The Pirate Family

538 Chapter 530 Turner's Adventure (3)

An island in the paradise, in the conference room.

"This is all the information we can collect." The old man in a black suit put a chart on the table.Many islands are connected with a red wire.

It\'s like a ship\'s course.

"Good job, Melon." Caesar was sitting in a chair, his whole body covered with bandages, but his complexion was much better than when he was on the island.

"Roger collected all the historical texts by the way during the voyage. In other words, these historical texts are likely to be on the small island he passed by." Caesar carefully studied the nautical chart."As long as you find the four pieces of the red historical text that represent the road signs, you can find the end of the great route, Lovedrew."

"Unexpectedly, you are not young anymore, and you still have the dream of becoming the One Piece." A man in a black suit folded his hands on his chest, mockingly.

"Isn\'t you the one who clamored to be the One Piece? Ryder." Caesar\'s face remained as usual, and he ruthlessly exposed the shameful years of decades ago.Ryder turned red, turned his head and ignored Caesar.

Next to him, Turner sat on a chair, listening carefully to the interesting stories of the two big guys.Like a student who listens carefully.

After confirming the identity of Caesar, he has decided to hug this thigh tightly, with these two legends as backers, even if Skee knows that he is here, he dare not do anything, right?

"Let\'s start with this place first. Let\'s split up." Caesar pointed to a point on the map. That point was near the entrance of the Great Route. There was a line of fine print on the map.


Then he patted Ryder on the shoulder, "You have to go to several islands, we will follow Roger\'s route to search."

"Humph!" Ryder snorted coldly, then got up and left the conference room.

"Master Ryder will you be angry?" Turner asked tentatively. A smile appeared on Caesar\'s face, and he shook his head slowly.

"He won\'t, because becoming the One Piece, but his life\'s dream!"

Caesar\'s expression is so determined.

Time is a very strange thing. Many seemingly eternal things are fragile in the face of time, but there are some things that it cannot change anyway.

Such as the consciousness and dreams of men.

Turner nodded without understanding. At this time, Caesar also patted Turner\'s head, "You can do me a favor too. Go here and take a look."

Caesar pointed randomly to a point on the map.

But when Turner looked over, his pupils shrank slightly.Because the name of that point is called "Poseidon".

It\'s not Poseidon, the three ancient weapons of the sea, but a city, a city that hardly touches any main channel of the great sea route. Roger went to that place very strangely.

Turner took a deep breath, and then slowly nodded to Caesar.

"I see, I will certainly not disappoint your expectations."

After speaking, he stepped out of the meeting room, his face more solemn than ever.

He had heard of the city of Poseidon, not because of how prosperous it was, nor because of any famous people there, but just because the place was built near the nest of a group of sea kings.

Poseidon, the city of sea beasts!A city in the name of Poseidon, but with monsters!


"Boss, are we really going to that place?"

A Sangui sailing boat sailed on the endless sea. Looking at the blue sea level, the monkey couldn\'t help but tremble, as if there was a huge monster hiding in the deep sea.

"This is the test of Lord Caesar!" Turner said firmly, "Besides, you are all prisoners with a monstrous notoriety, just a few sea beasts, what are you afraid of!"

"Ordinary sea beasts, we won\'t be afraid of it," the Jinghou said in weeping, "but that\'s Poseidon!"

"It\'s a nest of sea kings!"

The sea king, whose body is as huge as an island, is the eternal nightmare of all pirates.

"The Poseidon waters ahead, you are muttering, aren\'t you afraid that the boss will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks?" One-eyed retracted his binoculars, then patted the monkey on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Thinking of being thrown into the sea in this uninhabited place, the monkey was desperate, and quickly closed his mouth.Curled up in a corner of the deck, looking at the sea fearfully.

"I\'m afraid of being a pirate." One-eyed cursed, then walked to Turner\'s front.

"About half a day later, we will reach the Poseidon waters. Where is Lord Caesar going?"

"Test." Turner said lightly, "This is the test of Lord Caesar to us. If we can\'t do such a simple thing, how can we have the face to board the pirate ship entering the new era!"

The Neptune said it was terrible, but because of the fruit\'s ability, Turner was not very afraid. The only thing he cared about was that he could not find what Master Caesar wanted in Poseidon.

But at this time, Turner\'s face changed slightly, and he looked towards the calm sea somewhere in front of him in surprise, his eyes full of dignity.In the next instant, countless shadows appeared under the water.

"Is it a sea king attack?" The one-eyed expression was also solemn, and he turned around and shouted at the prisoners.

"It\'s attacked! All staff are on alert!"

All the crew, including the trembling monkey monkey, took up their weapons and stood by the side of the ship looking at the sea level.

At this time, all the emotions of fear are put aside, you may die in battle, and you will die if you don’t fight!

Either it was swallowed by the sea kings or thrown into the sea by the captain.


Shadows emerged from the sea, and the sea water slid down from the monster\'s head like a waterfall.

It was a huge thing, just her head out of the sea was about the size of a small boat, Turner grabbed his weapon and waited.

But what appeared in front of everyone was not a ferocious monster, but a...big cat with a pink head?

"It\'s the sea cat!" A well-informed crew member recognized the visitor, and he explained that everyone was puzzled."The sea cat is a kind of sea beast, because its upper body looks like a cat, so it is named this way."

"Because it has a docile personality, many people with weird habits will raise a pet as a pet. I have seen it several times before, but this is the first time I have seen a sea cat about the size of a boat."

"Is the character docile?" Turner read the key words of the crew members. At this time, the sea cat looked at them quietly. There was no bloodthirsty warfare in his eyes, but a little more nervous and urgent?

The huge sea cat stretched out his short arm and shouted at the crowd.

"Meow meow!"