The Pirate Family

689 Chapter 676 Interrogation

The blood splattered all over the ground, premonitored by Yim\'s domineering look, and did not splash on his body.

"It turns out that the man standing on the top of the Dragon Man, the top of the world, is a coward like you." Omoni grinned and said mockingly.

"You are not even as bold as Lorne."

"Is this your answer?"

Im frowned, he glanced at Omonie, and had already got the answer.

During his long life, he has understood a lot of truths, and that is that these short-lived ordinary people will take a lot of illusory things, such as friendship, family affection, belief, dreams, and other messy things, they look more than their own lives. important.

Willing to pay for these things.

Therefore, he already understood that he could not get any valuable answer from Omonie.

"I understand." Eim said, then turned and left the basement.

"Just left?" The woman onlookers looked at Yim and said in surprise.In her memory, Yim is not the one who will let go.When I first met Yim, he was a little shy, a little shy, and like to take advantage of him.

Just like many ordinary people.It was this ordinary appearance that deceived them, so they did not expect to die that the person who betrayed them turned out to be Yim.

Even if because of the contract, the woman has to obey Eim, but she doesn\'t really look down on this man.

"Detain her in this dungeon and never let her see a glimmer of light." Yim walked out of the basement and said to a guard next to him.

After hearing these words, the woman\'s face like an iceberg finally showed a sneer.

Sure enough, it was him.

"Eim." The woman said sarcastically, walking behind Eim.

"Don\'t show this expression behind my back." The two went through the trail and came to Pangel Castle. Eim walked through the void hall and sat on the void throne with ease, and then coldly faced the woman following him. Said coldly.

"I just found out that when you were afraid, you were just like that humble little guy back then."

The woman randomly found a seat, sat in the hall, and looked up at Eim.

Like a monarch who meets a courtier.

It\'s just that she is the king, and he is the minister.

Yim didn\'t care about the suppression of women\'s aura. In fact, if it weren\'t for the incident back then, she was the one who should be sitting in this position.

"Caesar shouldn\'t be dead yet." Eam said, before he wanted to chase Lorne and the others, but was stopped by the sudden two of Caesar and Ledfield.

And Lederfield didn\'t know where to find the devil fruit that could restrain the woman\'s ability. The two sides fell into a melee and fought for a long time. In the end, Yim\'s side won the final victory.

Lederfield and Caesar ran away in a hurry, but when they fled, both of them were cursed by a woman.

The most violent poison in the world.

"But he doesn\'t have much time. Are you scared?" The woman said softly. In fact, she admires Caesar\'s strength. If he wants to, he can become a star comparable to the five elders by nodding his head. The characters, in the world government, are only under Eim.

But when Eim asked him, he refused, just like Roger did later.

Are all the people in this sea so interesting now?

The woman said playfully. Suddenly she didn\'t want to continue to fall asleep. She wanted to see what the outcome of these people was.

"You talk too much."

Im said coldly.

The woman sneered, then ignored Yim, and disappeared into the darkness, the empty hall of the void, leaving Yim alone.

After a long time, Eim picked up a reward list, on which was a young man with black hair. The young man looked ahead, arrogant.

"Lorne?" Eim said to himself.

"It won\'t be long before everything will end, and then return to the normal historical trajectory." Yim said, then with a dagger, he heavily nailed Lorne\'s reward list on the table in front of him.

His figure disappeared above the Void Throne, and the entire Void Hall returned to silence.


"Is there anything else?"

Garrett tilted his head, looked at Violet who walked in again, and said in confusion.

At the same time hide the blood-stained tissue.

Now I am the backbone of the entire family, and I can\'t let anyone know my weakness.

"Speaking of the lives of Chaerinis and Omoni, I suddenly thought of someone." Violet didn\'t notice Garrett\'s strangeness, walked up to her, and then took out a document.

The file is a picture of a woman.

"Are you talking about her?"

After seeing the woman, Garrett fell into silence, and then slowly nodded.


"Finally can\'t help but want me to do it?"

Sdio, the Dark Iron Castle, in the interrogation room.Agatha is holding a pen, recording something.

Opposite her, sat a *** woman with black curly hair.The woman was quiet on the outside, but she couldn\'t conceal the wildness in her heart. She leaned forward and said to Agatha.

"No matter what you ask me, my answer will not satisfy you."

Agatha raised her forehead, and she was quite helpless for this woman.

Anna, the female secretary of Spandane, the former Supreme Commander of the Judicial Island, secretly was the spy that Elinis had inserted in the cp-9 department for the purpose of revenge against the Vennhill family.

He personally planned CP-9\'s sneak attack on Garrett, and brought the world\'s attention to the CP-9 department.After being caught and captured by Lorne, it was obvious that he could die and break the net, but when Garrett was under the curse of the fruits of the years, he told Ron that pure gold could relieve the curse of the fruits of the years.

It can be said that without her, Garrett would be dead now.

A strange person, this is Agatha\'s judgment of Anna.She didn\'t know what the woman was thinking.

"Why are you telling Ron that pure gold can withstand the curse of years?"

Agatha asked.

"I don\'t know. Maybe I\'m in a good mood." Anna shook her head with a playful look on her face.

"What\'s the holiday between you and the family?"

"Maybe I can\'t understand Lorne, and I don\'t necessarily say it."

"Why do you want to join Elinis, you and him are not the same."

"Because I wanted to kill Lorne, so I joined them."

Agatha frowned, rather helpless. She understood that this Anna could not get any useful clues if she didn\'t get in.

If Quina is here at this time, it will be fine, so that Anna\'s memory can be extracted through Quina\'s ability.

But after helping Lorne to revise the memory of Sanchuan Road, Quina left Sdio. He did not return to the religious country Balan, and even Arelli did not know where Quina had gone.

Therefore, as long as Anna does not speak, they will not be able to get the answer they want.