The Pirate Family

567 Chapter 558 Rabbit (2)

This woman named Anna is very strong, this is the rabbit\'s judgment after the initial fight.

As one of the few gun masters, Anna\'s domineering look and feel is definitely one of the best in this sea. As far as the rabbit knows, even in CP-0, many people can\'t match her.

The result of seeing and hearing that the color domineering gap is too large is that although the rabbit has the strength to kill her with a single sword, it has been unable to hit her.The two are stepping on the moon step in the mid-air, you come and go.

The rabbit is waiting for Anna to run out of bullets, and Anna is waiting for the rabbit to run out of energy.

This battle has become a patient competition. Whoever can\'t hold on first is the loser.Moreover, the two shots were merciless, no matter who wins, it is impossible to show mercy to the loser.

"There is no file for you in CP-9, you did not rise from CP-9!"

On one side of Anna\'s body, she avoided a mighty slash from the rabbit. The huge slash cut the sea level in half and aroused huge waves.

Water drops splashed on Anna\'s face, Anna said coldly.

"And people who come out of that place will not learn the "low-end" skills of the Navy Type VI. Plus the phone worm you just held, I’m afraid it’s not the phone worm that contacts the person above. Well, I am becoming more and more curious about your identity."

"It seems that I am not the only spy who sneaked into the world government."

"Did you fight with your mouth?"

The rabbit said coldly, "Release those tasks, and then transfer the responsibility to the CP-9 department to provoke the conflict between the world government and King Qiwuhai. Is this what you want to see?"

While the rabbit was talking, Anna hit her body with a bullet, but no blood came out, and the rabbit\'s figure gradually disappeared in the air.

"Is it an afterimage?"

Anna frowned slightly, and then turned her body without thinking, and a slender Western sword slid down against her side face.

Cut off a strand of her hair.

"Even my domineering looks can hardly catch your trace, you are very strong." A ray of blood flowed from Anna\'s left face, and the rabbit\'s attack cut through Anna\'s beautiful face.

"But I am stronger!"

Because there was no place to borrow in the air for a while, the rabbit\'s body was out of control, and the whole person could not stop leaning forward.

She became a living target!

The black muzzle was aimed at the rabbit\'s head.A smile appeared on Anna\'s mouth.

"Although I don\'t know what your identity is, but goodbye, my dear, our plan will never be affected by you alone!"


Flames erupted from the muzzle, but imagined that the neutron popped out of the muzzle and the bunny\'s head bloomed with bleeding flowers.

Anna\'s smile froze, because at this critical moment, the rabbit used his sword to pierce Anna\'s barrel forcibly.


Anna\'s barrel exploded, and she frowned. Before she could react, the rabbit had adjusted her body, and a heavy punch wrapped in pitch black hit her in the lower abdomen.

There has been such a problem in the sea before. Who is more powerful than the gunner who lost the gun or the swordsman who lost the sword?

No one can answer, because any powerful gunner or swordsman, their weapons are more important than their partners, and they won\'t let go even while sleeping.

But now, the rabbit gave the answer.

Three minutes later, the rabbit carried Anna\'s body and came to the wreckage of his own boat.

"You can\'t ruin our plan!" Anna coughed violently, blood constantly flowing from the corners of her mouth.Said viciously.

She is a bit more domineering than a rabbit, but she is not as domineering as an armed color.So in the process of the two close hands, Anna was completely suppressed and was quickly defeated.

The rabbit ignored Anna and started looking for the phone bug he had just lost here.

This small boat is not big, even when it is complete, it seems a bit crowded to accommodate two people.But the advantage of this is that even if it turned into wreckage, it was only scattered around. The rabbit fumbled for a while and finally found the phone worm.

But she didn\'t choose to pick it up because she felt an unusually dangerous breath approaching herself.

At the end of the field of vision, the sea level in the distance was divided into two sides, as if something rushed toward this side.

When the thing was near, the rabbit saw a man in a black robe driving a sea motorcycle toward this side. He looked unusually handsome, but there was a sickly paleness on his face.

The rabbit\'s face became very ugly at the moment he saw this man.

"Although it is abrupt, this young lady is barely my companion, so can you let her go?"

The man came to the rabbit in front of the sea motorcycle and said lightly.

His voice was hoarse, but it was so magnetic that people couldn\'t help but want to do what he said.

But what responded to him was not a smile, but a long sword. The rabbit took out a spare Western sword and pointed it at the man\'s head.

"I thought you and your group of companions died in that war. I didn\'t expect you to be alive."

"If you are the one hiding behind this woman, then all this makes sense."

"Do you know me?" The man was a little surprised, and began to look at the rabbit carefully.

"Be careful, she is a CP-0 person, it is very likely that she came from the same place as you!"

"CP-0? It\'s not too strange to know me," the man said regretfully, "I thought that after so many years, this sea still has my legend."

The rabbit didn\'t look down on the man because of his frivolousness. On the contrary, it was precisely because she knew who this man was that she was more careful.

"I have a proposal. I have a way to get you out of CP-0 control. I will tell you this method. How about you let me take this woman away and keep your mouth shut about today?"

"Very good proposal, but I am not at all interested in cooperating with you as a pervert." Rabbit said coldly, "On the contrary, I am more interested in the human head on your head."

"That\'s really a pity." The man sighed and said slowly."I hope you can meet my aesthetics."

After saying this, the man moved.He turned into a lightning and rushed towards the rabbit.

The rabbit froze for a moment and wanted to swing a sword to fight back, but found that he had lost control of his body. No matter how hard he tried, he could not swing the sword in his hand.


The man punched the rabbit firmly, and the mask on the rabbit\'s face shattered invisibly, revealing her beautiful face.