The Pirate Family

685 Chapter 672

Even Lorne, who bears the name of the greatest evil in this sea, has done a lot of good things, at least, in his territory, before the decline of the Veenhill family, there is no fear of fear, fear of being attacked by pirates.

At least, the Wienhill family never oppresses the residents of their own territory.

But just because of his identity, can it be concluded that everything he did is sin?

Father Gonitz, even if he left the Church of the Holy Truth because of a disagreement with Ratzinger, he is silently doing what he feels righteous in this sea. Any pirate who encounters him in the sea will only be exalted. Father Nizi found it to be a crime, and he could not escape the end of ship destruction.

From any angle, he can be called justice.

But this time, invading Sdio, even in the name of cleaning up the Vennhill family, but sacrificing the lives of ordinary people in Sdio, can this matter be called justice?

Agatha didn\'t know, she felt that she was not qualified to comment on this matter.

From the perspective of others, the two sides just stand in different positions, and no matter from which point of view, the Wienhill family are well-deserved villains. It seems that the righteous warriors clean up the evil. It seems a matter of course. .

Of course a fart!

It is extremely absurd to interpret this world with a black and white theory.

There is nothing wrong for a pirate to dream, there is nothing wrong for ordinary people to live well, and there is nothing wrong for a righteous man who wants to purify the world.

If Lorne wakes up, he will only say one thing, what is wrong is this absurd time.

It was Caesar\'s original intention to change this absurd era, and it was also Lorne\'s wish.

But now, everyone who knows Lorne’s wishes can\'t help but feel a little confused.

Can this era really change?

"The tsunami will arrive at Sdio in one minute, and it will be too late if you don\'t retreat." Lola said solemnly, looking at the huge tsunami like the sky.

"We finally lost."

Garrett said bitterly, even if Gonitz was defeated, his goal was about to be realized. This time, the Veenhill family completely lost.

It is difficult for a person to admit his failure.But when Garrett was about to nod and leave, she suddenly heard Lola\'s exclamation.

In the center of the tsunami, a hole was suddenly broken, and a small boat rode in through the small hole through the wind and waves.

The boat was small, rather crude. A tall man sat on the boat, facing the huge tsunami like a natural disaster, his face was calm.

He was wearing a pair of leather pants with nails, and he looked a little tall, but the most conspicuous was his huge black scarf that almost blocked half of his face, and his short fuchsia hair.

"Brother Kata Kuri?"

The moment Garrett saw the person who came, her dead heart rekindled. She recognized who the person was and screamed.

A perfect man, the second son of the four emperors Charlotte Lingling, the strongest man in the Charlotte family, the patron saint who guards his younger brothers and sisters to grow up safely.

This man has many titles, but in the eyes of Garrett, he is still the good brother who can protect his brothers and sisters no matter what happens.

Kata Kuri breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Garrett on the shore.

"Fortunately, caught up."

This man said, he slowly stood up, turned his back to the tsunami, and slowly raised his hand.

In the next moment, a dark brown glutinous rice fence tens of meters high rose from the shore of Sdeo, enclosing the whole Sdeo, and huge tsunami continued to slap on the wall. Dio Kojima pushed back dozens of meters, but still did not break the entire wall.

Without the blessing of the strong wind, the power of the tsunami became weaker and weaker. When the last wave of waves hit the glutinous rice wall, the soaked glutinous rice finally melted into a hole.

Kata Kuri stepped onto the land of Sdeo through this opening. He first spoke to Garrett who was lying in Agatha\'s arms in a gentle tone.

"Sorry, I\'m late."

Garrett shook her head hard, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

Then, Kata Kuri turned around and said to all the captive pirates on the shore.

"I\'m coming."

His voice was loud, echoing throughout the port of Sdio.

At this time, Moria, Odie, and all the defeated pirates will gather the last bit of unwillingness deep in their hearts.

They knew that at the moment this man appeared, they had lost their last chance.


"You mean? The Vennhill family guarded the invasion of the group of pirates, and then the second son of the Charlotte family personally sat in Sdio to buy time for the Vennhill family to recover?"

In a certain sea area, a lava-like warship floated on the sea, and a man with a fortitude face said coldly in the meeting room.

A fist bandage was wrapped around his chest, and traces of burns were faintly visible.

While speaking, the man\'s fist involuntarily turned into lava, burning the information in his hand to fly ash.

"Unexpectedly, Garrett is still alive, and after fighting with you, he still retains such a fighting power that can delay the attack of the group of pirates."

Opposite the resolute man, sitting a middle-aged man with a wretched complexion, the wretched man said lazily while tilting his legs.

"It seems that your plan to eradicate the Vennhill family with the help of the pirate has failed."

"It\'s not you yet. After the Battle of Bislan, the Vennhill family was so weak that if you set foot on the land of the Vennhill family, you can clean up all the pirates of Sdio. "

The resolute man said angrily, and said the name of the man sitting opposite him.


"But we didn\'t expect that the old man with the white beard would suddenly appear there. It is a blessing to be able to escape from his hand alive." The man called Polusalino said lazily, though So, but there is no obvious injury on him, at least a lot better than Sarkarski.

"The White Beard Moby Dick has been wandering in the waters of Roxor, and when it encounters any naval warship, it attacked actively. In just three days, as many as 13 warships were damaged in the waters of Roxor."

"His meaning is obvious, that is, he does not care about the grievances between the Wienhill family and the pirates, but once the navy wants to intervene, he will participate in the battle!"

Polusalino picked up a cup of tea and drank it gently.

"How arrogant!"

Sakaski slammed a hammer on the table and said angrily.