The Pirate Family

539 Chapter 531

"I\'m here not to hear your boring adventure stories."

On the Great Route, an isolated island in the waters of Elbaff, Lorne frowned and said coldly. At this time, most of the cigarette in his hand had been burned, but Turner still did not mention the key point.

Although his story mentioned that he once wanted to take refuge in himself, who knows if he sees that he is so powerful now and deliberately made up to please himself.

Turner touched his head a little awkwardly, "Then I will make a long story short."

"That sea cat is the sea cat queen who has lived for many years, but her children seem to have been captured by a slave hunting team. She was very anxious to find the children, so she thought of asking us for help." Turner\'s face With a hint of pity.

As a sea beast, it is a sad thing to be targeted by greedy humans just because of his relatively docile personality and his own appearance.

"When the sea beast encountered something, the first reaction turned out to be to ask humans for help," Lorne nodded, thinking slightly."In other words, she is likely to have been helped by humans."

He didn\'t care about the life and death of the sea cats, the human slavery team, even his compatriots would not let go, let alone the trivial sea beasts.

"I think so too, so I decided to help her." Turner said slowly, "It was a powerful slave hunting team who took her child, and the leader was a pirate who offered a bounty close to 100 million Baileys. ."

"In short, without any setbacks, we helped the Queen of the Sea Beast find her own child." Turner said lightly, offering a bounty of 100 million Baileys, which can be regarded as a big man in the paradise or the world, but in them In front of this group of prisoners who were killed from the advance city, they still didn\'t look very enough.

"In return, Queen Seacat gave us a gift, guess what it is." Turner smiled mysteriously.

"I can\'t guess it, just tell me." Lorne was expressionless.

"A man who doesn\'t have a bit of fun." Turner curled his lips, then continued."It\'s a stone tablet with a strange text. When we bring this stone tablet back, we know that this is the historical text in the legend."

"In other words, we got the first piece of historical text without any effort!"

"Good luck." Lorne commented that the historical text is such a precious motive that even Charlotte Lingling, who is the Four Emperors, has been searching for so many years, and only got one piece of things. Turner and the others It\'s so easy to get.What can he say.

"After bringing this stone back home, we will learn another secret of that old fellow Caesar."


"Good job!" Caesar couldn\'t help but praise when he looked at the huge stone monument in front of him.

He sent Turner to Poseidon, the city of sea beasts, originally just wanting to test them, but he didn\'t expect this group of guys to surprise himself. This is much more capable than the guy here.

Caesar touched the stele with his hand. Because it was buried in the deep sea all the year round, the stele was covered with sea moss.But these sea moss can be removed with a single swipe, revealing the hidden text of the stone tablet.

"I heard that fellow Roger boast about how amazing these things are. I still don\'t believe it. I saw it today and it really deserves its reputation." Caesar said lightly. I don\'t know what material the stone tablet is made of, and the years have not left a trace on it. Mark of.

"However, the text on this is too unfamiliar, I am afraid that only someone who is professional will know it." Turner looked at the text on the stele carefully, and then shook his head.On the way back, he studied the stele for a long time, but he had never seen the words on it, nor knew the meaning of these words.

Perhaps, only the legendary island of omniscience, O\'Hara, would be known to anyone, but O\'Hara was destroyed by the navy a few years ago.Lorne also took advantage of the opportunity of the cadres of the city to hand over the prisoners, and the internal defensive force was empty before planning the world-renowned prison escape.

"You underestimated Caesar," Ryder, who had been silent next to him, suddenly said."These things are a piece of cake for him! After all, his woman is quiet..."

"Shut up, bastard."

Caesar said something unsatisfactory, and then touched this stone monument, slowly chanting.

"I am born out of destruction, reborn on the corpse of a huge kingdom."

"The latecomers need to remember our contribution."


Every time Caesar utters a word, Turner’s eyes are full of shock. He knows the inside story of O’Hara’s fall. It is precisely because they have studied the taboos of the world government that they were released for a hundred years of blankness. Order.

In other words, the world government does not want others to know the secret of that hundred years.Even all the insiders must be wiped out.

But Caesar knew these words!

If it is an ordinary pirate, such as Lederfield standing on the side, Turner may not be so shocked, but besides the pirate, Caesar has another identity, that is, the former Dragonite!

Turner didn\'t dare to think about it, but he remembered the name "Jing" firmly.

"It seems that the general direction of our plan is correct. Once we have collected all the historical text, then we will be able to know Roger\'s secret."

After Caesar finished speaking, he left the conference room and set out for the next goal.Others left one after another, leaving Turner alone.


"Father can read the text of history?" Lorne said in a surprise. According to Turner\'s description, his father learned the method of reading the text of history through the woman named Jing.And the former Navy CP0 agent Stracy once revealed to himself that the name of Caesar\'s wife was called Jing.

In other words, is his mother named "Jing"?

Twenty years ago, there were many people who could read the text of history, but they were definitely not many, and they definitely had no relationship with people in two places.

One is the Guangyue clan of Wano Country.

The second is the scholars of O\'Hara.

It seems that the secret hidden in this mother\'s body does not necessarily mean that her father is less.

Lorne was silent for a while, then asked.

"That is to say, after your efforts, you finally collected all the historical texts, and then you learned where the key point of the great route is, and found the secret treasure he left behind?"

In fact, from what his father left to him, Lorne inferred that he had been to Lavdrew, but he was asked to write down what happened there.

Is ONE-PIECE a big lie?