The Pirate Family

540 Chapter 532: He Is Still Alive

"Omit the intermediate process," Turner touched his head and said slowly."In short, after our hard work, we finally collected four pieces of the road sign text. In a few of them, even if Master Caesar and Master Ryder went out together, they suffered a lot of injuries when they came back."

"All the places where the historical text is stored are not simple." Turner exclaimed. Caesar and Ryder are well-deserved legends, but when legends meet other legends, they dare not say that they are safe.

They are old after all.

"Then, through the text of these four road signs, we found Lavdrew\'s location!" Turner\'s words contained a trace of yearning, even if the memories of that ghost place were not good, but when he was the first time When I went there, I was shocked.

The existence of that place is a miracle!

"Guess who I met in that place?" Turner winked at Lorne.

"I don\'t want to guess." Lorne shook his head. Turner wanted to guess by himself. He must be certain that he knew that person, at least by his name.Even though a few names appeared in Lorne\'s heart for a moment, he still didn\'t want to guess.

It doesn\'t matter whether you guess it or not.

"It\'s boring." Turner said with some embarrassment, perhaps knowing that Lorne would answer like this.Then he continued on his own words.

"We met Roger in that place!"

"What!" Lorne exclaimed.The names he had just thought of were high-ranking world governments, famous big pirates, and navy marshals.

But there is no Roger!

Lorne once saw Roger\'s death through a global live broadcast in the prison of Push City. The man used his life to ignite the flames in the hearts of the men.

How could he be alive?!

How he wants to be alive!?

"Not the Roger you thought." Turner guessed that Lorne would be shocked after hearing the name, but he explained."To be precise, Roger was almost ten years ago."

"Just conquered the sea, the most famous Roger!"

"What do you mean?" Lorne was confused by Turner\'s words.

"It\'s like traveling through time and space. It\'s a wonderful feeling. That Roger hasn\'t surrendered to the navy yet. It\'s like waiting for someone there."

"After seeing us, Roger hugged Master Caesar very kindly and said in surprise." Turner imitated Roger\'s tone.

["Hahahaha, why are you old bastard, Caesar, are you retiring? It\'s just that it\'s not the time to fight, I will definitely find you when I go out!]

Lorne could imagine the scene of Roger blowing his beard and staring at him. The man\'s life, from birth to death, can be described with free and easy words.

"Then Roger shook his head and said some inexplicable words, his tone filled with regret."

["It\'s just a pity, I don\'t have much time now, I don\'t have time to spend with you here. I\'m not waiting for you."

"You shouldn\'t have come here."]

"That\'s what Roger said at the time, and he disappeared within a short while after speaking. We didn\'t know what he wanted to say, but soon we knew what he meant."

A trace of fear appeared on Turner\'s face.

"Lavdrew, it\'s a prison at all, an endless prison! We were soon lost in that place! There was no way out!"

"Lost?" Lorne noticed that Turner used the word "lost", that is to say, Ralph Drew was so big that even the fathers with top-notch and domineering would be lost.

"Yes, lost!" Turner said slowly, "Lafdro is not a small island at all, but a sea area, a sea area covered by mist! There are countless gold jewels under the sea. But we simply I can\'t take it out. I can only drift aimlessly in that sea area."

"We drifted there for a full ten years!"

"Wait for ten years!" Lorne interrupted. "Let’s reorganize it. If I remember correctly, the navy’s military exercises in the sea area of ​​New Fordick are in the year 1506 of the Haiyuan calendar. In other words, you It was under the command of my father who joined in 1506 of Haiyuanli.

"Indeed." Turner\'s face seemed to be as usual after he knew what Lorne wanted to say.

"Then you have collected the historical text for a period of time."

"To be precise, it is almost three years."

"That means you found Love Drew in 1509." There was a glimmer of light in Lorne\'s eyes.He had heard that his father used to bring a group of strong men into the sacred place of the Dragon Man Maria.

Among them are the famous names such as the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, Red Earl Lederfield, and the ruthless Melen.

Thinking about it now, they should be looking for the last piece of historical text.

"And this year is 1509 of the Haiyuan calendar." Lorne did not go on, but looked at Turner, waiting for his answer.

"Exactly correct. When we entered Lavdrew, it was in 1509 of the Haiyuan calendar, and when we had gone through 10 years and got out of there, the time outside was only less than three days old!"

"In other words, the flow of time in Lavdrew is completely different from the outside world!"

Turner said solemnly, as if saying a truth in the world.

If anyone else hears it, it\'s likely that Turner is talking about dreams, but Lorne believes it.As the ultimate secret of the world, Love Drew should be so.Besides, Stracy told herself before that she felt that her father was suddenly getting older, and Lorne vaguely had this guess.

"Then how did you come out?" Lorne asked.As for Ravdrew\'s wealth, he didn\'t care at all.Wealth has no meaning in itself, because it is knives and guns that protect itself, not gold.

The wealth that the Wienhill family now possesses is extremely large, and all he needs is a means to transform wealth into combat effectiveness.

"I don\'t know." Thinking of this, Turner suddenly pressed his head in pain."I don\'t know how I came out. In the last scene in my memory, we came to a mysterious island. There seems to be a man in a black robe on the island. I can\'t see his face clearly. , But Master Caesar seemed to know him and walked towards him slowly."

"After that, we suddenly woke up in the waters near the nations, and then Master Caesar learned about the nations and took me to the nations."

That\'s right!A light flashed in Lorne\'s eyes. He was still wondering before, why his father could cross half of the new world so quickly, from Mary Joa to IWC, that was the reason.