The Pirate Family

687 Chapter 674 Shadow

"This Morgans is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

After reading the newspaper, Garrett put the newspaper aside and said softly.

This behavior of Morgans is tantamount to arrogance.Slanka, Bislan, Sdio.This year there were three wars that shocked the world in the New World, and countless powerful pirates of the New World fell here. Every time, the Veenhill family participated in them.

Now, I am afraid that no one in this sea will question the strength of the Vennhill family.

At this time, Morgans clarified the grudge between Lorne, Kaido, and Skee.

With Kaido\'s character, he would certainly not reconcile with Lorne easily, and a war between the Four Emperors was inevitable.

When thinking of this, Garrett gave a chuckle.

"With the character of Brother Lorne, why would he be willing to bow his head to others?"

It has been ten years since Garrett knew Lorne. She had never seen Lorne bow her head. She couldn\'t imagine the way Lorne bowed her head.

"According to my mother\'s information, there seems to have been a rebellion in Wano Country. The remnants who followed Mitsuki Mita colluded with outsiders and revived. Kaido is busy suppressing the rebellion in various parts of Wano Country and has no time to take care of the outside."

Beside Garrett, a tall man with a scarf and a cup of tea said slowly.

He put down the tea cup in his hand and looked directly into Garrett\'s eyes.

"No matter what happens, we will stand behind you. After all, we are family members."

Kata Kuri said.

Jialei nodded her head. She didn\'t doubt the authenticity of Kata Kuri\'s words. After all, Kata Kuri was the patron saint of all brothers and sisters, and played the role of a parent as they grew up. Character.

But Garrett showed a hint of helplessness again.

"But mother, do you really consider me family?"

Her marriage to Lorne was already a certainty, and after she got married, she would not be considered a member of the Charlotte family.

Kata Kuri was silent. Both he and she knew one thing well, not to mention the daughter who was married out. Even the children of the Charlotte family, in the eyes of their mother, It\'s just a piece of merchandise waiting to be sold.

For her own ambitions, she can easily exchange these commodities in exchange for sufficient benefits.

For the benefit, she would betray her old colleague, Kaido\'s marriage, and instead assign Garley a charter to Lorne.

Similarly, for profit, she will give up the Vennhill family.

In fact, she had such a plan after the Bislan incident broke out.The Vennhill family has monopolized the arms industry for so many years, and the accumulated wealth is unimaginable. Once it falls, the scattered benefits are enough to feed many pirates in the new world.

Of course, Charlotte Lingling will not directly give up the Wienhill family. Over the years, the Wienhill family has provided her with considerable benefits. If it was not a last resort, she would not change it.Based on Kata Kuri\'s knowledge of her mother, she should wait and wait for the result of the Sdio incident.

If the Vennhill family survives this stage, she will continue to cooperate with the Vennhill family.

And if the Wienhill family fell in this chaos.

So Charlotte Lingling, as the Four Emperors, don\'t mind, but also has the strength to take a share in this chaos.

This is the pirate, the real pirate.

Garrett was also silent, she had already seen her mother through.He didn\'t continue to struggle with his brother on this matter, but said softly.

"Povar and I were attacked at the same time and I was seriously injured. Fortunately, Lorne was rescued. He is still undergoing recuperation."

"I want to keep her in Sdio."

"I understand."

Katakuri nodded. He understood Garrett’s feelings for his sister. She didn’t want Beauval to be involved in the Charlotte family. Compared to the cruel Charlotte family, perhaps the Wienhill family. It made her feel at home.

Leaving Poval by her side will make her feel more at ease.

"When the matter is over, I will go back and explain to my mother. Poval is injured and cannot take the boat for the time being. So stay with you to rest." Katakuli said.

"Thank you, Brother Kata Kuri." Garrett smiled and nodded to show her gratitude.

"It\'s just that there must be a result about your being attacked." Kata Kuli said with a hint of killing intent in his eyes, and said coldly.Attacking the children of the Charlotte family in the waters of the world is tantamount to slap them in the face.

"Hasn\'t the matter already had a result?" Garrett said in surprise."It was Elinis who did it. He was the survivor of the pirate attack. After he survived, he put all the blame on the Wien Hill family. Later, he entangled a large number of people who had resentment against the family and formed The organization of family revenge."

"The person who did it was the prisoner in the sixth level of infinite hell, Sanchuanqi, who pushed the city back then."

"It\'s just that when these people were sneaking on Mary Joa, they were blocked by Ron and his family, and then all of them were killed by Ron."

Garrett said that although she was injured and turned into a blood cocoon, her perception of the outside world was still there. Later, according to family records, the incident was completed.

"Is this your conclusion?" Kata Kuri tapped the conference table lightly with his index finger, and then asked a question.

"Have you ever thought about who gave Elinis the fruit, and who taught Elinis how to avenge you?"

"As far as I know, Elinis was just a teenager with a ruined family. How did he grow into a leader who can shake your huge power in just a few years."

Kata Kuri said word by word, as the second person in the Charlotte family for so long, and experienced so many fights.He saw far more far-reaching than the still young Garrett.

How did Elinis, an ordinary teenager get to this point, the secrets in it are worth pondering.And how he got that fruit is even more thought-provoking.

Although devil fruits are for people of their level, except for some special devil fruits, others pay more attention to the development of abilities by those with abilities, which is not a rare thing.

However, for ordinary people everywhere, many people even think that the devil fruit is nothing more than a legend.It is even more difficult for ordinary people to obtain a devil fruit.

"You mean, someone is secretly targeting the family?" Garrett is not stupid. After being pointed out by Kata Kuri, she immediately understood what Kata Kuri meant.