The Pirate Family

569 560 The Agent's Past

On the evening of December 19, 1509, a small boat arrived at the port of Sdio.

An old man walked out of the boat.The old man was wearing a white robe and could not hide his sturdy figure. Although his hair was gray, he had the charm of a mature man when he smiled.

The old man must be very handsome when he is young. This is the first impression the old man gives.

He raised his head and looked at the towering buildings on Sdio, couldn\'t help but praised.

"This place is really good."

Then I saw the soldiers of the Wienhill family who had been standing on both sides of the harbor and waiting, and said with a smile, "It\'s really embarrassing, Lorne."

"Welcome to Sdieo, Master Quina!" Violet said to the old man in a slim female suit, "Master Lorne has been waiting for a long time."

"I remember that when you defeated Ratzinger, you were so invincible. Why do you become so embarrassed now that you want me to help you." The old man followed Violet to the castle.As soon as I walked into the hall, I saw Lorne sitting on the throne meditating.

"You haven\'t seen each other for so long, and you still speak so unconsciously." Lorne ignored the ridicule in the old man\'s tone, and Quina was like this, speaking so unpleasantly.Otherwise, Ratzinger wouldn\'t fall out with him.

"I want you to do me a favor."

"What\'s busy? My old body is not as strong as you young people can fight." Quina said with a smile, even though he was the first seat of the Ten Glory Knights of Baran, and his status was only under the two popes. After the death of the pope, he could even snatch the position of the pope with Ratzinger.

But now he is old and his body is not as good as before.Even facing the young people behind the trial ten knights, they didn\'t dare to say that they would be sure.

"Help me check a person\'s memory." Lorne said lightly, then waved his hand, and a group of soldiers caught a man who was heavily tied up.

"Ooo, ooo!" Luca\'s mouth stuffed a mass of cloth, with angry eyes looked at Lorne.

"It\'s this little girl who caused your Vennhill family to be miserable?" Quina smiled, and then slowly walked towards Luca.


Quina grabbed Luca\'s head by his hand, and pulled out a handful of things like film from her head.

There are many pictures on these films, from the picture of Luca reading a book when he was a child, the picture of a young and ignorant person who had a crush when he was a girl, and the picture of the family suffering a sudden disaster and his relatives being killed by a pirate. Then he went to the CP agent base to learn. Picture...

Luca\'s memory was placed in front of everyone like a book that anyone could read.

This is Quina\'s ability to remember the fruit, and he can change the memories of others at will. It was because of Quina\'s ability that Ratzinger didn\'t kill him and kept him in the Tower of Imprisonment for ten years.`


Lorne said to Quina after seeing a picture.


"I heard that there is a new force in the South China Sea, and many veteran pirates have been planted in the hands of this new force, so I need you to take a look."

At CP-9 headquarters, a serious middle-aged man held a document and handed it to a young woman sitting opposite him.

"This new force is very cunning. I sent a lot of people over, and they have seen them through. Now only you who are the best at disguising can do this job."

"Understood." The woman was expressionless and picked up the document on the table.Turning to the first page, there are all the information about a woman from birth to growth.

"Doris?" The woman said with a smile looking at this three-point similar photo.

This should be the identity that the headquarters arranged with her. The woman is a small well-known assistant to the musician. The musician often toured the South China Sea, so the assistant also traveled all over the South China Sea.Over the years, the musician’s reputation has been affected somewhat due to the scandal about the engagement.

"They are going to perform in Windmill City next. According to intelligence, the leader of the mysterious force likes the musician very much, so you take this opportunity to get close to the mysterious force and get their information." The middle-aged man said, "It\'s just that these people are extremely vigilant. Please be careful. If there is any accident, please get out."

"After all, you are our trump card!"

The woman chuckled lightly, and then went out.At this time, the middle-aged talent shook his head helplessly.

After Roger\'s death, the sea became more and more chaotic, and the casualty rate of the agents was much higher than before. Therefore, even middle-aged people should care about the lives of the agents. After all, the death of a good agent is one less. .


"Doris, Doris, where are you?"

South China Sea, the city of windmills, behind the scenes of Xinguang Grand Stage.

A woman with short blond hair said anxiously that the performance is about to begin, but her makeup has not been done yet, and the assistant who has been helping her with makeup has disappeared at this critical time.

This time the performance is very important. As a female singer, there was a rumor that she had been engaged. This made her reputation hit hard, so she must regroup and let fans remember her songs, not her life. .

"Here! Miss Victoria Sindori." A female voice said slowly, and Doris came out from behind the scenes. She has lavender curly hair, matching her smile, like a big sister next door. Intimacy.

After finding Sindoli, she immediately took out an eyebrow pencil from her bag and traced her eyebrows for Sindoli.

"Why do the eyebrows painted this time are different from before?" Xin Duoli looked at her in the mirror and said in confusion.Before, Doris could only put on one kind of makeup. If she hadn\'t been with herself for so many years, she would have let her go, but today, Doris\'s makeup is obviously a lot better.

Xin Duoli was originally a rare beauty, but she became even more beautiful with the right makeup.

Doris\' hand paused slightly, and then said nonchalantly.

"Really? It turns out that I am such a bad person in Miss Xinduoli\'s mind!"

"Perhaps it was because I didn\'t notice it before." Xin Duoli said, and then she didn\'t care about it. After Doris put on her makeup, she quickly grabbed the props she had prepared and walked onto the stage.

The focus light shone on her, and the audience was shocked by her new look.She felt the cheers that she hadn\'t felt for a long time.

This feeling is very comfortable.