The Pirate Family

683 Chapter 670: Justice and Evil

The center of the tornado was unexpectedly calm.

Two people, a man and a woman, are facing each other here, the man is standing and the woman is kneeling.

"You lose, you can\'t stop me. The tsunami has come and will wash away all your sins."

"The Wienhill family, those pirates who covet your family wealth, come to this island, and all your so-called business partners will die here."

Gonitz raised his hand and looked at the woman in front of him condescendingly.His tone was calm, as if he had only done one very simple thing.

But this matter is not simple in any case. With the power of one person, the destruction of a four-emperor-level force, plus the countless large pirates stranded here, may not be regarded as the last, but it is absolutely unprecedented.

"Do you want to judge us?"

Garrett coughed out a big mouthful of blood, she raised her head, looked at Gonitz in front of her, and then struggled to stand up.Whether it is the Charlotte family or the Wienhill family, there has never been a pirate who kneels to death. She does not want to be the first.

Continuously fighting against strong enemies, she had already overdrawn all of her strength, being able to stand here was already the result of her tenacious will, ordinary people, I am afraid that they would have been exhausted long ago.

"Do you really think you are a messenger of justice? A messenger of justice that can judge all the justice in this world."

When talking about the words messenger of justice, Garrett paused specially, adding to his tone with a hint of sarcasm.

"It doesn\'t matter whether I am the messenger of justice," Gonitz said calmly. There was a big hole in his body, which was left by Ratzinger in his body before. During the battle with Garrett just now, Being exploited by Garrett almost took his life.

However, it was him who won in the end.

"But you are indeed a symbol of evil. If this world does not have your Vennhill family, it might be different."

"Your evil is not inferior to Roger who started this era."

Blood kept flowing out of Gonitz’s chest. He knew that there was not much time left for him, but he didn’t care. After all, the tsunami had already started, and even he couldn’t stop it. Sdie’s destruction was already It\'s inevitable.

"So, I judge you in the name of God."

Gonitz said, at this time he was pious, as if he had become the compassionate priest before.

"Judgment, haha." Garrett said with disdain, the blood flowing from her suddenly stagnated, and then moved toward her body, covering her body, repairing her broken blood armor intact.

"Really a high-sounding word."

She raised her hand and pointed it at Gonitz\'s body. The next moment, her body suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Gonitz. The raised right hand aimed at Gonitz\'s chest and blasted fiercely. Down.

Gonitz frowned. He had already figured out the opponent’s fighting habits in the previous battle. After trying to control her body through blood and failing, she began to use her high-speed advantage to fight with herself. If the fighting style is restrained Opponents, her way of fighting, may have the advantage and resolve the battle quickly.

But unfortunately, I am not the one who was restrained by her.

Gonitz raised his hand. Under the blessing of the strong wind, his speed was not inferior to that of Garrett, who was running violently. He even made a three-pointer. The moment Garrett appeared, his fist was Moved.


Garrett hit Gonitz’s chest with a punch, Gonitz shook his body, and finally stood firm, and as soon as Garrett appeared, Gonitz’s fist hit Garet directly. Te\'s lower abdomen directly blasted her above the wind wall of the tornado.


The gale continued to rub against Garrett\'s blood armor, destroying most of the blood armor, and countless blood swirled with the gale, dyeing the yellow-brown gale blood red.

A drop of blood slipped from Garrett\'s fingertips. Just as Garrett was about to raise her hand, a hurricane directly hit her finger, blowing the blood away and dissipating with the wind.

"I know Ratzinger\'s ability, as long as he tastes his opponent\'s blood, he can plunder his opponent\'s devil fruit. So I won\'t give you this opportunity."

After doing all this, Gonitz breathed a breath and said.

The wounds Ratzinger left on his body before still affected his strength, otherwise he would not fall into a hard fight.

Garrett, who plans to see through, does not have the slightest sense of defeat in her heart. This is the case with the battle between Devil Fruit capable people. Whoever has a deeper understanding of the other party can take the initiative. She used to rely on Sakarski\'s blood and blood before. The fruit did not understand it before it was defeated.There is a cycle of cause and effect, and now she has fallen into an information disadvantage.

"Do you really think you are doing the right thing?"

Garrett fell from the tornado, fell to the ground, stood unsteadily, half-kneeled on the ground, then coughed up a large mouthful of blood, looked up at Gonitz.

"Oh? Isn\'t it justice to punish evil?"

Gonitz frowned and said.

"We are sinful, but what about Sdio\'s ordinary people?" Garrett asked rhetorically.

"The Wienhill family is just one force that has ruled this land for a short time in Sdio\'s long history. There are many other forces that have ruled here. Sometimes it belongs to the navy, and sometimes it hangs the Shanghai thief. Is it just because the rulers here are different, they will be labeled as justice or evil?"

"This is ridiculous, no matter which country\'s laws are searched, I can\'t find it."

After hearing Garrett\'s words, Gonitz\'s hand trembled, but he said forcefully.

"Do you want to use these ordinary people as a shield, pray for me to feel soft and let you go?"

"Sorry, compared to your sin that started the whole era, the people of Sdio is just a small sacrifice."

"I am sorry for their lives. But sacrifice is necessary."

Gonitz said.At his level, ordinary mouths couldn\'t shake their will.

"Sorry, is it useful to say sorry to you after you die?" Garrett said sarcastically.

This is the difference between Lorne and these people. As a pure pirate, Lorne knows that he is evil, so he will not put any moral label on him when doing anything, in order to seek his inner comfort.

Disgusting label.

"Besides, I\'m not saying this to beg you to let us go,"

At this time, Garrett stood up suddenly and slowly raised his hand towards Gonitz.

"It just makes you understand what you lose."