The Pirate Family

673 Chapter 660 Weibull

"This country is really rich."

In the northern city of Sdio, a short woman walked through the city. Behind her were countless screaming citizens, as well as the Vennhill family warriors who fell on the ground, constantly bleeding blood.

The woman\'s fingers were covered with robbed jewelry, and the emerald green gemstones were shining. She played with it for a while before slowly speaking.

"Let\'s go, my dear son, let\'s go to the base camp of the Wienhill family first, where the wealth is really piled up."

Behind her, followed by a tall man with a big sword in his hand, the strong man carrying a large bag of robbed treasure, is looking around aimlessly.He is not interested in wealth, these shining golden things are not as attractive to him as the little toys on the street.

It\'s just that his mother wants it, so he helps her snatch it.

As for clearly possessing powerful strength, why should he listen to a weak woman, men don’t know, but is it not justified for a son to listen to his mother?

After the woman spoke, the man immediately stopped his movements and followed his mother to the front.

"These people are so weak, they have no meaning at all."

"Stupid!" After hearing the man\'s words, the woman stomped heavily on the man\'s foot, "It\'s better to be weak so that we can snatch wealth without any effort. If we meet the strong, wouldn\'t it? Very troublesome!"

"You don\'t understand this. How can you be like your stupid dad!"

"Stupid father, mother you scolded father again..."

The man touched his head and said blankly, a frequent snot flowed out of his nose.

"I don\'t understand it to you!"

The woman kicked the man\'s calf abruptly, preparing to teach her disobedient son.But at this time she saw a jewelry store next to her. Inside, a female clerk hiding in the corner shivered, and countless jewelry on the counter shone with white light.

"Go! Grab those things, all these wealth are mine!"

The woman shouted, her eyes flashing greedy.Helpless, the man walked toward the jewelry store.


He directly ignored the glass at the door, smashed the glass door into pieces, then slammed the jewellery counter with a big knife, split the counter in half, and countless jewels fell to the ground.

"All for you, please don\'t kill me!"

The female clerk tremblingly said, she leaned her back in the corner, but did not give her the slightest sense of security. The two people in front of her were like beasts that could eat people at any time, making her unable to stop backing.She didn\'t understand why these pirates dared to invade here. Isn\'t this the residence of the strongest Wienhill family?

A while ago, she had just heard that Veenhill Lorne had been dismissed from the post of King Qiwuhai, and that followed by the Veenhill family massacre in Bislan and a decisive battle with the navy in Paradise.Such a powerful family, even if it decays, it decays.

"Of course it\'s mine!"

The old woman walked into the door of the jewelry store, looked at the jewels scattered around, and said greedily.

"It\'s just," the old woman raised her head, and a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes after seeing the young look of the female clerk."You have to die too!"

"Understood mom."

The man understood his mother\'s order, took his weapon, and walked towards the female clerk.

"I don\'t like killing the weak, but since it\'s my mother\'s order, then you can only die." He slowly raised the big knife and swung it towards the female clerk.

"Oh God, help me!"

The female clerk closed her eyes in despair. When the fierce pirate walked towards her, she felt that she couldn\'t move her whole body. She couldn\'t even move her little finger. She could only wait for death in despair.

"No matter who it is, as long as I can save me, I am willing to give everything I have!"

The female clerk thinks that, whether it is a pirate or the world government, whoever it is, beg them to save themselves.

When the Daguandao fell, the female clerk could even feel the chill on the blade of the Daguandao. Her legs emitted a stench, and between life and death, she was scared to pee her pants.


The sound of a woman slashing with a knife on something, but the pain did not come over. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a knight in silver armor standing in front of her. , Blocked the blow with his own body.

His armor was in tatters, and it was stained with blood. It seemed that he had experienced a fierce battle.But from the woman\'s point of view, this knight was extremely handsome, as if God had sent out to save her.

If there is a god.

"It\'s okay." The knight turned his back to the woman and said softly.Then he raised his head, looked at the man holding a big sword in front of him, and scolded.

"Swing a butcher knife at the weak, don\'t you feel ashamed!"


Seeing that his attack had been blocked, the man didn\'t even think about it. He raised his big sword and slashed at the knight again.

A shock wave centered on the two people and spread to all places. With a radius of tens of meters, the glass of all shops was shaken to pieces by the shock wave.The smoke was everywhere, and a knight carried the woman and rolled out of the jewelry store.

"grown ups……"

The woman felt a touch of blood. Just to save her, the knight used his body to block the attack of the powerful pirate, and he was also injured.The woman wanted to say something to be grateful, but suddenly she asked with a foul smell. Only then did she remember that when she thought she was going to die, she was so scared that she peeed her pants.

She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, her face embarrassed.

"Nothing, you will feel scared in the face of the strong. This is instinct. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

The knight put the woman down and said softly.This sentence was once his idol, the man named Lorne said.He regarded many of Lorne\'s words as his own creed, so he remembered every word Lorne said.

But there is the next sentence, which he did not mention to the woman.

That is, because the strong and the weak can actually be regarded as two kinds of creatures, just like no matter how brave a mouse is, it can\'t help shaking when facing a cat.

This is instinct.

The knight turned around and saw a tall pirate stepping out of the smoke.He was holding a Daguan knife, with a hint of murder on his honest face, as if he was dissatisfied with being fooled by a weak man.

The knight straightened his armor, then looked at the pirate.He didn\'t quite agree with Lorne\'s second half of the sentence.

Because people are people after all, no matter whether they are strong or weak, they are the same people.

"And protecting the weak is the responsibility of the strong."

The knight said, and then launched a charge towards the pirate.