The Pirate Family

666 Chapter 653: Those Who Don't Fear Death

"Alva Lawson has already sneaked into Sdio, and we should also show it."

On the boat, a priest in a black robe said so. He raised his hand and a small tornado appeared in his palm.

The gusty wind howled, and the pirates on the ship felt short of breath at the moment the tornado appeared.

Each natural fruit symbolizes an element in nature, or disaster.

For example, the lava fruit of Sakaski, known as the strongest natural system, is a symbol of volcanic eruption.

And the ability of this man is a symbol of another terrifying natural disaster.


On this sea, hurricanes often do not appear alone, but often accompanied by tsunamis.Behind the reputation of men\'s horror is the destruction of unknown countries.

"It\'s a pity that such a beautiful country is swallowed by floods."

A young man with blond hair next to him said, "I don\'t know how much wealth is buried on Sdio\'s island. Wouldn\'t it be a pity if I were sunk into the sea?"

"That is, if you want to go crazy, you have to wait until we have looted the wealth of this country before doing it!"

The little woman also advised that their goal here is the mountain of wealth accumulated by the Wienhill family.

"Don\'t worry, I just served a little dessert to our guests before the banquet. The real main course is you."

The priest smiled and said, at this time, a faint mist had emerged on Sdio\'s island.He knew that this was the action of the Vennhill family.

The misty moon, the blood of angels.

This is the hallmark of the Wienhill family and the ability of several senior officials in that family.

Since the Battle of Bislan, the Vennhill family cadres headed by Lorne were hit hard, and there are only a few cadres that have supported the Vennhill family.

The priest gently spread his hand, and the mini tornado slipped from his palm, plunged into the sea, and then disappeared.

The next moment, a huge vortex appeared above the sea, the vortex grew larger and larger, swallowing everything around it, forming a sea tornado covering the sky and the sun.

The sea tornado whizzed and moved slowly towards Sdio.

"They really united."

At the top of Sdio\'s Black Iron Castle, a woman in a white dress said to a woman in a black cloak next to her.

She spread her hand, and a faint mist came out of her palm, spreading towards the surroundings of the island.She is the incarnation of fog, able to control all the fog, all the fog that pervades the island is her eyes.

"The first thing to do is Gonitz of Gale."

Agatha looked at the sea, and said solemnly towards the sea tornado that swept towards Sdio, “But it’s strange that Gonitz, as a traitor to the Church of the Holy Truth, has never shown his love for money. Obsessed, why did he participate in this incident."

You know, the Church of the Holy Truth that rules the state of Baran, their wealth can be unimaginable, but Gonitz, who has the power second only to the pope, gave up this right and turned to betrayal. The Church of Holy Truth.

"No matter what his purpose is, since he appears in front of us, then he is our enemy."

The woman in the black cloak said, her face was extremely pale and her breath was weak, as if the wind would blow it down.

But she was standing here, in front of these great heroes.

"Will we fail?" Agatha asked softly, she was a little lost.

Garrett did not speak. After hearing Agatha\'s words, she suddenly remembered what she had said to him when she and Lorne went to the Chambord Islands during the World Conference.

Mother once gave herself a small island, located in the hinterland of the Charlotte family and the Whitebeard Pirates. If one day the Vennhill family fails, she will definitely take Lorne and escape.Fleeing to that small island, living a life without any dispute.

At the beginning, Lorne said very seriously that there was no such day.

I just didn\'t expect that a year has not passed, and the original jokes might really come true.

"It won\'t fail." Garrett shook his head and said seriously.

Garrett at this time is no longer the little girl who would only hide behind Lorne and his brothers and sisters.She has grown into a queen long ago.

A queen of blood.

And the queen will not fear any enemies.

No one can make the queen retreat, no one can make the queen lower their noble heads.

Unless they are dead.

After living with Lorne for so long, Garrett knew that being as proud as Lorne, he must be unwilling to give up everything he has now and hide in a corner to survive.

Even if he is dead, he will have to fight vigorously on this sea, and then die proudly, instead of waiting until his body is old and weak enough to hold his own weapons, and then die in some no one. Known corner.

"I won\'t let Lorne\'s everything be destroyed in my hands." Garrett muttered to herself. She was standing on top of the Black Iron Castle. At this time, the savage pirate ship appeared in her sight. Among them, one could vaguely see the arrogant man standing on the collision angle of the pirate ship and making a throat cut at her.

"Hehe." Garrett said.In the next moment, her body disappeared on the top of the Black Iron Castle, leaving only a pungent smell of blood in the air.

Only Agatha shook her head alone, and then, the woman in a white dress snapped her fingers, her body turned into a mist and disappeared at the peak of the black iron castle.


There are countless heads of pirates in the port of Sdio. These are the pirates who provoked the Vennhill family and were suppressed by the family\'s fighters.In order to deter other unpredictable people, Garrett sent people to hang their heads here.

In the middle of the harbor stood a long pillar of blood.There are countless hideous faces on the surface of the long pillar, like the evil ghost in hell, the last nostalgia for life before death.

In the port, countless soldiers are standing by, waiting for the coming of war.

Perhaps in the eyes of the pirates, these soldiers have many shortcomings, their strength is weak, and they cannot pose a threat to the domineering powerhouses of the new world, etc., but they have two advantages.

One is that they are not afraid of death, even if all their companions are dead, they will not be afraid to launch a final attack against a powerful enemy.

The second is loyalty, absolute loyalty, even if the order is unreasonable, as long as it comes from the cadres of the Vennhill family, they will execute it without hesitation.

So they are here.