The Pirate Family

667 Chapter 654

The sea tornado continued to roar towards Sdio’s main island, and the air was filled with a salty and wet smell, which was the smell of sea water.

"It\'s really huge." At the port, a mist drifted over, condensing Agatha\'s figure.She raised her head and looked at the approaching sea tornado, and said softly.

"As the host, we should also show it."

She raised her hand, and countless dark cannon barrels protruded from all corners of Sdio, all aimed at the sea dragon scroll.

The Vennhill family started with munitions. After obtaining the weapon information of the sky island, the Vennhill family\'s arsenal has always been at a unique level on the sea, and only the elite naval forces can compete with it.

Later, after Gage and Begapunk joined, coupled with Lorne\'s continuous investment of resources for their research and development, at this time the level of technology of the Wienhill family has been ahead of the entire world.

The embodiment of technology is armaments.

"Give them a meeting gift."

As Agatha said, all the artillery aimed the dark barrels at the sea tornado. When she just fell, the edges of the artillery barrels turned red, and then countless flaming shells came from the barrels. Sprayed out.

The flames billowed, and after hitting the sea tornado, it exploded instantly, evaporating the surrounding sea water and turning it into countless water vapor.

The flames burned above the tornado, like a pillar of fire burning to the sky on the sea.

It\'s just that this pillar of fire didn\'t last long before it dissipated above the sea.Only white water vapor remained.

"Then," Agatha controlled the water vapor and condensed a giant on the sea. The giant roared at the pirate ship on the sea, then spread his hands and patted the pirate ship.


Two waves of tens of meters high swelled on both sides of the pirate ship, covering the sky and the earth.

"It\'s a natural ability person," a fat man who looked like a meat mountain next to him saw this scene and exclaimed."This level of destructive power can\'t be achieved by practicing boxing for a lifetime."

Every person with natural ability is a symbol of natural disasters.Their destructive power far surpasses those with the devil fruit ability of the other two lines.

"This group of people, won\'t it be solved just like this?"

Fat Tiger asked.

A considerable part of this group of united pirates are those with devil fruit ability, and the biggest flaw of those with devil fruit ability is fear of sea water.

No matter how powerful a person with the Devil Fruit ability is, once they are hit into the sea, they will be captured because of their weakness.

"It\'s not that simple. Do you idiot don\'t understand this thing?"

At this time, a bald man next to him suddenly patted the fat man on the head, and then said viciously.

"You\'re not afraid to fight later."

The bald man is very sturdy, and there is a tattoo on his neck, which matches the pile of tendons on his body, which is full of deterrence.The most striking thing is that his right arm is not ordinary flesh and blood, but is equipped with a robotic arm. The robotic arm is silver-white, and its shape is no different from that of an ordinary arm, except for the reflection of metal. The luster has a dangerous meaning.

"If you can\'t fight, it\'s better not to fight, how tired fighting is." The fat man touched his head and said honestly.

"I\'m afraid it won\'t be what you want." Agatha said softly, her face solemn.

Above the sea, the smog giant constantly slapped the front, stirring up waves.

But the next moment, the giant\'s movements suddenly stopped, and then his body was floating in the air involuntarily, as if something grabbed his arm and lifted him up.

A knight in armor stood in front of the pirate ship. He gently pressed the deck of the pirate ship, and a layer of invisible luster covered the entire pirate ship.

No matter how the giant beats, the pirate ship did not sink into the sea.

And a man wearing animal skins grabbed the giant\'s palm with one hand and lifted him up.Then, a punch smashed the giant.

"Man, his power is not inferior to the original Adam. Are all the members of this family monsters?"

Seeing this scene, Jody\'s mouth twitched and couldn\'t help but say.

And the man who had done all of this made a provocative action against everyone in Sdio across the sea.

The next moment, he squatted down slightly, his calf suddenly exerted force, and his whole body was like a cannonball, hitting the port of Sdio, smashing into a bottomless pit.


Agatha calmly ordered that since the two sides no longer have the possibility of reconciliation, they must act first to be strong and resolve the strong enemy first.

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless bullets were ejected from the weapons of the Weinhill family soldiers, and shot into the deep pit ahead.

The smoke was filled, and a strong man stood up from the smoke, the bullet hit his body, as if hitting a heavy steel plate, and ejected around.

"Is this tickling me?" said sarcastically, walking out of the smoke.


A cannonball hit his head, and white smoke rolled on his head.


He slapped the smoke away from his face, and the shell did not leave the slightest trace on his head.

"What a monster." After seeing this scene, even Agatha, who has always been calm, couldn\'t help but say.

She could feel that in the face of the attack, she hadn\'t done any defense at all, even the most basic domineering cover was not used, but the artillery fire could not even penetrate his skin.

What a terrible defense!

"Oh, is this Joyce?" At this time, I saw the long column of blood standing in the harbor. The face of a man wearing a tall hat appeared on the column. His face was hideous and unwilling, as if Don\'t believe that I died here.

"Thanks to you, we discovered that the Wienhill family is so weak." Quietly stroked Joyce\'s face and said softly.

The next moment, he pulled Joyce\'s head out of the cylinder, and the smell of blood filled the air.

"In order to express my gratitude to you, let me free you from this humiliation."

Man said so, and then squeezed Joyce\'s head to pieces.

"I am Man, the child of God, the most perfect life in the world." After doing all this, Man turned around and said to the Wienhill family in front of him.

By his side, there appeared one after another pirates, these were all people who coveted the wealth of the Weinhill family, or had grievances with the Weinhill family and united together.

"So, are you ready to bow to me?"