The Pirate Family

665 Chapter 652: Killer

The man has long blonde hair, handsome appearance, and the seriousness in his eyes, he looks like a knight walking out of a picture scroll.


A pirate licked his lips and said the man\'s name.Their identity is the pirate who went to Sidiou to discuss business cooperation with the Vennhill family, so even at this time, they were not expelled by the Vennhill family.

Lancelot is a man with the title of Pirate Knight, offering a bounty of 180 million Baileys. Unlike other pirates, Lancelot has the characteristics of humility, justice, and kindness that other pirates do not possess, and is known for It is an alien among the pirates.

After meeting Lorne in the Chambord Islands, Lancelot felt that he had met the faith of life, so he decided to follow Lorne. After a period of adventure, Lancelot finally came to Lorne’s territory and became One of Lorne\'s pirates.

He followed Lorne in this way, and there are many pirates who bet their future on the banner of the Vennhill family.

"I didn\'t expect a man like you to become a dog of the Wienhill family."

Said the pirate.While he was speaking, the soldiers behind Lancelot simultaneously drew their weapons and aimed their sharp blade at the group of pirates.

No matter when and where, such remarks are a provocation to the Vennhill family and deserve to be tried by the Vennhill family.

Especially at this critical time, speaking such words also meant declaring war on the Vennhill family.

All the soldiers stood in battle, and they only needed a word from Lancelot, and they would rush forward and chop the pirates who did not know their heights into meat.

"I\'m giving you a chance, are you sure?" Even if he was insulted as a dog, Lancelot didn\'t have the slightest anger on his face. He looked at the two pirates and said seriously.

"I said you are a dog raised by Lorne."

The pirate said arrogantly.


A bullet penetrated directly through the head of the pirate, and white and red liquid flowed out of his head.

It was a soldier standing behind Lancelot who shot the gun. Because they were brainwashed by the Wienhill family, they regarded the glory of the family more than their own lives.

"May the Lord have mercy on you." Lancelot said softly to the pirate\'s body, but when he was about to pack the body of the provocateur, he suddenly felt something wrong.

Why, these people\'s companions died in front of them, but they didn\'t make any expressions, just like robots with no emotions.

An inexplicable sense of crisis surged into Lancelot\'s heart. Lancelot felt cold on his back, almost without even thinking about it. He shielded his robe against his chest, and the soft robe rose in the wind. Become a shield.


A heavy blow hit Lancelot\'s back, blasting him into the air, hitting the rock wall of the valley, and countless rubble rolled down from the rock wall.

A man in a suit, like a gentleman, suddenly appeared in Lancelot\'s position without knowing when, he straightened his top hat and said with a smile.

"It\'s a pity that your Lord has no mercy on you."

"But thankfully, you will be able to see your Lord soon."

Boom boom boom boom!

At this time, the soldiers of the Venn Hill family reacted and aimed their weapons at the sudden appearance of the enemy, and countless bullets were shot from the muzzle.But the gentleman-like man deflected his body gracefully, and easily avoided the first few bullets, then slowly took out a knife and cut the bullet in half in half.

In the barrage, he used a knife to cut out a passage alive, and then walked leisurely towards the group of soldiers.

"Really a loyal fighter."

Seeing that these soldiers did not flinch in a single step facing a powerful enemy, the gentleman sighed sincerely.Then he slit the throats of these fighters and said sarcastically.

"It\'s really a weak ant."

Waiting for all the soldiers to fall, and after the blood stained the ground of the canyon, the man leisurely took out a phone worm and said slowly to the other end of the phone worm.

"My side has already finished processing. Sdio\'s Throat Fortress has been occupied by us. You can attack."

"They have no chance to escape."

Said the gentleman.

"It\'s really boring to work with smart people like you." A man\'s arrogant and conceited voice came from the other end of the phone worm."Isn\'t it enough to push the past all the way, anyway, the current Wienhill family has no strong people that can stop us."

"Being cautious is not a bad thing."

The gentleman said, but when he was just about to say something, there was a pause, and then he looked towards the place where Lancelot was shot into the air.

"It seems that there is still a little guy stubbornly alive. I will tell you after I deal with him first." After the gentleman said this, he hung up his phone worm, and then walked slowly forward. past.

Among the rubble, a knight slowly stood up.

"It\'s really tenacious, isn\'t it good to lie down? Why do you want to get up and die?"

He drew out two long knives, the blades flashed with cold light.Then smiled and said.

His smile was cold, just like the cold light on the face of a long knife.


"I hate these self-righteous clever people."

Right in front of Sdio Port, on a pirate ship, a burly man in animal skins heard the sound of the phone worm being hung up and said with disdain.

"Gurulu, it\'s so hard to use your brain, isn\'t it okay to kill it directly?" Next to him, a man with a long crescent holding a big sword and drinking wine said.

The wine flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he didn\'t care, wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth, and said cheerfully.But at this time, a small woman in front of the man suddenly stepped on his foot and said viciously.

"Only people who are smart enough can bring us benefits, stupid people will soon be eliminated by the wave of this era!"

"Only brute force will not work, just like your stupid father!"

"It hurts mom!"

The naive man was in pain and said with a grieved expression, but facing his mother, he did not dare to be angry at all.

"Father, who is my father?" the man asked suspiciously.

"Oh, yes, my father is White Beard!"

Men have always claimed to be Baibeard II, and because Baibeard himself did not refute, many people acquiesced in his identity.