The Pirate Family

566 Chapter 557

That\'s it!

When the black suit uttered these words, Spandane had only one thought in his mind, and that was that he was completely finished.

"The record of the assassination of Charlotte Garrett?!" After hearing these words, the rabbit\'s breathing became weighed.The tone became colder.

"Why don\'t we know?"

"At that time, Mr. Spandane asked us all to go out, and he said he would handle this matter."

The black suit shook his head, "Because we are not eligible to participate when we want to report from CP-0 people, so I don\'t know what happened."

"It\'s just that, after listening to the brothers who sorted out the intelligence room, there was a lot of ashes in the intelligence room."

The black suit glanced at Spandane, thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth.

"It\'s like the ashes left by the burning of paper!"


After saying these words in the black suit, Spandane collapsed directly on his chair.

"Paper burned to ashes?" The rabbit tapped the tabletop lightly and looked at Spandane coldly.

"In other words, you concealed information?"

"You are so courageous, Spandane!"


After the rabbit came out of the Tower of Justice, Spandane sat pale on the chair, knowing he was finished.

Power, wealth, beauty, everything he owns will leave him, and the root of all this is just because he burned some information.

But the information is obviously related to him, it has nothing to do with him!It\'s not the tasks he posted.

The black suit walked in front of Spandane, without even looking at him.All the CP-9 agents don\'t think much of this waste. Now that he is down, the CP-9 department may develop better.


Spandane saw his beautiful secretary walk in from the door, with a trace of relief in his eyes.

Fortunately, this beauty did not betray herself.Just when he was trying to say something, Anna turned her usual gentleness, grabbing Spandane by the collar and lifting him up.

"You told her everything?!"

"Yes, she forced me!"

Spandane was taken aback. Is this still the cute little secretary?


Anna cursed, then dropped Spandane and hurriedly walked out of the room.


"This matter was indeed done by the CP-9 department, but Spandane didn\'t know anything about it."

The rabbit came to the port of Justice Island and boarded a mini boat.Then frowned and muttered to himself.

"He doesn\'t seem to be deceiving, that is to say, either because he is too wasteful and his rights have been emptied by his subordinates, or someone has sneaked into the CP-9 department and released these in the name of Spandane. command!"

"It\'s ridiculous to say that the most notorious secret service in the world has been mixed with spies. I don\'t know how many wrong orders have been issued over the years."

The boat left the port of Justice Island and drove in the direction of the Gate of Justice. She was going to pass through the Gate of Justice, passing by Marine Headquarters, Marine Vatican, to see if she could gain anything there.

After the boat completely left the Judicial Island, the rabbit took out a worn pocket watch from his chest, and an old yellow photo was inside the cover of the pocket watch.

It is a group photo of a group of children.

Among them, an unsmiling black-haired middle-aged man was sitting in the middle of the children with a serious face. Next to him, there was a little girl with blond hair smiling very brightly.

After a moment of silence, she carefully hid the pocket watch, and then took out a delicate phone bug.

There is a miniature misty moon pattern on the cover of the phone bug.

Blue blue blue.

The phone worm rang.But at this moment, the rabbit suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.The domineering dark armed color instantly covered his arm.


A bullet came from a distance and hit her wrist.If she hadn\'t been armed and covered in time, this bullet would be enough to crush her entire wrist.

A woman, a beautiful woman, stepped on the moon step to chase from the direction of Judicial Island.

"I mean why Spandane denies those suspicious tasks. It turns out that you are hiding behind him and issuing orders in his name."

The rabbit put the phone worm on the ground, and then slowly stood up.

"It turns out that it\'s you who betrayed CP-9, Anna."

The rabbit stood up straight, and stood on the boat looking directly at the woman who came on the moonwalk.

"Is it a swordsman master? It\'s different from other CP-0 agents!" The person who came was Spandane’s secretary Anna!She blinked her big eyes and said innocently.

"This bullet is specially ground with Hailou Stone. If you are a capable person, after being hit by this bullet, you will lose combat effectiveness."

According to the information they got, many agents of the CP-0 department were recruited from that place, so a large part of them are capable people. They did not expect to miscalculate this time.

"Perplexity." The rabbit shook his head, and then drew a western rapier from his waist.

"You committed two capital crimes, do you know?"

"One is to sneak into the world government to steal intelligence, but I found it."

The dark armed color domineering gradually wrapped around the rapier.

Anna\'s pupils shrank and felt the rabbit\'s gradual strength. She took out a revolver from her clothes and shot several bullets at her.

The rabbit\'s body became strangely light, like a piece of paper moving with the wind, avoiding these fatal attacks.

"Paper painting? Who are you?"

Anna recognized the moves used by the rabbit. Paper painting is one of the six navy styles. It can make the body as light as a piece of paper and avoid many deadly attacks.But it wasn\'t this that surprised Anna, it was that the rabbit actually did this trick.

Paper painting is actually not difficult to learn, but this trick has a superior alternative, that is, seeing and hearing color domineering.Except for those who came from naval academies and secret service bases, they generally don\'t waste their time learning this technique.

It is impossible for people who come from that place to learn this trick in theory!So the identity of this rabbit is strange!

However, the rabbit ignored Anna\'s inquiry, and an astonishing sword aura slashed through the sea and slashed towards Anna who was in the sky.

"Secondly, it is against her!"


As the two met, the sea was surging, and the mini boat on which the rabbit was riding seemed unable to withstand the destructive power of the two, and it turned into pieces and sank into the sea.