qingfeng City. He did not expect that this rare peace would be broken by an outsider like Gao Suo.

These navies must now be stabilized, Old Barn thought of this, and then took a deep breath, with a simple expression on his face.

"Letter? What letter do you mean?"

"Do you want to play dumb?"

The female captain said coldly, she raised her hand, and all the navy under her took a step forward, took out her weapon, and aimed it at Old Barn.

As long as she gave an order, they would take down the elderly man in front of them.