The Pirate Family

537 Chapter 529 Turner's Adventure (2)

"Boss, how much money do you think he has?"

On a makeshift wooden boat, he glanced at the old man sitting on the bow overlooking the sea, and then lowered his voice and asked Turner.The old man rewarded him with a pocket watch before. He also disliked the pocket watch as being too old. Later, he accidentally heard one of the prisoners say that this pocket watch is not an ordinary thing, but a limited edition issued by the World Watch Company a hundred years ago. He had long been reduced to an antique and was collected by the upper-class nobles. He had seen it at an auction house before he was caught in the city. It was not as good as the one-eyed one, and even the minute hand was broken. It sold eight million Baileys!

After speaking, he looked at the pocket watch in his one-eyed hand with a greedy light in his eyes.

Knowing the value, One-Eyed quickly put away his pocket watch and then came to Turner.The identity of this old man saved by accident is likely to be more terrifying than they thought.

"I don\'t know, but saving him may be the most correct decision in our life." Turner shook his head and said slowly. Others can\'t feel it, but he who is proficient in seeing, seeing, and being domineering can feel the wind in the elderly. In Can Zhu\'s body, there was quite a terrifying power, this kind of power, even as a prisoner on the sixth floor of the city, he had not seen it several times.

Thinking of the severely damaged navy warship, Turner suddenly thought that the reason why the group of navies was not in motion was because of the old man in front of him, right?

"Are you the prisoners who just escaped from Pushing the City?" The old man suddenly said abruptly when Turner was slowly approaching.


Turner was vigilant. Now Shiji should have known about their betrayal, and they are being hunted for them. If the news goes out and Shiji knows, they will have no good end.

"Don\'t be afraid." The old man said slowly, turning his back to Turner without turning his head."In a sense, we may be on the same front."

At this time, Turner had already begun to think about his success rate of sneak attacks behind his back. Although the old man gave him an unfathomable feeling, he was an accelerator with "acceleration fruits". Many people can\'t even see their movements.

But at this time, a news bird fell from the sky and took out a newspaper from his chest bag.

After Turner handed the news bird a one-hundred-bailey coin, the news bird saluted it, then jumped up and flew away.

If you want to talk about an absolutely neutral force, then the big news "Morgans"\'s "World Economic News Agency" will definitely bear the brunt. In the eyes of this man, there will always be only bloggers\' eyeballs.

"A shocking explosion! The Naval Headquarters held a military exercise in the waters of New Fordick a few days ago, which wiped out a small island!"

The following is a detailed report. It says that although the Navy declared that it was a military exercise, it was at this critical juncture that Krokdal, one of the seven seas under the king, declared war on Edward Newgate. The Navy could not do this. Things that make no sense.

Therefore, the nature of this military exercise is likely to want to arrest someone.Combined with the advancement of the city’s prison escape that shocked the world in the previous two years, they speculated that the navy might have discovered the hiding place of the escaped prisoners and then rounded them up.

"Nonsense." Turner frowned slightly, advancing the face of the prisoner in the city. He knew that most of them would either leave Shiji with Ao, or follow Shiji to continue his ambition to conquer the world.At this point, the people rounded up by the navy could not be the escaped prisoners pushing into the city.

At this time, he caught a glimpse of a small line under the newspaper, written by "Big News" Morgans.

"But according to the author\'s guess, the target of the navy round up this time may not be the escaped prisoners, but the murderous legends of the previous era."

Next, Morgans wrote a dozen names, all of them famous big pirates, and briefly described their lives at the end.

"Silver Axe, Captain John, Wang Zhi, Caesar, Lederfield, Corpse Guard..."

Turner read these names. In this era, these names may not be as famous as the emperors of the New World, but in their era, without exception, they are all daunting big figures.

"Wait!" Turner read a name, then looked up at the old man sitting in front of him, his eyes full of disbelief.

"You are Vennhill Caesar?" Turner subconsciously used honorifics. Without him, the meaning of this name is really too terrifying.

"It\'s been a long time since no one called my full name directly," the old man turned his head, showing terrible power, and Turner could hardly breathe."But because you saved my life, I give you this right."

A faint momentum swept across the ship, and the other pirates except Turner almost stood unstable and limp on the ground.After a long while, when the old man reduced his momentum, One-Eyed walked up to Turner and asked tentatively.

"Then boss, what should we do next?" He almost wanted to return the pocket watch in his hand. Originally, he just wanted to search for wealth, but he did not expect to provoke such a god.

"What to do, Master Caesar\'s temper will definitely not care about you or me, just put your heart back in your stomach!" Turner slapped one-eyed head fiercely, then turned his head and glanced at the person in front of him. Old man.

"Besides, do you know who Caesar is? It\'s the father of the man we are going to take refuge in!"


The wooden boat sailed into the secret port of a small island without any risk. At this time, an old man wearing a black suit and gray-haired was standing straight in the port, as if waiting for a long time.After seeing Caesar, there was a hint of joy on his face, and he quickly walked to the boat and helped Caesar down, looking like a competent butler.

Not long after, an old man in a blood-red suit with a huge blue rose pinned on his chest rushed here. He was obviously relieved after seeing Caesar, but he still said slightly mockingly.

"I thought you were dead, but I didn\'t expect that your life was so big that you were still alive."

"I won\'t die if you die, Ryder." Caesar said with a smile, "I didn\'t expect that your skill was not reduced back then, and you would be able to severely injure the fellow Ganggukong. The navy should be in a mess by now. "

That old man turned out to be Ryder!There was a hint of shock in Turner\'s eyes. There was only one strong man in the world called Ryder, and that was the man called the Red Earl decades ago, Barloric Lederfield!

"But this has nothing to do with us." Caesar said slowly, "I came to you for the purpose of needing your help."

"I want to go back to Roger\'s path, want to know what he put in Lovedrew!"