The Pirate Family

690 Chapter 677 Interrogation (2)

Agatha had a headache, thinking that Anna\'s special identity, she could not use torture to this woman.After all, in a sense, she is also Garrett\'s benefactor.

And because of Anna\'s excellent psychological quality, even Violet\'s ability to stare at fruit couldn\'t tell whether she had lied.

"The last question is, who is the person standing behind Elinis, or who is the one who gave Elinis the devil fruit?"

Agatha asked, she had no hope for this question.In fact, the family now has more important things to do, such as the reconstruction of Slanka after the Battle of Slanka.

How to deal with the defeated pirates.

Cooperation with partners from all over the world.

There are also navy looking at it.

With so many things to do, she didn\'t have time to waste for an enemy that might not exist.

But when Agatha was about to get up, Anna suddenly showed a weird smile.

"I can tell you this question. I happen to know the answer to this question."

She tapped the table lightly, looked into Agatha\'s eyes and said.

"The answer to this question lies in Lovedrew."


"Ralph Drew?"

Garrett, sitting on the hospital bed, got this answer, frowning slightly.

This place is no stranger to any pirate, because this place is the end of the legendary great route, and it is also the place where Ron\'s father, Caesar\'s mouth, hides the big lie.

"Let\'s put this matter down first." After a long time, Garrett put the answer in his hand aside.

Should the conquering of the world be left to the men? She is a weak woman who just wants to protect what she wants to protect.


"Lorne deceived people too much! I didn\'t expect me, a big pirate, to do hard work here!" In the port of Sdio, a man with a height of about six meters and a bloated figure carrying a large piece of wood on his back, cursed with a low face. Tao.

Because of Gonitz’s use of the ability to completely destroy the Port of Sdio, the port must be rebuilt in order to ensure the normal operation of Sdio Island.

The reconstruction work fell into the hands of their group of pirates who had invaded Sdio.

"Don\'t give me a chance to let me escape, I will definitely teach Lorne that bastard!"

Moria groaned and scolded, because of the sea building stone handcuffs, his ability was completely blocked. He was weak and weak, not as good as the peak, so even if he was only carrying a large piece of wood, it was great for him. Burden.

"It\'s good to be alive." Next to him, another man with long blond hair said with a sad face.He is the famous silver knight Odi in the new world.Only now he has the same identity as Moria.

Prisoner, hard labor.

Odie never thought that one day he would fall to this point.But as he said, in Pirate World, if you can survive by attacking others, the Vennhill family can be called kind.

"Don\'t chirp, hurry up and work!"

Next to him, an old woman sitting under a parasol saw that Moria and the two were lazy, and cursed. She threw a water glass in her hand towards Moria and slammed it on Moria. Moglia splashed all over.

Next to her, stood a tall, burly man, with a crescent-like white beard at the corner of his mouth that was particularly eye-catching.

"This old woman!"

Moria said with a sullen face, if it hadn\'t been for the last minute, the old woman\'s son Whitebeard II Weibull had betrayed them, he would not have lost so badly.But I didn\'t expect that after the war, this old woman turned to the Wienhill family, turned aside, and became the overseer of their group of hard labor.

The disparity between the identities of the two parties made Moria extremely dissatisfied.

"Yes! That\'s it! Don\'t be lazy!"

Weibull smiled silly, but he suddenly patted his head and asked suspiciously at his mother.

"What is laziness!"

"Silly son, don\'t worry about so much. You just need to know that you can help the Vennhill family now."

"Oh," Weibull nodded silly, and then asked suspiciously.

"Aren\'t we trying to rob the Weinhill family of wealth? Why do we want to help them now?"

"I want to refuse." The old woman sighed. After the war, Rong followed her promise and let her go. She originally wanted to leave, but one of Wienhill\'s cadres, Agatha I found her.

A trace of greed flashed in the old woman\'s eyes.

"I wanted to refuse, but they gave too much money."

"It\'s much more than we can earn from fighting and killing at sea!"

"Oh, that\'s the case." Weibull nodded. He has never had any opinions. Since his wife asked him to follow the Weinhill family, he would follow the Weinhill family.

"These two bastards!"

Moriah heard the conversation between Weibull mother and son, and was so angry.Cursed fiercely.

Neither of them felt ashamed of a pirate!

But Odie behind him heard their conversation, and slightly stopped his movements, thoughtfully.


"The savage corpse is a good experimental material. Tell Bergapunke and Gage that I can give this corpse to them, but they need to create an experimental body comparable to Adam."

Garrett was lying on the hospital bed and said through the other end of the phone bug.

After the war, Rong completed the commission of the family and left Sdio. According to Lola, this man never wanted to get involved with the family anymore.Only in the last time, Agatha persuaded the Weibull mother and son to bring him under his command, adding a top combat power to the weak family.

This kind of people who only recognize money is actually the most unreliable, because they can invest money into your underlings, and they will also betray you because of money, but the Wienhill family, the least lacking, is precisely Pele.

And Lola and Andariel returned to SKY after the war. At this time, Garrett was using Lola to remotely control the situation in Sky City.

The experimental body made by Begapunk has left a profound impact on Garrett. Without their experimental body, Garrett might not have been able to insist on the arrival of Kata Kuri.

According to Begapunk, S-1, the Adam-level experimental body, is not the limit. If there is a stronger experimental body material, his research may get a breakthrough.

Garrett, who has tasted the sweetness, certainly would not oppose their research.

"By the way, what\'s going on with Lorne and the others." Garrett clutched his chest and asked softly.

"The situation is not good." A crisp young girl\'s voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

Hearing these words, Garrett\'s face sank.