The Pirate Family

541 Chapter 533 "Lie"

"So, father left you, just want you to explain these things to me?" Lorne said slowly, although through Turner, Lorne learned the secret of Lavdrew.But he still has some questions.

Why would Roger use it to his death to guide the men on the sea to Love Drew.

Why did the white beard in the previous life say that ONE-PIECE is real before he died? Has he been to that place?

Why, my father would say that ONE-PIECE is a big lie, so he should never go to Love Drew.Although there may be lost, but according to Turner\'s description, there is indeed a mountain of wealth in that place.

So who of them is lying!

Lorne\'s mind was intertwined, and it was not clear who to believe, because none of the three of them looked like a liar.

"No, Lord Caesar asked me to stay here, not wanting me to dissuade you, because he knows that the men of the Wienhill family will not listen to anyone\'s advice!"

Turner faintly said that he had seen Ron\'s stubbornness and lawlessness with his own eyes. After all, not everyone had the courage to make a decision to release the prisoners in the city.

"Instead, I want me to tell you the news about Lavdrew as much as possible, because it seems that the memory has been erased by some power, and I don\'t know how the past ten years came."

"But he is convinced that if you really decide to go to Lavdrew, the news will be very useful to you."

"Thank you." Lorne said faintly. Turner can stay in this place and wait for himself to be very affectionate. Otherwise, as long as he releases the news that he has been to Lavdrew, this sea does not know there is All the few people rushed to get the information from him.

Turner stared into Lorne\'s eyes without speaking.For some reason, he always felt that Lorne\'s shadow was very familiar at this time, as if he had fought shoulder to shoulder for a long time.

But they had only seen it in Advance City before, and that period of time, for Turner, was already ten or twenty years ago.

"Hush, I finally arrived. How are you!" At this time, a female voice rang anxiously in front of Lorne.Zhuan Yuan finally arrived at this isolated island long overdue.

Seeing the unrecognizable island destroyed by the battle, she clenched her arms for a while, and at the same time began to look for Lorne\'s shadow. It was not until she saw Lorne lying on the side talking to others that she was relieved. .

Although Lorne was very embarrassed and bloody, but at least his hands and feet were still alive, and he could still catch his breath.

"Why, are you worried about me?" Lorne smiled and struggled to stand up, blocking his body in front of Turner.Then he stretched out his hand to Zhuan Yuan.

Zhuan Yuan\'s face turned red when he heard Ron\'s words, but when he saw Ron\'s frail appearance, he gritted his teeth and supported him.

"Don’t be stinky, I’m just doing my duty. After all, your current status is still under King Qiwuhai, an ally of the navy, plus this time, it’s a great help to the world government. If I don’t agree with people, If so, what would other people think of us."

"Have your teacher taught you? The more you talk, the more guilty of your heart." Lorne said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand and pointed at Wang Zhi\'s body in front of him before Zhuanyuan ran away."That guy is lying there. He is very strong. This time I helped you solve a big problem. After you return to the naval headquarters, let the old man in the Warring States period increase my bounty. After all, my billion shells Lee hasn\'t moved for a long time."

While speaking, Lorne waved his hand to Turner, who understood what Lorne meant, stood up calmly, and then slowly moved to the side.

There are several of his identities, the prison escape who pushed the city, the accomplice of Caesar, the famous big pirate, but no matter which one he was, he couldn\'t please in front of the admiral, Zhuan Yuan.

"You want to be beautiful!" Zhuan Yuan was about to break out, but after hearing Ron\'s words, he couldn\'t help but chuckle.

There is no such thing as a bounty if you make a contribution.

"Furthermore, the bounty offered by Qi Wuhai of every king will not change. Unless they have committed a heinous thing, you still want to increase the bounty. It is good not to lower your bounty!"

"That\'s it." Lorne said grimly, and then saw Turner\'s figure disappearing, and couldn\'t help but sigh that his abilities were so useful.

"Huh." At this time, Zhuan Yuan subconsciously glanced behind Luo En. There was someone else?Why did it disappear suddenly?She just wanted to ask more when an old and strong voice rang.

"Brother Lorne, are you finished talking?"

The earth trembled slightly, and Yaru, who was as high as a mountain peak, slowly walked towards this side. He was covered with bandages. It seemed that in order to give Lorne and Turner enough time, after cleaning the battlefield, he He also took time to deal with his injuries.

"Introduction, this is the hero of the giant clan, Yalulu the Cliff Beard, Wang Zhi and the others assassinated this time." Lorne pointed to Yalulu\'s tall figure and said slowly.

"This is the youngest female lieutenant admiral in the Navy, the apprentice of Hero Kapu, Miss Taotu Yuyuan." Lorne pointed to Zhuanyuan again and said slowly.

"Fortunately meeting Master Yaluru." Zhuan Yuan helped Lorne stand up straight, and used his other hand to salute the navy.The strong and the elders, no matter where they are, deserve respect.

"Elder Yalulu!" At this time, the two giants Jasmine and Wulai also rushed there. Seeing Yalulu standing there safe and sound, he couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Without him, Yaluru is the spiritual pillar of their Warrior Village. They, their father, and even their grandfather grew up listening to the legend of Yaluru. For the giants of Warrior Village, Yaluru Is the living ancestor!

"Little Jasmine, Little Wulai, I\'m fine." Yalulu comforted, then said in a deep voice.

"I was lucky enough to survive this time, thanks to the help of the little brother Lorne. According to the tradition of our giants, I should have hosted a banquet."

"However, due to such a big change in the Kingdom Island, we, as subjects of the Giant Kingdom, should eradicate the worries for the monarch. So I want to return to the Giant Kingdom and expose Thor\'s conspiracy."

"Everyone, I wish to be with the old man!"

Jasmine and Wulai glanced at each other, and then said in unison.

"We are willing!"

At this time, Zhuan Yuan and Lorne gave these two giants a weird look. Wulai\'s complexion was as usual, while Jasmine lowered her head and her face was reddened.