The Pirate Family

686 Chapter 673

But he was quite helpless.

After the Battle of Bislan, the high-level navy lost a lot of manpower.

The Marshal of the Warring States Period was hit hard, and Lieutenant General Karp must sit down at Malin Vandor, and beware of Xiaoxiao taking this opportunity to invade.Sending two generals as last time is already the limit of the navy at this time.

But I didn’t expect that two admirals and a naval fleet were intercepted by Garrett and a woman on the sea. Although there were various factors such as Sarkarski’s arrogance and Garrett’s ability advantage, Sa Kaski was unwilling to forgive himself.

This is the greatest shame in his military career.

The shame can only be washed away by the blood of the opponent.

So after discovering that Sdie was an empty city, Sakarski didn\'t even fix it, and immediately turned the bow of the ship, rushing towards the new world without stopping.However, the speed of the naval warship Lava Justice is still too slow compared to the Wienhill family who owns the fruit of the door.

Until now, at full speed, Sakarski was able to climb over the red earth continent to the entrance of the new world.

Then he met Polusalino, who had just fought with the White Beard Pirates. Because of his ability, as long as he wanted to escape, few people in this sea could stop him, so he did not suffer multiple injuries.

However, the naval ship he took out was completely sunk by White Beard, and the naval soldiers on it suffered heavy losses, and only a small part of them could escape here with Polusalino.

"The best opportunity has been lost. Now that the old man with white beard is eyeing, he won\'t give us a chance to invade Sdio." Polusalino took a sip of tea and put down the teacup in his hand.

"I understand, I just..." Sakarski\'s clenched fist burned a raging flame and ignited everything around him. After a long time, he released his hand and used his ability to extinguish the surrounding flames. .

"Go back, Lorne is bound to rise. He has made good relations with the Charlotte family, and the rise of a superpower is inevitable." Sakarski said helplessly. For a navy, admit one The strength of the pirate is a very humiliating thing.

Although Lorne never showed up after the Battle of Bislan, Sarkarski didn\'t believe that Lorne died.

A man like him will not die silently!

Nor should I die silently!

"Kaido, who is huddled in the country of Japan, and the golden lion Shiji, who has been hidden for a long time, both of them have grudges with Ron. Even if the white beard chooses to stand by, the melee between the pirates is inevitable."

Sakaski still has something to say. The pirates in this sea are not only a few emperors, but also the powerful people of the underground world. The death of the knight Seya began, and the spiteful trial of the Bislan incident ended with the fall of countless great pirates.

Finally, count the revolutionary army lurking in the shadows.

Waiting for this, Sakarski felt a little big head.

The storm in the new world has not stopped for a while because of the two major events of Bislan and Sdio, but has intensified.Sakarski had a hunch that a war that would sweep across the entire sea was about to come.

This time, the Navy was a bystander.

If the Warring States were faced with this decision, they would definitely choose to stand by and wait for the pirates to bite their dogs and strive for the greatest benefit.But Sakarski will rush forward desperately and use his justice to defeat all the pirates.

But this time, Sakarski rarely chose the same strategy as the Warring States period because he understood one thing.

In this world, many things can\'t be solved by force and passion.

"It\'s not like you at all. Sarkarski." Polusalino tilted his mouth, looked at Sarkarski around, and said curiously.

"People always become," Sakaski patted Polusalino on the shoulder and said slowly.

"But justice will not change."

After speaking, he walked out of the meeting room alone, leaving Polusalino alone in the meeting room.

"Will justice not change?" Polusalino chewed on what Sarkarski said last, with a smile on his face.Then he returned to his bedroom alone.

He leaned against the door and thought about it, and finally took out a mini box from a corner and took out a mini phone bug from it.

"Moses Moses," the phone worm that Polusalino got through, cleaned up his ramblings, lowered his voice and said in a serious tone.

"I have some interesting things here, I think you will be interested."

Polusalino said a name. If anyone hears this name, they will be surprised.

Because this name is a taboo in the navy.Polusalino mentioned it casually, as if chatting with an old friend.


When Kata Kuri set foot on Sdio, all the pirates became restrained.

Because the appearance of Kata Kuri can only mean one thing, that is, the Charlotte family, another four royal family, has accepted the identity of the Vennhill family.

Thinking of Lorne\'s special relationship with the eighteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, all the pirates became frightened.Worried about the final liquidation of the Vennhill family, all the forces that have acted before are worried about the Vennhill family\'s revenge.

And this time, because of the appearance of Kata Kuri, anyone who wants to take advantage of the weakness of the Wienhill family and share a piece of the pie is tantamount to provoking the Charlotte family.Lorne\'s upper position is already inevitable.

At this time, because of a newspaper, all people realized one thing, a very terrible thing.

"The youngest emperor? The fifty years of darkness in this sea is coming?"

Garrett was wrapped in bandages, lying on the hospital bed while reading the newspaper, and said with a light smile.

After the Battle of Sdio ended, the Wienhill family defeated the pirates in an incredible way, so after that, the big mouth of Morgans began to blow.

However, he reminded everyone of one thing, that is, Lorne is too young. According to speculation, he is less than twenty years old this year.

An emperor less than twenty years old?This is absolutely unprecedented, and it is even possible that there is no future.

In any case, Lorne is very likely to live a long time, so this sea will soon be shrouded in Lorne\'s prestige.

The white beard is hanging down, Charlotte Lingling, Kaido is already going downhill, and the era belonging to Lorne is coming!