The Pirate Family

674 Chapter 661 Weakness and Betrayal

"Lancelot, named Pirate Rider, is upright and pedantic, and likes to follow some strange creeds."

An old woman walked behind the pirate, and saw the knight charging towards him dismissively said.

"I don\'t know the so-called, is it really worth sacrificing one\'s life for others?"

"Kill this stupid knight, Weibull!"


The pirate, known as Weibull, roared a few times after hearing his mother\'s words, raised his own Daguan Knife, covered it with a dark, armed color domineering, and then swung the knife. It directly hit Lancelot, who was charging.


Lancelot\'s pupils dilated and he coughed up a large mouthful of blood.He didn\'t expect this seemingly cumbersome man to be so fast. This knife slashed on his path, without giving him a chance to dodge, and directly hit his chest.

Lancelot was cut into the air like a rag bag and crashed into a shop across the street.The shop couldn\'t bear the power of the slash and collapsed, burying Lancelot inside.

"Those things you believe in are worthless in my opinion."

The old woman had expected this result a long time ago and walked to Weibull, took out a mini pistol from her clothes, and aimed at the bewildered woman.


The bullet directly hit the woman\'s shoulder, and the woman fell to the ground with pain.

"Do you want to protect the lives of the weak?" The old woman showed a sarcasm on her face."Then I will kill her in front of you."

She walked to the woman lying on the ground, raised her pistol, and aimed it at the woman\'s head.


A bloody arm stretched out from the ruins across the street.Weibull jumped forward and slashed towards the ruins.

"Die." The old woman said. She gently squeezed the trigger, but there was no scene where the woman was headshot and blood flowed as she expected.

Click click.

She tried again, but the bullet still didn\'t come out.

At this time, she seemed to have thought of something, picked up her pistol, and found that the barrel of the pistol seemed to be cut off by something.

A cold sweat broke out on her back, and she shouted at Weibull who had jumped over.

"Idiot, come back and protect me!"

But it was too late. A long knife leaned out from behind her neck and pressed it against her neck. The old woman could feel the coldness of the metal of the long knife.

"Mother!" Weibull turned his head and saw an ordinary-looking man with a long knife against his mother\'s neck, then lifted her whole body, and immediately shouted angrily, and then rushed towards his mother. Past.

But he only moved one step, but his body stopped.

Because the long knife in the man\'s hand lightly slashed the old woman\'s neck, a bloodshot appeared on the old woman\'s skin like old tree bark.

"Don\'t move, I\'m going to die!"

At this time, the old woman yelled eagerly. She felt that the man behind her was really killing her. If Weibull rushed over, he would really kill her.

The old woman had never felt death so close to her, and a cold sweat was dripping on her face.

"who are you!"

Weibull shouted vigilantly at the ordinary-looking man.At the same time, he clenched the weapon in his hand, ready to rescue his mother at any time.

"Mr. Rong!"

Among the ruins, a knight climbed out and said in surprise after seeing the man holding a long knife.

"You are Rong! Are you dead? How could you be here!" After hearing the name Rong, the old woman suddenly knew the identity of the man behind her.

She is not weak, otherwise she would not have become a crew member of that man.But compared to those monsters, her strength seemed a little insignificant.

There are not many people in this sea, and there are not too many people who can approach him so quietly, but there is only one person named Rong.

Legend of the bounty hunter, the strongest killer, Dragon Flame Killer Rong.

But this legendary man was rumored to have died in the Battle of Bislan not long ago, and for a while, the whole world of killers was solemn.But I didn\'t expect that this person who should have died would appear here.

"It\'s just a task."

Rong said lightly, then raised his head and looked at Weibull who was vigilant in front of him.

"I have a suggestion. If you want to save your mother\'s life, you\'d better listen to it."

"You said." Weibull said coldly. He is not smart, so he doesn\'t like to use his brain. The most favorite thing is to use his fist to speak.

But it was about his own mother, so he had to give up the force to solve it, and listen to Rong.

"A group of pirates appeared in Sdio," Rong said, remembering how Lola had given him a mission."Use the heads of these pirates to replace your old lady\'s life."

"Don\'t break your promise!"

Weibull didn\'t even think about it. He accepted Rong\'s proposal and said to the old woman who was being carried.

"Mother, wait for me to come back!"

After speaking, he raised his weapon and walked towards the port.

"Bastard bastard! You bastard!"

After seeing her son leave, the old woman can imagine her fate.Not only have they lost the wealth of the Wienhill family, they will also bear the reputation of betrayal.

Pirates are not afraid of notoriety. For pirates, it is common for pirates to burn, kill, loot, and do no evil. In a sense, notoriety is no different from reputation.

But some things, once done, will be cast aside by other pirates.

And this kind of thing is betrayal.

He and Gonitz and the others are in an alliance. Once Weibull takes action against them, unless all these people are left in Sdio, he will bear the reputation of betrayal.

And the pirates who bear the reputation of betraying will be unable to move in this sea.

The old woman did not expect that she would be in this situation with her carelessness. What she worries most is not to betray Gonzalez and the others, but to betray them and not survive!

Because, with the current situation of the Wienhill family, even if Verb\'s shots are available, they are not the opponents of this group of pirates!

"The first rule of the killer is to do the most things with the least strength." Rong said softly when he saw Lancelot walking slowly.

He is not actually afraid of Weibull, to be precise, he is not afraid of anyone.But since Weibull has such a big weakness as his mother, he is not to blame for taking advantage of it.

After all, killers are the ones who like to take advantage of the weaknesses of others.