The Pirate Family

672 Chapter 659: The Last Secret Weapon

Man is about five meters tall, even in this sea of ​​monsters, he can be called a little giant.Because of his height and character, he never liked to look up at people.This has also developed the arrogant habit of arrogantly looking at people through the nostrils.

It\'s just that Man does have the strength. In front of him, even the giants can only bow their heads obediently and squat down to speak, otherwise they can\'t escape the fate of being blasted to death by Man.And this mechanical giant is almost seven meters tall, just a bit tall.If I want to see the girl sitting in the cockpit, I must raise my head.

This makes him very upset.

In this sea, there is only one man who can make you look up to him, and that is the man who walked out from the same place as him, but his body is more domineering than him.

The man named Kaido.

Except for him, Man never raised his head to anyone.

This mechanical giant is no exception.

"100% power boxing!" The second girl sitting in the cockpit shouted, and then skillfully manipulated the control panel in front of him.The mechanical giant raised his fist, the engine on his arm spun frantically, spewing hot steam, and then blasted his fist towards him.

"It\'s useless."

Said disdainfully,

"Your power seems to me to be useless." He didn\'t avoid it, and directly imprinted a mechanical fist on his chest.


A shock wave spread around, the brutal smile stiffened, and the body stagnated for a moment.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"are you an idiot?"

Moria looked at Man and scolded.He didn\'t understand how there could be such an arrogant person in this world, facing the enemy\'s attack without avoiding it, he directly greeted him with his body.Even the most basic armed defense is not needed.

How confident is he in his body?

Seeing this scene, there was a glimmer of hope on the faces of the cadres of the Wienhill family next to them. As the absolute main force of this group of pirates, if they could hit him hard in one fell swoop, they might be able to turn defeat into victory.

On the other side of the battlefield, Jodi and Odie are changing their punches. They seem to be indefatigable boxers. They face fighters similar to themselves. At the same time, they use the bloodiest and cruel fighting method, punching to the flesh. .


Jody blasted the silver knight with a punch, and the mechanical arm carried this invincible power, and blasted the silver knight as strong as the city wall back several steps.

But after shaking for a few laps, the Silver Knight stood still and taunted Jody.

"Don\'t look over there! Your fist is not as strong as before!"

"If your stamina is exhausted, then next is my counterattack stage."

The Silver Knight said, his arm showed a faint glow.It was like putting on a punch of silver armor.

"It\'s more than enough to smash you into minced meat." Jody wiped the blood stains on himself, still saying stiffly.

"Ahem. Is this what it feels like to be injured?" Man said suddenly, who was punched in the chest by the mechanical giant.

This tone is not anger, but surprise.

It\'s like the first time a child encounters a toy that interests him.

"It really hurts." Man said like this, and he wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and then grabbed the arm of the giant mechanical.

"Unknown failure...unknown failure, unable to move!"

Synthesized electronic sounds continued to sound in the cockpit.Sitting in the cockpit, Lola suddenly discovered that no matter how she manipulated, the mechanical giant\'s arm would not move a minute. If it weren\'t for the indicator light on the operation panel, she would think it was malfunctioning.

"Then then, it\'s my turn." Taking a deep breath, he lifted the mechanical giant directly.Man grabbed the mechanical giant\'s arm and kept rotating it, and Lola sitting in the cockpit felt the earth turned upside down.After a long time, maybe it was enough, grabbing the arm of the mechanical giant, and falling heavily towards the ground ahead.


The mechanical giant fell directly to the ground, sparks flashing all over his body.Parts were scattered all over the floor.

"Warning...Warning, the body is seriously damaged and is under repair..."

"Repair failed, prepare to escape from the program."

"The escape begins 3...2...1."

Lola\'s seat was suddenly bounced out, as if a missile flew towards the rear.

Then fell into the arms of an obese man.

"Thank you... Fat Tiger." Lola subconsciously thanked the man behind her.At this time, the fat tiger was also very embarrassed. The whole person was blown directly by the gust of Gonitz, and almost flew to the beach.

A person like him, once fell into the sea, there is no means of resistance at all.

"Have all your tricks been used up?"

Gonitz fell from the air and said with a smile when he saw the defeated generals of the Wienhill family in front of him.

"Then, accept your fate of failure."

In the distance, Garrett heard Gonitz\'s words and grasped his palm unwillingly, but the pain in her body told her that she could not fight at all.After a long time, she shook her head bitterly.

"Miss Andariel, please help me inform everyone and retreat."

Garrett said bitterly,

"We are defeated, and Sdio is theirs."

The easiest thing in this world is to give up, because whatever you give up is just a thought in your heart.

However, in this world, the hardest thing is to give up. For many people, giving up one thing is more difficult than letting him die.

Garrett belonged to the latter. After saying this, Garrett seemed to have exhausted his whole body\'s strength, and the whole person\'s energy was lost by three points.

After Lorne was in a coma, she wanted to prove that she was enough to protect him, so he decided to challenge Sakaski to declare to the world that she was no longer the little girl everyone could deceive.

However, after the group of pirates attacked Sdio, she knew that she had failed.

"I\'ll help you delay time." Garrett said, this is her last stubbornness.

"..." Andariel saw Garrett in this manner for the first time.Lively like her, she doesn\'t know what to say at this time.

"No, we haven\'t reached the end of the world." At this time, Lola, who had just escaped from the mechanical giant, broke free and said to Garrett.

"We still have secret weapons!"

Garrett looked blank, but at this moment Lola pointed to the sky.

Everyone followed her fingers and looked towards the sky, and found that there were several small black dots that were constantly magnifying in the sky.

"Is it the secret weapon hidden by the Vennhill family?"

Moria found these things too, and asked nervously.

"No, no, these things are so slow that they can\'t cause much damage at all." Gonitz didn\'t squint his eyes and didn\'t choose to stop.

"It\'s not so much a weapon, it\'s more like throwing something."

Boom boom boom boom!

Ten pitch-black columns descended from the sky and inserted on the ground of Sdio.