The Pirate Family

568 Chapter 559 Rabbit (3)

In fact, Spandane’s judgment is correct, the rabbit is indeed a beauty.A rather rare beauty,

Without the slightest flaw in the facial features, combined with her nonchalant temperament, it is indeed very capable of evoking a man\'s desire.

If it is a normal man, he might be merciful when he finds that his opponent is such a beautiful beauty.

However, this pale man was not a normal man.All those who knew him gave him only one label, and that was.


After the man flew the rabbit with a punch, he was obviously excited when he saw the rabbit\'s petite body spinning in the air, splashing blood on the sea.There was a flurry of abnormal flush on his face, his body disappeared, and he appeared above the rabbit flying in the air.


The man punched the rabbit\'s abdomen hard. When the body was unable to move, the rabbit was unable to resist, and the whole person fell into the sea.


The blood stained the nearby sea.

"Don\'t kill her?" At this time, Anna had already slowed down, she stood up and said slowly.

"That woman knows our plan, if she doesn\'t die, what impact might it have on our plan."

"The sense of smell of fish is hundreds of times more sensitive than that of humans. Even a drop of blood can be smelled when mixed in several kilometers of water." The man did not answer Anna\'s words, but talked about other things."You have been fighting for so long, and you don\'t know how much blood was spilt in this waters. In other words, countless carnivorous fish are lurking under this water at this time."

"Perverted." Anna heard the man\'s words and couldn\'t help saying that the man wanted to use these fishes to destroy the corpses.

"Let\'s go, go to the Judicial Island and fix it first. If this happens, although I won\'t care too much, my benefactor will be angry."

The man slowly said that Elinis’ plan was to make Lorne suspicious of the CP-9 department after provoking the relationship between Lorne and CP-9 when neither side reacted. Judging by a reward, this goal has been accomplished.

Then, in the sea, places where Garrett might be are constantly exposed. These places include Judicial Island, New Propulsion City, Whitebeard\'s Lair, and even Bislan, which is on the cusp of the storm.

Then watched the people of the Wienhill family run hard.

Finally, an agent of CP-9 "leaked" an information to Lorne.

Garrett was taken to Mary Joa, and was about to become a plaything for those Denonians.

Judging by the reckless character of the Tianlong people, this is a very possible thing. After all, a daughter of the Four Emperors is quite attractive to them.

Not to mention, this woman\'s fiancé, whose surname is Wienhill.

With Lorne’s character, after receiving the news, he would definitely take someone to kill Mary Joa, and because of the Bislan Island incident, it is impossible for the navy next to Mary Joa to dispatch troops to assist Mary Joa. .Facing the fierce Lorne, the Tianlong people will directly release the monster called the "Dragon\'s Wall" to protect themselves.

When the two sides fought, when the fish died and the net broke, it was when they shot.

This is Elinis\' strategy.

He not only wanted to ruin Lorne, but also deprived him of everything that Lorne cared about.

This is Elinis\' revenge!

Anna nodded. There was only one Spandane left in the affairs of Judicial Island. Although she was violent with Spandane in a hurry, as long as she tempted her with beauty, this old pervert Will be overwhelmed by her.

Forget everything.

Countless sharks wandered in this sea, as if they were fighting for something.The two quickly left this sea area on a sea motorcycle.As everyone knows, in the wreckage of a ship, there is a phone with eyes open all the time.


The rabbit felt that she was almost suffocating. As her body continued to sink, she felt the surrounding sea water became colder and colder, and the water kept choking into her throat. She felt her consciousness gradually blurred.

There were countless piranha sharks wandering around, because of the aura radiating from her body, she did not step forward, but she did not back down either.

The rabbit knows that once she loses consciousness, these sharks will swarm her and eat her clean.

Are you finally dying?

Rabbit felt her vision gradually blurred. She was not afraid of death. She was only afraid that she had not fulfilled her responsibility as a sister and had not passed the news.

She felt her consciousness getting more and more blurred, and the sharks around her were approaching. Just as she was about to close her eyes and feel the death coming, she suddenly heard a gentle female voice ringing in her ears.

"Don\'t die."


The great route, the new world, Sdio.

Lorne sat on the Dark Iron Throne, his face gloomy and said nothing.

There was a phone bug in front of him.This phone worm was given to him by the Warring States after he became the king of Qi Wuhai, and the world government usually contacted himself through this phone worm.

But just now, the phone worm rang suddenly.

After finally there was no sound, the phone worm slowly closed his eyes.

After a long time, he suddenly picked up the phone worm, dialed a number, and said to the other side after receiving it.

"Hey, I want you to do something for me."

"What\'s the matter?" A calm male voice came from the other end.

"Help me catch someone."



"Okay." The male voice didn\'t ask Lorne why, and he agreed directly. In his opinion, arresting a senior official of the world government is a very simple matter.

"Thank you, Lucky."

At this moment, Violet suddenly walked in and said to Lorne solemnly.

"We just found the trail of Jerome Orlando."

"This man directly crossed the Red Earth Continent and went to Paradise! This is why we have not been able to find him in the New World."

"Is Judicial Island right?" Lorne interrupted Violet and asked lightly.

"You already know?" Violet was startled, then nodded."Yes, based on the sea area where she last appeared, his route can be inferred, and the end of this route is the Judicial Island!"

Lorne nodded.If there was no such sudden call, perhaps he would immediately send someone to leave Sdio in a hurry and head to Judicial Island.

But it was this call that made him change his mind.

Anyway, Lu Qi has gone to Judicial Island.Before the two cooperated and many times, Lu Qi helped Lorne to do things, and Lorne allowed Lu Qi to kill people legally in his own territory, and the two took what they needed.Lorne believed that nothing could go wrong with Luchi\'s ability.

He decided to let the person hiding behind the scenes reveal the fox tail.