The Pirate Family

684 Chapter 671 Justice and Evil (2)

At this time, the tornado had been dyed bright red with blood, like a scarlet storm sweeping the entire land.

Some of these blood belonged to Garrett, some belonged to Gonitz, and more belonged to unknown pirates or warriors of the Vennhill family who died on this battlefield.

The scarlet tornado moved slowly across the ground, devouring everything around it.A huge tsunami whizzed towards Sdio, close at hand, as if the stormy island would be swallowed up in the next moment.

Doomsday, this is the word that all people who saw this scene can think of, manpower, in the face of this natural disaster, seems too insignificant.

"I want you to understand."

Garrett raised her hand, and blood constantly emerged from her body, swept away by the scattered wind around her.She looked directly into Gonitz\'s eyes, like a proud queen.

There was a disdainful smile on Gonitz\'s face. The real world is not a hot-blooded comic. Facing an invincible enemy, you can\'t burst into the small universe with a shout and then defeat it.

At this time the situation is already very obvious, that is, Garrett, who is seriously injured, can\'t be his opponent at all.

However, at the next moment, Gonitz\'s smile solidified, because he felt that he seemed to lose control of the tornado that was whistling around him. The tornado was getting smaller and smaller, and he gathered towards him.

"You really know my abilities very well. I didn\'t find a chance to taste your blood." Garrett raised his hand and said coldly to Gonitz.Blood kept flowing out of her body, her face became paler and paler, and finally turned pale.

As pale as white paper...

As pale as a corpse.

"But who said that you need your blood to control the wind?"

Garrett spread out his palm, and the tornado continued to gather towards the center. Gonitz’s pupils shrank, because he felt that it was not Garrett that controlled the wind, but that she directly controlled the blood flying in the tornado. .

The blood formed small walls, forcing the tornado to move closer to the middle.

How much blood is flying in the air at this time?Gonitz didn\'t know, but he knew he had lost control of the tornado.

"You will die if you lose too much blood!"

Gonitz said coldly, he stretched out his hands, two miniature tornadoes appeared in his palm, and then flew towards Garrett.

"Then try who will die first!"

Garrett suddenly tilted his head, showing a sweet smile, and then squeezed his palm.

The next moment, the scarlet storm sweeping the earth suddenly gathered, all gathered towards the center, and then suddenly exploded.


Countless blood spattered out, dyeing everything around it red, and the whole Sdio turned into a blood-red world.

Like the hell in the legend.


A drop of blood splashed on Agatha\'s face, and Agatha subconsciously touched her face, feeling a warm and dampness, and when she opened her hand, her palm was stained blood red.She pulled her heart suddenly, then raised her head and looked forward nervously.

A huge hole appeared in the place where the tornado was before.

The blood stained the earth red, and two people stood in the middle of the big pit.

"This time, it seems that I won the bet." After a long time, the woman said slowly.Her body was full of small wounds, but she was still standing.Like a rose growing in a cruel environment, it can stand tall.

"Even if I fall down, your ending will not change." The priest said in a warm and calm manner.The next moment, his body suddenly exploded numerous small holes, and blood spewed out from these small holes like a fountain.

"The tsunami has come, and none of you can escape!"

The priest said so, and then his tall body crashed to the ground.

The same man and a woman are facing each other, and the same is standing and the other falling down.

It\'s just that Garrett was the one standing last this time.

"I won."

Garrett said this. After saying this, she seemed to have lost all her strength, her body softened, and she involuntarily fell over to the side.

She was exhausted, and she really didn\'t have the slightest strength. At this time, even a passing child could easily kill her and kill the famous Blood Queen in the New World.

But as soon as Garrett landed, a pair of slender arms caught her, and Agatha condensed from behind Garrett and hugged her gently.

"Yes, we won."

Agatha wiped off the blood stains on Garrett\'s face and said softly.

At this time, she suddenly understood why Lorne chose Garrett, not because Garrett met him earlier, but because they were too alike.

Their personalities are too similar, the same paranoid, the same crazy, and the same indifferent to their lives.

Perhaps only such lunatics will attract each other.

At this time, Agatha completely let go of the last wish in her heart.

"No, it is not over. Even if Gonitz is defeated, the tsunami he caused has not dissipated. I must stop the tsunami."

"I can only stop it!"

Garrett struggled and said, she wanted to get up and create a blood barrier to stop the tsunami, but she couldn\'t even move her fingers and couldn\'t get up at all.

"Leave it to us next," Agatha looked at Lola, who seemed to understand the meaning of the former, and said slowly.

"I have already mobilized the family\'s soldiers to evacuate the residents of the city, and let them hide in the refuge room that has been prepared. But since the city of Sidiou is too big, there may be some sacrifices."

"How much is the sacrifice?"

Garrett asked.At this time, Lola turned her head and did not answer Garrett\'s words.

"About 70% of the residents." Agatha said softly. At this time, everyone could feel her heavy heart.

As a queen, she had long regarded the people in the Wienhill family territory as her own people, and her own people were about to lose their lives, but she was unable to stop it, which was a very sad thing.

"Let\'s leave, this kind of thing will never happen again."

Agatha hugged Garrett lightly, then clenched her fist, and said.

At this time, a question arose in everyone\'s mind.A tsunami randomly triggered by Gonitz killed ordinary people dozens of times more than their entire life combined.

The pirates began to think about one thing, what is justice and what is evil.

Who is justice and who is evil?

No one can give them the answer.