The Pirate Family

688 Chapter 675-Six hundred and fifty-seventh shadow (2)

"The water in this sea is very deep. The monster that Lorne released from Pushing the City at the time was not only Skee. Many people whose names were deliberately erased by the world government escaped from there, hiding In the darkness of the world."

"They may be full of malice towards you. When Ron wakes up, let him be careful."

Katakuri reminded him that Lorne had fallen into a coma, which was not difficult for him to guess, otherwise, with his character, he would not sit back and watch the Sdio incident.

"I understand." Garrett said softly.

"Then I will go out first. After all, I haven\'t done anything for a long time. The group of speculators lurking around Sdio are really good targets." Kata Kuri said, and then walked out of the room door.

Garrett was left alone, lying on the hospital bed.

Next to her is a newspaper and a cup of tea.

At this time, the tea is cold.

"Is anyone hiding in the dark?" Garrett muttered to herself.Then after a long time, she whispered into the air.

"Help me check the lives of Elinis, Omoni and the others. I want to know who they met and what they did after they were attacked by the pirates."

At this time, a woman in a black lady\'s suit walked out of the shadows, she nodded to Jia Lei, and then said.


"With you by Lorne, it will be easier for him to deal with things, Violet." Garrett smiled at the woman in a black suit, and then said softly.

Violet\'s combat ability is not good, so she has never appeared on the front line, but her management talent is recognized in the family.With her help, Lorne can manage the family in an orderly manner.

Later, she took over the Koffel family intelligence organization, the management of "Dark Moon", many news, and many internal news.For her, Garrett didn\'t have that kind of rivalry\'s hostility, because she knew that the reason Violet was with Ron was just to repay Ron for his kindness.

"You should also pay attention to self-cultivation. Don\'t do anything during this time." Violet helped Garrett tidy up the quilt, and then went out.

"I\'m fine. After all, Lorne hasn\'t woken up yet, I\'ll be fine." Garrett muttered to the air.

Then, suddenly she covered her mouth with a silk scarf and coughed violently.Then I opened the paper towel and saw that a large pool of blood dyed the silk scarf bright red.

Garrett smiled bitterly, because she felt her heart beating slowly began to slow down, she knew that this was a sequelae of excessive blood loss for a long time.

This decay is so subtle that it is almost imperceptible.But Garrett knew that his body, because of the continuous overdraft, had already had some problems.

She didn\'t know how long she could support.

"Wake up quickly. Brother Lorne." She said with a bit of pain, clutching her chest.

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly, and Garrett took away all the pain on his face, hid the silk scarf, and said pretendingly.

"come in."


"So, no one is hiding behind you. Are you just organizing spontaneously and want to overthrow the Wienhill family?"

Mary Gioia, the reconstructed Pangel Castle, in the underground chamber.

A young woman was imprisoned here, her hands were lifted by chains, and her body was covered with scars from torture.

She looks beautiful, but the only flaw is that her face is burned by the fire, destroying her overall beauty.

If someone from the Vennhill family sees her, they will recognize her. This woman is Elinis\'s deputy, the girl who resents the Vennhill family, Omonie.

In front of Omonie, sat a thin man in a black robe, and a beautiful woman.

The woman is like a god walking out of the painting, her face is like an iceberg, without a trace of emotion.

"If she still doesn\'t speak, are you going to keep the trial, Im."

The woman yawned and then joked to Im.

"It\'s not like you at all. Don\'t you have fruits that can predict everything? Why are you so scared."

"You should know my ability. The ability to foresee is not without a price. The longer I foresee, the longer my ability will be blocked." The man called Yim frowned and said, and the last time he predicted, he predicted directly. Ten years later, that is, after the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, I saw the straw hat kid who challenged himself.

It was precisely because of the appearance of Lorne that there was a slight deviation from his prediction, so he left Lorne a life, and wanted to have some fun for his boring life.

However, he did not expect that when he decided to kill Lorne, he would let Lorne run away.

This was his first misstep in his long life.It\'s just that Yim didn\'t care about this. The reason why he left Lorne\'s life in the first place was not because he wanted Lorne to bring an accident to his life?

And he cared more about this man named Elinis than this.

According to Yim\'s memory, it is absolutely impossible for Elinis\'s ability to appear at this point in time.And with Elinis\'s ability, it is absolutely impossible to get this ability.

But now Elinis is dead, so the answer to everything lies in this woman named Omoni.

In order to ensure that the information is not leaked, Yim even decided to interrogate Omonie himself.

"So, are you afraid that someone will kill you during this period of time you didn\'t know? So do you want me to protect you?" The woman said playfully, playing with her white and slender fingers, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes meaning.

"Eight hundred years have passed. You have become less courageous, Im. When you betrayed us, you weren\'t as courageous as you are now."

"To shut up."

Im said coldly, and then, the woman closed her mouth as expected.

"Let\'s say, who is standing behind you and gave you this fruit." Eim asked coldly when looking at Omonie who was imprisoned in the cage.

"I\'m telling you." Omonie was tortured in an unnatural manner, raising her head and looking at Eam.It seemed that he couldn\'t bear this torture at last.

Im got up, trying to walk over to listen to Omonie\'s answer.But at this time, Omonie suddenly showed a hint of sarcasm, and then sprayed a large mouthful of blood at Eim.

"Ha ha."

Omonie said with a smile, as if looking at a clown.